android Programming Glossary: bmwidth
Canvas Pinch-Zoom to Point Within Bounds Fit to screen. float scale float scaleX float width float bmWidth float scaleY float height float bmHeight scale Math.min scaleX.. float bmHeight redundantXSpace float width scale float bmWidth redundantYSpace float 2 redundantXSpace float 2 matrix.postTranslate..
Android Pinch and Zoom Image in Activity float saveScale 1f float right bottom origWidth origHeight bmWidth bmHeight ScaleGestureDetector mScaleDetector Context context.. Bitmap bm super.setImageBitmap bm if bm null bmWidth bm.getWidth bmHeight bm.getHeight public void setMaxZoom float.. Fit to screen. float scale float scaleX float width float bmWidth float scaleY float height float bmHeight scale Math.min scaleX..
How do I modify TouchImageView with double tap to zoom in and out? float saveScale 1f float right bottom origWidth origHeight bmWidth bmHeight ScaleGestureDetector mScaleDetector private GestureDetector.. void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm super.setImageBitmap bm bmWidth bm.getWidth bmHeight bm.getHeight public void setMaxZoom float.. Fit to screen. float scale float scaleX float width float bmWidth float scaleY float height float bmHeight scale Math.min scaleX..
Canvas Pinch-Zoom to Point Within Bounds heightMeasureSpec Change this according to your screen size Fit to screen. float scale float scaleX float width float bmWidth float scaleY float height float bmHeight scale Math.min scaleX scaleY matrix.setScale scale scale setImageMatrix matrix.. scale Center the image redundantYSpace float height scale float bmHeight redundantXSpace float width scale float bmWidth redundantYSpace float 2 redundantXSpace float 2 matrix.postTranslate redundantXSpace redundantYSpace origWidth width 2 redundantXSpace..
Android Pinch and Zoom Image in Activity redundantYSpace float width height static final int CLICK 3 float saveScale 1f float right bottom origWidth origHeight bmWidth bmHeight ScaleGestureDetector mScaleDetector Context context public TouchImageView Context context super context sharedConstructing.. true indicate event was handled @Override public void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm super.setImageBitmap bm if bm null bmWidth bm.getWidth bmHeight bm.getHeight public void setMaxZoom float x maxScale x private class ScaleListener extends ScaleGestureDetector.SimpleOnScaleGestureListener.. height MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec Fit to screen. float scale float scaleX float width float bmWidth float scaleY float height float bmHeight scale Math.min scaleX scaleY matrix.setScale scale scale setImageMatrix matrix..
How do I modify TouchImageView with double tap to zoom in and out? redundantYSpace float width height static final int CLICK 3 float saveScale 1f float right bottom origWidth origHeight bmWidth bmHeight ScaleGestureDetector mScaleDetector private GestureDetector gestureDetector Context context public TouchImageView.. return true indicate event was handled @Override public void setImageBitmap Bitmap bm super.setImageBitmap bm bmWidth bm.getWidth bmHeight bm.getHeight public void setMaxZoom float x maxScale x private class ScaleListener extends SimpleOnScaleGestureListener.. height MeasureSpec.getSize heightMeasureSpec Fit to screen. float scale float scaleX float width float bmWidth float scaleY float height float bmHeight scale Math.min scaleX scaleY matrix.setScale scale scale setImageMatrix matrix..