android Programming Glossary: bool
ASP.NET Web API Authentication public class AccountController ApiController public bool Post LogOnModel model if model.Username john model.Password.. .Result response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode bool success response.Content.ReadAsAsync bool .Result if success.. bool success response.Content.ReadAsAsync bool .Result if success var secret httpClient.GetStringAsync http..
MVVMCross changing ViewModel within a MvxBindableListView void Clear throw new NotImplementedException public bool Contains Wrapped item throw new NotImplementedException public.. int arrayIndex throw new NotImplementedException public bool Remove Wrapped item throw new NotImplementedException public.. Wrapped item throw new NotImplementedException public bool IsReadOnly get private set #endregion #region Implementation..
Android Device Bluetooth pairing final String TAG DeviceListActivity private static final boolean D true Return Intent extra public static String EXTRA_DEVICE_ADDRESS.. java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Set import android.R.bool import import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.. private Boolean connect BluetoothDevice bdDevice Boolean bool false try Log.i Log service method is called Class cl Class.forName..
On zoom event for google maps on android suggests using mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls bool instead. This is okay but I simply cannot figure out how to..
compare two images is same or not false. If every pixel matches return true. Pseudocode bool imagesAreEqual Image i1 Image i2 if i1.getHeight i2.getHeight..
Custom listview with checkbox problem of which rows are checked. This could be as simple as a bool checked . In your getView make sure that you set the checkbox..
How does setMicrophoneMute() work? functionality not working setMicrophoneMute boolean doesn't work on some devices Unable to mute the microphone.. service and the call to virtual status_t setMicMute bool state Parcel data reply data.writeInterfaceToken IAudioFlinger.. to look at this function status_t AudioFlinger setMicMute bool state check calling permissions if settingsAllowed return PERMISSION_DENIED..
Determine if the device is a smartphone or tablet? If you read the entire topic they explain how to set a boolean value in a specific value file as res values sw600dp resources.. in a specific value file as res values sw600dp resources bool name isTablet true bool resources Because the sw600dp qualifier.. as res values sw600dp resources bool name isTablet true bool resources Because the sw600dp qualifier is only valid for platforms..
ASP.NET Web API Authentication application The first one responsible for handling authentication public class AccountController ApiController public bool Post LogOnModel model if model.Username john model.Password secret FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie model.Username false.. 26845 api account new username john password secret CancellationToken.None .Result response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode bool success response.Content.ReadAsAsync bool .Result if success var secret httpClient.GetStringAsync http localhost 26845.. secret CancellationToken.None .Result response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode bool success response.Content.ReadAsAsync bool .Result if success var secret httpClient.GetStringAsync http localhost 26845 api users Console.WriteLine secret.Result..
MVVMCross changing ViewModel within a MvxBindableListView void Add Wrapped item throw new NotImplementedException public void Clear throw new NotImplementedException public bool Contains Wrapped item throw new NotImplementedException public void CopyTo Wrapped array int arrayIndex throw new NotImplementedException.. new NotImplementedException public void CopyTo Wrapped array int arrayIndex throw new NotImplementedException public bool Remove Wrapped item throw new NotImplementedException public bool IsReadOnly get private set #endregion #region Implementation.. throw new NotImplementedException public bool Remove Wrapped item throw new NotImplementedException public bool IsReadOnly get private set #endregion #region Implementation of IList DateFilter public int IndexOf Wrapped item throw..
Android Device Bluetooth pairing class BluetoothDemo extends Activity Debugging private static final String TAG DeviceListActivity private static final boolean D true Return Intent extra public static String EXTRA_DEVICE_ADDRESS device_address Member fields private BluetoothAdapter.. package com.bluetooth import java.lang.reflect.Method import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Set import android.R.bool import import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter import android.bluetooth.BluetoothClass import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.. bdDevice Log.i Log The bond is created isBonded .start private Boolean connect BluetoothDevice bdDevice Boolean bool false try Log.i Log service method is called Class cl Class.forName android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice Class par Method..
On zoom event for google maps on android Update The mapView.getZoomControls is deprecated . And the documentation suggests using mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls bool instead. This is okay but I simply cannot figure out how to act on events from the built in zoom controls. java android..
compare two images is same or not pixel until you find one that doesn't match. When you do return false. If every pixel matches return true. Pseudocode bool imagesAreEqual Image i1 Image i2 if i1.getHeight i2.getHeight return false if i1.getWidth i2.getWidth return false for int..
Custom listview with checkbox problem this question You need a data structure to keep track of which rows are checked. This could be as simple as a bool checked . In your getView make sure that you set the checkbox state to the contents of checked position . You should also..
How does setMicrophoneMute() work? references reporting similar experience AudioManger.setMicrophoneMute functionality not working setMicrophoneMute boolean doesn't work on some devices Unable to mute the microphone in Android Which begs the question Does AudioManager.setMicrophoneMute.. source code. IAudioflinger is the interface to the AudioFlinger service and the call to virtual status_t setMicMute bool state Parcel data reply data.writeInterfaceToken IAudioFlinger getInterfaceDescriptor data.writeInt32 state remote transact.. of setMicMute in the AudioFlinger . Next step is to look at this function status_t AudioFlinger setMicMute bool state check calling permissions if settingsAllowed return PERMISSION_DENIED AutoMutex lock mHardwareLock mHardwareStatus..
Determine if the device is a smartphone or tablet? training multiscreen screensizes.html#TaskUseSWQuali If you read the entire topic they explain how to set a boolean value in a specific value file as res values sw600dp resources bool name isTablet true bool resources Because the sw600dp.. read the entire topic they explain how to set a boolean value in a specific value file as res values sw600dp resources bool name isTablet true bool resources Because the sw600dp qualifier is only valid for platforms above android 3.2. If you want.. explain how to set a boolean value in a specific value file as res values sw600dp resources bool name isTablet true bool resources Because the sw600dp qualifier is only valid for platforms above android 3.2. If you want to make sure this technique..