android Programming Glossary: borrow
Live-stream video from one android phone to another over WiFi All I can find are some sort of phone to desktop or desktop to phone solutions for streaming but nothing that I can borrow in my implementation. I need to control a robot using an arduino ADK so I am using 2 phones one which will be mounted on..
Android - can I mute currently playing audio applications? in general will use the PhoneStateListener to pause themselves when a call comes in. So in your case you could borrow the phone call stream for your MediaPlayer and use the method call AudioManager.setStreamSolo AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL..
RelativeLayout scrollview @id widget android layout_height wrap_content EditText TextView android id @ id EditText07 android text @string borrow android layout_alignParentLeft true android layout_below @ id EditText06 android layout_width fill_parent android textSize..
Sync Adapter without Account Account to the system. However in the same Sync Adapter Example that comes with the SDK there is a lot of code you can borrow to give you Account functionality. Unless you desire a custom credentials screen you can heist all the code in the
Android: Taking complete control of phone(kiosk mode), is it possible? How? Taking complete control of phone kiosk mode is it possible How We have a program that we install on the phones and borrow the phones to users for a certain period. We would like the phones to be used solely for running our application no phone..
Layout on Samsung Galaxy Note it is incorrectly reporting to the app it's size like previous Samsung products. Not owning one and not able to borrow one I have to appeal to you guys to help me out android layout screen samsung mobile share improve this question This..