android Programming Glossary: board
android device id confusion is an IP network . A telephony module is a chip or circuit board that handles the telephone network either GSM or CMDA and often..
ListView Adapter with arbitrary number of row types (Don't know the number of different row types) parses a website or more specifically a vbulletin board. When I'm parsing a thread in the forum I have divided it up..
Android — How to access data in an ASP.NET database via app? C# communication can be done I'm trying to create a leader board or global scoreboard for my Android game on my server. Thanks... be done I'm trying to create a leader board or global scoreboard for my Android game on my server. Thanks. c# java android..
Android Drawable Images from URL I load in images in a way that is compatible across the board from a URL android url image drawable share improve this..
Android: How to use the Html.TagHandler? I am trying to build an android application for a message board. To display formatted html for the post contents I have chosen..
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero setContentView R.layout.maindemo includes the grid called board int vh 0 int vw 0 Test 1 used the xml layout which is displayed.. on the screen TableLayout tl TableLayout findViewById tl TableLayout findViewById vh tl.getHeight getHeight.. findViewById tl TableLayout findViewById vh tl.getHeight getHeight returned 0 Why vw tl.getWidth getWidth..
Solution to INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE error on Android comes back. There are hundreds if not thousands of message board posts from people asking why the problem occurs but the folks..
How to disable GridView scrolling in Android? scrolling in Android I'm using a GridView for a game board. Recently some users have had problems with the board scrolling.. game board. Recently some users have had problems with the board scrolling vertically on Samsung Galaxy Vibrant phones running..
Rendering HTML in a WebView with custom CSS My app is using JSoup to download the HTML of a message board page let's say in this case it is a page containing the posts..
Is there a way to tell if the soft-keyboard is shown? there a way to tell if the soft keyboard is shown is there a way to tell if the softkeyboard is shown.. keyboard is shown is there a way to tell if the softkeyboard is shown in an activity or not I tried InputMethodManager manager.. isActive returns false only before the first time the keyboard is shown but if the kb appears and then dismissed isActive returns..
Find an external SD card location manufacturer has elected to have external storage be on board flash and also has an SD card you will need to contact that..
getWidth and getHeight are returning a zero savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.canves cDrawing board new cDrawing this LinearLayout layout LinearLayout findViewById.. LinearLayout findViewById layout.addView board set up buttons View mEraser findViewById mEraser.setOnClickListener..
How can I get the ADK DemoKit example working on a Google I/O Galaxy Tab 10.1? I'm trying to get the DemoKit example working on an ADK board. It seems like even with the 3.1 update the Galaxy Tab doesn't.. the DemoKit app comes up with the Please connect a DemoKit board but whenever I connect the ADK board and turn off USB debugging.. connect a DemoKit board but whenever I connect the ADK board and turn off USB debugging with it on it it does nothing I just..
how to pass string one activity to another? show this string on the another activity at the 9 9 sudoku board. android share improve this question You need to pass it..
Android custom animation like airport schedule board custom animation like airport schedule board I want to create an animation for the text like on Airport.. animation for the text like on Airport the flight schedule board does. Dropping from top and change the text on it. Here is the..
Disable Android browser's input overlays? the inField label plugin so you have all these classes on board already too. The screenshot is from my Android HTC 2.3.5 and..
Android: Get Hardware Information Programmatically question Log.i ManuFacturer Build.MANUFACTURER Log.i Board Build.BOARD Log.i Diaply Build.DISPLAY more info u can get from..
How to connect wii balance board with android wiki Wiimote http wiki Wii_Balance_Board I used the Wiimote link to understand the Bluez IME code. Update.. on the info. The trick is that the Balance Board is like a wiimote with an Extension. So its like a Nunchuk or.. code that uses a Nunchuk and duplicated it for a Balance Board. Then to initialise the MODE to use channel 0x32 as per the..
Android app resets on orientation change, best way to handle? the less sense it makes. My application utilizes a Board object which has 64 Cell Objects in an 8x8 2D array and each.. that I would have to Parcelize or Serialize each class Board Cell and Piece. First and foremost is Parcelable or Serialization..
Change Input method of android device programatically android Whenever i click on Edit Text since it it LG device LG Key Board will appear but i don't want that Key Board i want Android Key.. device LG Key Board will appear but i don't want that Key Board i want Android Key Board to use. I Also know that i can go into.. appear but i don't want that Key Board i want Android Key Board to use. I Also know that i can go into Setting Language Key..
Convert dip to px in Android in separate class and initialized in my Activity class Board board new Board this board.execute URL This code run asynchronously... class and initialized in my Activity class Board board new Board this board.execute URL This code run asynchronously. Please..
android device id confusion GSM network right up to the gateway into the Internet which is an IP network . A telephony module is a chip or circuit board that handles the telephone network either GSM or CMDA and often has a slot for a removable SIM card. Some phones have more..
ListView Adapter with arbitrary number of row types (Don't know the number of different row types) row types So I am making this application. The application parses a website or more specifically a vbulletin board. When I'm parsing a thread in the forum I have divided it up so that when I parse each post in that thread I get the actual..
Android — How to access data in an ASP.NET database via app? example of how this cross platform Android Java to ASP.NET C# communication can be done I'm trying to create a leader board or global scoreboard for my Android game on my server. Thanks. c# java android http share improve this question.. cross platform Android Java to ASP.NET C# communication can be done I'm trying to create a leader board or global scoreboard for my Android game on my server. Thanks. c# java android http share improve this question Your app should..
Android Drawable Images from URL 5 edge curl sig ACfU3U2aQRnAX2o2ny2xFC1GmVn22almpg How would I load in images in a way that is compatible across the board from a URL android url image drawable share improve this question Bitmap is not a Drawable. If you really need a Drawable..
Android: How to use the Html.TagHandler? How to use the Html.TagHandler I am trying to build an android application for a message board. To display formatted html for the post contents I have chosen the TextView and the Html.fromHtml method. That unfortunately..
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.maindemo includes the grid called board int vh 0 int vw 0 Test 1 used the xml layout which is displayed on the screen TableLayout tl TableLayout findViewById vh 0 int vw 0 Test 1 used the xml layout which is displayed on the screen TableLayout tl TableLayout findViewById tl TableLayout findViewById vh tl.getHeight getHeight returned 0 Why vw tl.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why Test.. which is displayed on the screen TableLayout tl TableLayout findViewById tl TableLayout findViewById vh tl.getHeight getHeight returned 0 Why vw tl.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why Test 2 used a simple dynamically generated..
Solution to INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE error on Android the target device fixes the problem briefly but it soon comes back. There are hundreds if not thousands of message board posts from people asking why the problem occurs but the folks at Google are frustratingly silent on the issue. There is..
How to disable GridView scrolling in Android? to disable GridView scrolling in Android I'm using a GridView for a game board. Recently some users have had problems with the board scrolling vertically on Samsung Galaxy Vibrant phones running 2.2.. GridView scrolling in Android I'm using a GridView for a game board. Recently some users have had problems with the board scrolling vertically on Samsung Galaxy Vibrant phones running 2.2 This bug does not occur on my Nexus One. One user produced..
Rendering HTML in a WebView with custom CSS HTML in a WebView with custom CSS My app is using JSoup to download the HTML of a message board page let's say in this case it is a page containing the posts of a given thread . I'd like to take this HTML strip out unwanted..
Is there a way to tell if the soft-keyboard is shown? there a way to tell if the soft keyboard is shown is there a way to tell if the softkeyboard is shown in an activity or not I tried InputMethodManager manager InputMethodManager.. there a way to tell if the soft keyboard is shown is there a way to tell if the softkeyboard is shown in an activity or not I tried InputMethodManager manager InputMethodManager getSystemService getApplicationContext.. .INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE manager.isActive v but isActive returns false only before the first time the keyboard is shown but if the kb appears and then dismissed isActive returns true also. so is there any other method to check for..
Find an external SD card location SD aside from external storage as described above. If a device manufacturer has elected to have external storage be on board flash and also has an SD card you will need to contact that manufacturer to determine whether or not you can use the SD..
getWidth and getHeight are returning a zero void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.canves cDrawing board new cDrawing this LinearLayout layout LinearLayout findViewById layout.addView board set up buttons View mEraser.. cDrawing board new cDrawing this LinearLayout layout LinearLayout findViewById layout.addView board set up buttons View mEraser findViewById mEraser.setOnClickListener this View mBlack findViewById
How can I get the ADK DemoKit example working on a Google I/O Galaxy Tab 10.1? ADK DemoKit example working on a Google I O Galaxy Tab 10.1 I'm trying to get the DemoKit example working on an ADK board. It seems like even with the 3.1 update the Galaxy Tab doesn't have everything it needs or at least doesn't work as advertised.. issues though. It installs now and the initial screen for the DemoKit app comes up with the Please connect a DemoKit board but whenever I connect the ADK board and turn off USB debugging with it on it it does nothing I just get the Samsung Kies.. the initial screen for the DemoKit app comes up with the Please connect a DemoKit board but whenever I connect the ADK board and turn off USB debugging with it on it it does nothing I just get the Samsung Kies app which says Press the home key to..
how to pass string one activity to another? 09007010681002000502003097 I want to show this string on the another activity at the 9 9 sudoku board. android share improve this question You need to pass it as an extra String easyPuzzle 630208010200050089109060030..
Android custom animation like airport schedule board custom animation like airport schedule board I want to create an animation for the text like on Airport the flight schedule board does. Dropping from top and change.. animation like airport schedule board I want to create an animation for the text like on Airport the flight schedule board does. Dropping from top and change the text on it. Here is the image. So When I click on button the text on the image should..
Disable Android browser's input overlays? add labels to the inputs my example is set up to work with the inField label plugin so you have all these classes on board already too. The screenshot is from my Android HTC 2.3.5 and shows an input type search . It's a listview search filter..
Android: Get Hardware Information Programmatically appreciated. android android hardware share improve this question Log.i ManuFacturer Build.MANUFACTURER Log.i Board Build.BOARD Log.i Diaply Build.DISPLAY more info u can get from http reference android os Build.html..
How to connect wii balance board with android . I also found these resources on http wiki Wiimote http wiki Wii_Balance_Board I used the Wiimote link to understand the Bluez IME code. Update 2 Last night I got the board to communicate with my Android.. with the Bluez IME code linked above and modifying it based on the info. The trick is that the Balance Board is like a wiimote with an Extension. So its like a Nunchuk or Classic Controller but just with a different device ID to..
Android app resets on orientation change, best way to handle? will be beneficial but right now the more I look at Parcelables the less sense it makes. My application utilizes a Board object which has 64 Cell Objects in an 8x8 2D array and each cell has a Piece Object either an actual piece or null if the.. that I use either Parcelable or Serialization I am assuming that I would have to Parcelize or Serialize each class Board Cell and Piece. First and foremost is Parcelable or Serialization even the right thing to be looking at for this problem..
Change Input method of android device programatically android is not blank.Since I am having LG Optimums Android device Whenever i click on Edit Text since it it LG device LG Key Board will appear but i don't want that Key Board i want Android Key Board to use. I Also know that i can go into Setting Language.. Android device Whenever i click on Edit Text since it it LG device LG Key Board will appear but i don't want that Key Board i want Android Key Board to use. I Also know that i can go into Setting Language Key Board i can change that Key Board... i click on Edit Text since it it LG device LG Key Board will appear but i don't want that Key Board i want Android Key Board to use. I Also know that i can go into Setting Language Key Board i can change that Key Board. But i don't want to use that..
Convert dip to px in Android It give me runtime error. Actually I was running this method in separate class and initialized in my Activity class Board board new Board this board.execute URL This code run asynchronously. Please help me. public float getpixels int dp Resources.. error. Actually I was running this method in separate class and initialized in my Activity class Board board new Board this board.execute URL This code run asynchronously. Please help me. public float getpixels int dp Resources r boardContext.getResources..