android Programming Glossary: bmp
send Bitmap using intent Android Android I hava a Bitmap variable in Activity1 name is bmp and i want to send it to Activity2 using this code Intent in1.. in1 new Intent this Activity2.class in1.putExtra image bmp startActivity in1 And in Activity2 i call it like this Bundle.. i call it like this Bundle ex getIntent .getExtras Bitmap bmp2 ex.getParceable image ImageView result ImageView findViewById..
Passing image from one activity another activity set into ImageView. Convert Bitmap to Byte Array Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.ic_launcher.. ByteArrayOutputStream stream new ByteArrayOutputStream bmp.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 100 stream byte byteArray.. byte byteArray extras.getByteArray picture Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray byteArray 0 byteArray.length ImageView..
Out of memory while creating bitmaps on device inSampleSize set options.inJustDecodeBounds false Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeFile path options return bmp public int.. Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeFile path options return bmp public int calculateInSampleSize BitmapFactory.Options options..
Android 2.1 View's getDrawingCache() method always returns null true view.buildDrawingCache final Bitmap bmp view.getDrawingCache System.out.println bmp I've already tried.. final Bitmap bmp view.getDrawingCache System.out.println bmp I've already tried different ways to configure the View object..
How to Read MMS Data in Android? cPart.getColumnIndex ct if image jpeg .equals type image bmp .equals type image gif .equals type image jpg .equals type..
Convert a Bitmap to GrayScale in Android the code you're linking to does It takes a color bitmap bmp creates a duplicate bitmap bm and then draws the color bitmap..
Custom ImageView with drop shadow that. @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.omen Paint.. canvas.drawColor Color.GRAY canvas.drawRect 50 50 50 bmp.getWidth 50 bmp.getHeight paint canvas.drawBitmap bmp 50 50.. Color.GRAY canvas.drawRect 50 50 50 bmp.getWidth 50 bmp.getHeight paint canvas.drawBitmap bmp 50 50 null android override..
converting Java bitmap to byte array Java bitmap to byte array Bitmap bmp intent.getExtras .get data int size bmp.getRowBytes bmp.getHeight.. byte array Bitmap bmp intent.getExtras .get data int size bmp.getRowBytes bmp.getHeight ByteBuffer b ByteBuffer.allocate size.. bmp intent.getExtras .get data int size bmp.getRowBytes bmp.getHeight ByteBuffer b ByteBuffer.allocate size bmp.copyPixelsToBuffer..
How to implement google maps search by address in Android? .toPixels p screenPts add the marker Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources canvas.drawBitmap.. getResources canvas.drawBitmap bmp screenPts.x screenPts.y 32 null return true Where please change..
Android : how to capture a image of GPS location .toPixels p screenPts add the marker Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources canvas.drawBitmap.. getResources canvas.drawBitmap bmp screenPts.x screenPts.y 50 null return true public boolean..
send Bitmap using intent Android Bitmap using intent Android I hava a Bitmap variable in Activity1 name is bmp and i want to send it to Activity2 using this code Intent in1 new Intent this Activity2.class in1.putExtra image bmp startActivity.. bmp and i want to send it to Activity2 using this code Intent in1 new Intent this Activity2.class in1.putExtra image bmp startActivity in1 And in Activity2 i call it like this Bundle ex getIntent .getExtras Bitmap bmp2 ex.getParceable image.. in1.putExtra image bmp startActivity in1 And in Activity2 i call it like this Bundle ex getIntent .getExtras Bitmap bmp2 ex.getParceable image ImageView result ImageView findViewById R.Id.imageView1 result.setImageBitmap bmp why when i run..
Passing image from one activity another activity get byte array from Bundle and Convert into Image Bitmap and set into ImageView. Convert Bitmap to Byte Array Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.ic_launcher ByteArrayOutputStream stream new ByteArrayOutputStream.. getResources R.drawable.ic_launcher ByteArrayOutputStream stream new ByteArrayOutputStream bmp.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG 100 stream byte byteArray stream.toByteArray Pass byte array into intent Intent intent.. and Convert into Bitmap Image Bundle extras getIntent .getExtras byte byteArray extras.getByteArray picture Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray byteArray 0 byteArray.length ImageView image ImageView findViewById image.setImageBitmap..
Out of memory while creating bitmaps on device options reqWidth reqHeight Decode bitmap with inSampleSize set options.inJustDecodeBounds false Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeFile path options return bmp public int calculateInSampleSize BitmapFactory.Options options int reqWidth.. bitmap with inSampleSize set options.inJustDecodeBounds false Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeFile path options return bmp public int calculateInSampleSize BitmapFactory.Options options int reqWidth int reqHeight final int height options.outHeight..
Android 2.1 View's getDrawingCache() method always returns null final View view findViewById view.setDrawingCacheEnabled true view.buildDrawingCache final Bitmap bmp view.getDrawingCache System.out.println bmp I've already tried different ways to configure the View object for generating.. view.setDrawingCacheEnabled true view.buildDrawingCache final Bitmap bmp view.getDrawingCache System.out.println bmp I've already tried different ways to configure the View object for generating the drawing cache e.g. View.setWillNotDraw..
How to Read MMS Data in Android? cPart.getColumnIndex _id String type cPart.getString cPart.getColumnIndex ct if image jpeg .equals type image bmp .equals type image gif .equals type image jpg .equals type image png .equals type Bitmap bitmap getMmsImage partId while..
Convert a Bitmap to GrayScale in Android share improve this question Isn't that exactly what the code you're linking to does It takes a color bitmap bmp creates a duplicate bitmap bm and then draws the color bitmap into bm using the filter to turn it into grayscale. From that..
Custom ImageView with drop shadow to my bitmap's transparency though so I'm still working on that. @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.omen Paint paint new Paint paint.setAntiAlias true paint.setShadowLayer.. true paint.setShadowLayer 5.5f 6.0f 6.0f Color.BLACK canvas.drawColor Color.GRAY canvas.drawRect 50 50 50 bmp.getWidth 50 bmp.getHeight paint canvas.drawBitmap bmp 50 50 null android override imageview dropshadow share improve.. paint.setShadowLayer 5.5f 6.0f 6.0f Color.BLACK canvas.drawColor Color.GRAY canvas.drawRect 50 50 50 bmp.getWidth 50 bmp.getHeight paint canvas.drawBitmap bmp 50 50 null android override imageview dropshadow share improve this question ..
converting Java bitmap to byte array Java bitmap to byte array Bitmap bmp intent.getExtras .get data int size bmp.getRowBytes bmp.getHeight ByteBuffer b ByteBuffer.allocate size bmp.copyPixelsToBuffer.. Java bitmap to byte array Bitmap bmp intent.getExtras .get data int size bmp.getRowBytes bmp.getHeight ByteBuffer b ByteBuffer.allocate size bmp.copyPixelsToBuffer b byte bytes new byte size try b.get.. Java bitmap to byte array Bitmap bmp intent.getExtras .get data int size bmp.getRowBytes bmp.getHeight ByteBuffer b ByteBuffer.allocate size bmp.copyPixelsToBuffer b byte bytes new byte size try b.get bytes 0 bytes.length..
How to implement google maps search by address in Android? GeoPoint to screen pixels Point screenPts new Point mapView.getProjection .toPixels p screenPts add the marker Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources canvas.drawBitmap bmp screenPts.x screenPts.y 32 null return.. p screenPts add the marker Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources canvas.drawBitmap bmp screenPts.x screenPts.y 32 null return true Where please change . Put your any drawable. Now please write..
Android : how to capture a image of GPS location GeoPoint to screen pixels Point screenPts new Point mapView.getProjection .toPixels p screenPts add the marker Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources canvas.drawBitmap bmp screenPts.x screenPts.y 50 null return.. p screenPts add the marker Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources canvas.drawBitmap bmp screenPts.x screenPts.y 50 null return true public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event MapView mapView when user lifts..