android Programming Glossary: boost
Running the new Intel emulator for Android tried it on two different computers and didn't get any boost and got the same errors . It seems that on the posts I've read..
Speed up Android project build time in IntelliJ IDEA t 1907281 I use it myself and I would say the speed boost is feelable in Eclipse note that it only boost the AAPT step.. the speed boost is feelable in Eclipse note that it only boost the AAPT step not packaging ad dexing. If you use InteliJ it..
Official “Boost library” Support for Android and iOS? [closed] built using Boost on Android or iOS Is it advisable to use boost libraries for network intense application which spawns multple.. android 2011 05 tips tricks building boost with ndk r5 Include Boost C library in android How to use the.. ndk r5 Include Boost C library in android How to use the boost library including shared_ptr with the Android NDK and STLport..
Accelerometer stops delivering samples when the screen is off on Droid/Nexus One even with a WakeLock seems to be intentional perhaps part of the battery life boost that was touted as a feature. We had a working shake to wakeup..
Android and obfuscation files ProGuard can significantly reduce the file sizes and boost the run time performance of the code. It optimizes shrinks and..
Technical details of Android Garbage Collector single threaded application might still see a performance boost if the Dalvik garbage collector runs on the second core. The..
Best time/day to publish to Android Market? caused by websites writing about it gizmodo gave us a 20K boost so try tipping a few of them off. We didn't really do that and..
Include Boost C++ library in android suggested i have kept my Boost lib in Android NDK sources boost_1_44_0 compiled it successfully. Then i made an file.. Then i made an file inside sources boost_1_44_0 and made the entry of each library which i want to use... library which i want to use. In this case lib. file is libboost_date_time gcc mt s 1_44.a available in boost_1_44_0 android..
Official “Boost library” Support for Android and iOS? [closed] &ldquo Boost library&rdquo Support for Android and iOS closed This question.. This question is in continuation to Should I choose Boost Asio or Aysnc Socket threads in Android asked Boost libraries.. choose Boost Asio or Aysnc Socket threads in Android asked Boost libraries are intended to be widely useful and usable across..
Include Boost C++ library in android Boost C library in android I have been trying to marry Boost and.. Boost C library in android I have been trying to marry Boost and android on windows for long time and tried lot of approaches.. but still no luck. I want to make a sample program using Boost library in android. I am following this tutorial here. As this..
Running the new Intel emulator for Android and disabled. None of those configurations helped. I've also tried it on two different computers and didn't get any boost and got the same errors . It seems that on the posts I've read about it nobody had any problems with it and all report a..
Speed up Android project build time in IntelliJ IDEA a fix version of AAPT http forum.xda showthread.php t 1907281 I use it myself and I would say the speed boost is feelable in Eclipse note that it only boost the AAPT step not packaging ad dexing. If you use InteliJ it probably doesn't.. showthread.php t 1907281 I use it myself and I would say the speed boost is feelable in Eclipse note that it only boost the AAPT step not packaging ad dexing. If you use InteliJ it probably doesn't help much as it needn't compile the project..
Official “Boost library” Support for Android and iOS? [closed] Or any other reason Does any body know of any application built using Boost on Android or iOS Is it advisable to use boost libraries for network intense application which spawns multple threads for commuication FYI..I have been using following.. https MysticTreeGames Boost for Android http android 2011 05 tips tricks building boost with ndk r5 Include Boost C library in android How to use the boost library including shared_ptr with the Android NDK and.. android 2011 05 tips tricks building boost with ndk r5 Include Boost C library in android How to use the boost library including shared_ptr with the Android NDK and STLport https site fourdollars android android mk..
Accelerometer stops delivering samples when the screen is off on Droid/Nexus One even with a WakeLock this question We've deduced this started as of 2.0.1. It seems to be intentional perhaps part of the battery life boost that was touted as a feature. We had a working shake to wakeup or unlock on 2.0 then it broke on the update and we haven't..
Android and obfuscation run on Android devices. By preprocessing the original jar files ProGuard can significantly reduce the file sizes and boost the run time performance of the code. It optimizes shrinks and obfuscates your application. You can find more information..
Technical details of Android Garbage Collector are single threaded. For example with two active cores a single threaded application might still see a performance boost if the Dalvik garbage collector runs on the second core. The system will arrange for this automatically. As before I'd rather..
Best time/day to publish to Android Market? as well. We've had some big jumps in our number of download caused by websites writing about it gizmodo gave us a 20K boost so try tipping a few of them off. We didn't really do that and still websites wrote about us I think it's worth trying to..
Include Boost C++ library in android android. I am following this tutorial here. As this tutorial suggested i have kept my Boost lib in Android NDK sources boost_1_44_0 compiled it successfully. Then i made an file inside sources boost_1_44_0 and made the entry of each library.. Boost lib in Android NDK sources boost_1_44_0 compiled it successfully. Then i made an file inside sources boost_1_44_0 and made the entry of each library which i want to use. In this case lib. file is libboost_date_time gcc mt s 1_44.a.. file inside sources boost_1_44_0 and made the entry of each library which i want to use. In this case lib. file is libboost_date_time gcc mt s 1_44.a available in boost_1_44_0 android lib Here is the content of file. LOCAL_PATH call..
Official “Boost library” Support for Android and iOS? [closed] &ldquo Boost library&rdquo Support for Android and iOS closed This question is in continuation to Should I choose Boost Asio or Aysnc.. &ldquo Boost library&rdquo Support for Android and iOS closed This question is in continuation to Should I choose Boost Asio or Aysnc Socket threads in Android asked Boost libraries are intended to be widely useful and usable across a broad.. iOS closed This question is in continuation to Should I choose Boost Asio or Aysnc Socket threads in Android asked Boost libraries are intended to be widely useful and usable across a broad range of applications but yet there is no official..
Include Boost C++ library in android Boost C library in android I have been trying to marry Boost and android on windows for long time and tried lot of approaches.. Boost C library in android I have been trying to marry Boost and android on windows for long time and tried lot of approaches but still no luck. I want to make a sample program using.. android on windows for long time and tried lot of approaches but still no luck. I want to make a sample program using Boost library in android. I am following this tutorial here. As this tutorial suggested i have kept my Boost lib in Android NDK..