android Programming Glossary: borderpaint
Android Image View Pinch Zooming class TouchImageViewSample extends ImageView private Paint borderPaint null private Paint backgroundPaint null private float mPosX.. new ScaleGestureDetector context new ScaleListener borderPaint new Paint borderPaint.setARGB 255 255 128 0 borderPaint.setStyle.. context new ScaleListener borderPaint new Paint borderPaint.setARGB 255 255 128 0 borderPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE..
How to display popup on tapping overlay in android? double toLat toLng private Paint innerPaint borderPaint textPaint private boolean isRemovePriorPopup false private boolean.. true return innerPaint public Paint getBorderPaint if borderPaint null borderPaint new Paint borderPaint.setARGB 255 255 255.. public Paint getBorderPaint if borderPaint null borderPaint new Paint borderPaint.setARGB 255 255 255 255 borderPaint.setAntiAlias..
Draw circle of certain radius on map view in android CIRCLE_RADIUS getBorderPaint private Paint innerPaint borderPaint public Paint getInnerPaint if innerPaint null innerPaint new.. true return innerPaint public Paint getBorderPaint if borderPaint null borderPaint new Paint borderPaint.setARGB 255 68 89 82.. innerPaint public Paint getBorderPaint if borderPaint null borderPaint new Paint borderPaint.setARGB 255 68 89 82 borderPaint.setAntiAlias..
Custom tap window on Google Map mapLocationViewer private Paint innerPaint borderPaint textPaint private Point arrowPointCoordinates new Point The.. true return innerPaint public Paint getBorderPaint if borderPaint null borderPaint new Paint borderPaint.setARGB 255 255 255 255.. innerPaint public Paint getBorderPaint if borderPaint null borderPaint new Paint borderPaint.setARGB 255 255 255 255 borderPaint.setAntiAlias..
Android Image View Pinch Zooming issue Here is My Code Sample For TouchImageView. public class TouchImageViewSample extends ImageView private Paint borderPaint null private Paint backgroundPaint null private float mPosX 0f private float mPosY 0f private float mLastTouchX private.. attrs defStyle Create our ScaleGestureDetector mScaleDetector new ScaleGestureDetector context new ScaleListener borderPaint new Paint borderPaint.setARGB 255 255 128 0 borderPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE borderPaint.setStrokeWidth 4 backgroundPaint.. our ScaleGestureDetector mScaleDetector new ScaleGestureDetector context new ScaleListener borderPaint new Paint borderPaint.setARGB 255 255 128 0 borderPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE borderPaint.setStrokeWidth 4 backgroundPaint new Paint backgroundPaint.setARGB..
How to display popup on tapping overlay in android? Bitmap bubbleIcon shadowIcon private MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer double toLat toLng private Paint innerPaint borderPaint textPaint private boolean isRemovePriorPopup false private boolean temp true first true firstDraw true public boolean tempDefaule.. innerPaint.setARGB 225 75 75 75 gray innerPaint.setAntiAlias true return innerPaint public Paint getBorderPaint if borderPaint null borderPaint new Paint borderPaint.setARGB 255 255 255 255 borderPaint.setAntiAlias true borderPaint.setStyle Style.STROKE.. 225 75 75 75 gray innerPaint.setAntiAlias true return innerPaint public Paint getBorderPaint if borderPaint null borderPaint new Paint borderPaint.setARGB 255 255 255 255 borderPaint.setAntiAlias true borderPaint.setStyle Style.STROKE borderPaint.setStrokeWidth..
Draw circle of certain radius on map view in android info window canvas.drawCircle curScreenCoords.x curScreenCoordsy CIRCLE_RADIUS getBorderPaint private Paint innerPaint borderPaint public Paint getInnerPaint if innerPaint null innerPaint new Paint innerPaint.setARGB 225 68 89 82 gray innerPaint.setAntiAlias.. innerPaint.setARGB 225 68 89 82 gray innerPaint.setAntiAlias true return innerPaint public Paint getBorderPaint if borderPaint null borderPaint new Paint borderPaint.setARGB 255 68 89 82 borderPaint.setAntiAlias true borderPaint.setStyle Style.STROKE.. 225 68 89 82 gray innerPaint.setAntiAlias true return innerPaint public Paint getBorderPaint if borderPaint null borderPaint new Paint borderPaint.setARGB 255 68 89 82 borderPaint.setAntiAlias true borderPaint.setStyle Style.STROKE borderPaint.setStrokeWidth..
Custom tap window on Google Map mHandler new Handler private boolean flag false private MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer private Paint innerPaint borderPaint textPaint private Point arrowPointCoordinates new Point The currently selected Map Location...if any is selected. This tracks.. innerPaint.setARGB 225 75 75 75 gray innerPaint.setAntiAlias true return innerPaint public Paint getBorderPaint if borderPaint null borderPaint new Paint borderPaint.setARGB 255 255 255 255 borderPaint.setAntiAlias true borderPaint.setStyle Style.STROKE.. 225 75 75 75 gray innerPaint.setAntiAlias true return innerPaint public Paint getBorderPaint if borderPaint null borderPaint new Paint borderPaint.setARGB 255 255 255 255 borderPaint.setAntiAlias true borderPaint.setStyle Style.STROKE borderPaint.setStrokeWidth..