android Programming Glossary: booking
onReceiver of BroadcastReceiver not called, AlarmManager not called AlarmManager I am building a cab booking app I need current location of the cab every 20 seconds. I have..
Options for Client Server Communication in Android phase of my dissertation project. My project is a ticket booking system for a mobile device and I have chosen to target Android... and the client would send information about ticket bookings to the server. I'm looking at Java EE for the server as Java..
ANDROID: Parsing XML queued calls call id 6584 created 2010 10 01T11 22 42Z booking 1275243 booking call calls line line id CRU name Cruise shortname.. call id 6584 created 2010 10 01T11 22 42Z booking 1275243 booking call calls line line id CRU name Cruise shortname cruise status.. queued calls call id 25878 created 2010 10 01T10 22 42Z booking 1077244 booking call call id 25878 created 2010 10 01T10 22..
Android - Adding Subitem to a listview getApplicationContext Booking.class intent.putExtra booking taxi selectedPosition startActivity intent adb.setNegativeButton..
Grid Layout Vs. Table Layout Layout Vs. Table Layout I am working on a booking engine android app like an airline booking system. To fetch.. am working on a booking engine android app like an airline booking system. To fetch the content of say all the available airlines..
onReceiver of BroadcastReceiver not called, AlarmManager of BroadcastReceiver not called AlarmManager I am building a cab booking app I need current location of the cab every 20 seconds. I have defined a AlarmManager and need it to repeat itself every..
Options for Client Server Communication in Android Communication in Android I'm currently in the research phase of my dissertation project. My project is a ticket booking system for a mobile device and I have chosen to target Android. I anticipate the need for a client server architecture with.. The server would grant the client access to ticketing information and the client would send information about ticket bookings to the server. I'm looking at Java EE for the server as Java is the language I'm most experienced with. I'm aware that..
ANDROID: Parsing XML 08 34Z lines line id SKI name Ski shortname ski status 1 calls queued calls call id 6584 created 2010 10 01T11 22 42Z booking 1275243 booking call calls line line id CRU name Cruise shortname cruise status 0 calls queued calls line line id VIL name.. id SKI name Ski shortname ski status 1 calls queued calls call id 6584 created 2010 10 01T11 22 42Z booking 1275243 booking call calls line line id CRU name Cruise shortname cruise status 0 calls queued calls line line id VIL name Villas shortname.. line line id VIL name Villas shortname villas status 2 calls queued calls call id 25878 created 2010 10 01T10 22 42Z booking 1077244 booking call call id 25878 created 2010 10 01T10 22 42Z booking 1077244 booking call calls line lines period feed..
Android - Adding Subitem to a listview onClick DialogInterface dialog int id Intent intent new Intent getApplicationContext Booking.class intent.putExtra booking taxi selectedPosition startActivity intent adb.setNegativeButton Cancel null Thanks android listview subitem..
Grid Layout Vs. Table Layout Layout Vs. Table Layout I am working on a booking engine android app like an airline booking system. To fetch the content of say all the available airlines specific to a.. Layout Vs. Table Layout I am working on a booking engine android app like an airline booking system. To fetch the content of say all the available airlines specific to a passenger search this is then displayed on..