android Programming Glossary: books
How do I get the current GPS location programmatically in Android? surprising. You can download the source code for one of my books look for the Internet Weather and Service WeatherPlus demos.. . Or you can download the source for another of my books look for the 23 Location tutorial for some examples of using..
Android: How to make RadioGroup work correctly in a ListView?
Restful API service a couple of days looking through reading books and looking at articles whilst playing about with some code..
Android Drawable Images from URL is an sample input I am giving this function. http books id aH7BPTrwNXUC printsec frontcover img 1 zoom.. I am giving this function. http books id aH7BPTrwNXUC printsec frontcover img 1 zoom 5 edge curl sig..
How does one implement drag and drop for Android marker? this question Here is a sample project from one of my books showing drag and drop movement of markers on a Google Map in..
Multiple Table SQLite DB Adapter(s) in Android? It's kind of a mash up from info gained in the Commonsware books and some stuff around the web that I wish I bookmarked cause..
Why is the paradigm of “Direct Database Connection” not welcomed by Android Platform? the first place in the realm of android. I have read many books and wikis and forums including numerous answers provided in..
What's the “dot” for when registering an Activity a noob at programming for the Android OS. I noticed in the books I have been reading that the authors have placed a dot in front..
Remote Database access I'm really a beginner I'm reading many different Android books as I would like to learn how to develop my own app. The app..
Wake locks android service recurring the WakefulIntentService . I would suggest picking up his books not only for the detailed explanation of this class and example..
Render epub files in android contentDetails public static final String BOOK_NAME books wodehouse.epub Called when the activity is first created. @Override..
Java Eclipse Android Beginner Question - How to add libraries or Linked Folder. Beginner References run into some basic questions. I have some beginning books such as busy coders guide to Android... and Teach Yourself Android.. can someone point me to some good beginner references books or online tutorials that cover this. I would think that organizing..
Any Android Market API from Google? Books Movies in the Google Market List of Top free apps books movies by no. of downloads ratings etc. in a given category... ratings etc. in a given category. List of Top Paid apps books movies by no. of downloads ratings etc. in a given category...
Return data from AsyncTask class new JSONTokener jsonBookCatalogList .nextValue JSONArray books bookCatalogResult.getJSONArray books if books null ArrayList.. .nextValue JSONArray books bookCatalogResult.getJSONArray books if books null ArrayList String newBookOrdering new ArrayList.. JSONArray books bookCatalogResult.getJSONArray books if books null ArrayList String newBookOrdering new ArrayList String..
How do I get the current GPS location programmatically in Android? with any examples of the location API which is somewhat surprising. You can download the source code for one of my books look for the Internet Weather and Service WeatherPlus demos each of which uses LocationManager . Or you can download the.. and Service WeatherPlus demos each of which uses LocationManager . Or you can download the source for another of my books look for the 23 Location tutorial for some examples of using LocationManager . Most of the other online tutorials are out..
Android: How to make RadioGroup work correctly in a ListView?
Restful API service I can use to make calls to a web based rest api. I've spent a couple of days looking through reading books and looking at articles whilst playing about with some code and I can't get anything which I'm happy with. Basically I want..
Android Drawable Images from URL 2.2 given the exact same URL it works fine. The following URL is an sample input I am giving this function. http books id aH7BPTrwNXUC printsec frontcover img 1 zoom 5 edge curl sig ACfU3U2aQRnAX2o2ny2xFC1GmVn22almpg How would.. same URL it works fine. The following URL is an sample input I am giving this function. http books id aH7BPTrwNXUC printsec frontcover img 1 zoom 5 edge curl sig ACfU3U2aQRnAX2o2ny2xFC1GmVn22almpg How would I load in images..
How does one implement drag and drop for Android marker? android drag and drop android mapview marker share improve this question Here is a sample project from one of my books showing drag and drop movement of markers on a Google Map in Android. In a nutshell it uses onTouchEvent to detect when..
Multiple Table SQLite DB Adapter(s) in Android? Here is the solution I eventually ended up implementing. It's kind of a mash up from info gained in the Commonsware books and some stuff around the web that I wish I bookmarked cause I want to give credit For each type of data that I need to..
Why is the paradigm of “Direct Database Connection” not welcomed by Android Platform? of directly connecting a database is incorrectly in the first place in the realm of android. I have read many books and wikis and forums including numerous answers provided in Stackflow it appears to me that many people are concentrating..
What's the “dot” for when registering an Activity dot&rdquo for when registering an Activity I'm kind of a noob at programming for the Android OS. I noticed in the books I have been reading that the authors have placed a dot in front of the activity name when registering their activities in..
Remote Database access Database access I'm really a beginner I'm reading many different Android books as I would like to learn how to develop my own app. The app I've in mind is going to access to a remote database in order..
Wake locks android service recurring this question Follow the pattern Mark Murphy provides with the WakefulIntentService . I would suggest picking up his books not only for the detailed explanation of this class and example he includes in one of them but for the other wealth of information..
Render epub files in android ListActivity private LayoutInflater inflater private List RowData contentDetails public static final String BOOK_NAME books wodehouse.epub Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate..
Java Eclipse Android Beginner Question - How to add libraries or Linked Folder. Beginner References starting with Android developmenent using Eclipe and have already run into some basic questions. I have some beginning books such as busy coders guide to Android... and Teach Yourself Android Application Dev't in 24 Hours however I'm not seeing.. created library in a Ecliple Android Project More generally can someone point me to some good beginner references books or online tutorials that cover this. I would think that organizing your code in libaries as opposed to one big application..
Any Android Market API from Google? can pull the following information List of categories in Apps Books Movies in the Google Market List of Top free apps books movies by no. of downloads ratings etc. in a given category. List of Top Paid apps books movies by no. of downloads ratings.. Market List of Top free apps books movies by no. of downloads ratings etc. in a given category. List of Top Paid apps books movies by no. of downloads ratings etc. in a given category. Is there an official Google Market API available I came across..
Return data from AsyncTask class JSONObject bookCatalogResult try bookCatalogResult JSONObject new JSONTokener jsonBookCatalogList .nextValue JSONArray books bookCatalogResult.getJSONArray books if books null ArrayList String newBookOrdering new ArrayList String int num_books.. JSONObject new JSONTokener jsonBookCatalogList .nextValue JSONArray books bookCatalogResult.getJSONArray books if books null ArrayList String newBookOrdering new ArrayList String int num_books books.length BookCatalogEntry temp.. JSONObject new JSONTokener jsonBookCatalogList .nextValue JSONArray books bookCatalogResult.getJSONArray books if books null ArrayList String newBookOrdering new ArrayList String int num_books books.length BookCatalogEntry temp DebugLog.d..
When NOT to call super() method when overriding? Eclipse or any other IDE super will always be created as a part of automated process. This was just a simple example. Books are full of similar code . How do they know when you must call super and when you can omit it calling PS. Do not bind to..
Beginner: Best Practices in an Android App UI Navagation user the option to go back The way android handles this is simply by starting a new activity. So you would have your 'Books' ListActivity when a listItem is clicked you would define a new intent that starts your 'Chapters' ListActivity and so on... reference android app ListActivity.html EDIT Sample Code I would do it something like this public class Books extends ListActivity private String mBooks new String Book1 Book2 Book3 Book4 Called when the activity is first created... EDIT Sample Code I would do it something like this public class Books extends ListActivity private String mBooks new String Book1 Book2 Book3 Book4 Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
Android Gyroscope examples? use the search box before posting questions and ask one single question per post. Thanks. Now to answer your questions Books Good book for beginning android development Best Android 2.0 development book Sensors Android Gyroscope tutorial or sample..
Any Android Market API from Google? the appropriate. I am looking for Google Market API that can pull the following information List of categories in Apps Books Movies in the Google Market List of Top free apps books movies by no. of downloads ratings etc. in a given category. List..
Android: How do I get string from resources using its name? 2 languages for the UI and separate string values for them in my resource file res values strings.xml string name tab_Books_en Books string string name tab_Quotes_en Quotes string string name tab_Questions_en Questions string string name tab_Notes_en.. for the UI and separate string values for them in my resource file res values strings.xml string name tab_Books_en Books string string name tab_Quotes_en Quotes string string name tab_Questions_en Questions string string name tab_Notes_en Notes.. Questions string string name tab_Notes_en Notes string string name tab_Bookmarks_en Bookmarks string string name tab_Books_ru ниги string string name tab_Quotes_ru Ци а string string name tab_Questions_ru оп о string string name tab_Notes_ru аме..
Android: How to turn screen on and off programmatically? .getAttributes params.screenBrightness 1 getWindow .setAttributes params This definitely works. For example Google's Books apps uses this to allow you to set the screen brightness to dim while using a book and then return to regular brightness..