android Programming Glossary: bmp1
Android handling out of memory exception on image processing snippet is like this public static Bitmap overlay Bitmap bmp1 Bitmap bmp2 Bitmap bmOverlay Bitmap.createBitmap bmp1.getWidth.. bmp1 Bitmap bmp2 Bitmap bmOverlay Bitmap.createBitmap bmp1.getWidth bmp1.getHeight bmp1.getConfig Canvas canvas new Canvas.. bmp2 Bitmap bmOverlay Bitmap.createBitmap bmp1.getWidth bmp1.getHeight bmp1.getConfig Canvas canvas new Canvas bmOverlay..
how to compress image for imageview in android options.inJustDecodeBounds false options.inSampleSize 32 bmp1 BitmapFactory.decodeFile filepath1 options Bitmap b1 ThumbnailUtils.extractThumbnail.. options Bitmap b1 ThumbnailUtils.extractThumbnail bmp1 30 30 iv1.setImageBitmap b if bmp1 null bmp1.recycle bmp1 BitmapFactory.decodeFile.. bmp1 30 30 iv1.setImageBitmap b if bmp1 null bmp1.recycle bmp1 BitmapFactory.decodeFile filepath1 options..
Make certain area of bitmap transparent on touch overlay the 2 images Bitmap bmOverlay Bitmap.createBitmap bmp1.getWidth bmp1.getHeight bmp1.getConfig Canvas canvas new Canvas.. images Bitmap bmOverlay Bitmap.createBitmap bmp1.getWidth bmp1.getHeight bmp1.getConfig Canvas canvas new Canvas bmOverlay.. bmOverlay Bitmap.createBitmap bmp1.getWidth bmp1.getHeight bmp1.getConfig Canvas canvas new Canvas bmOverlay canvas.drawBitmap..
Android merge two images other way to merge two images. My sample code is Bitmap bmp1 BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.duckpic.. canvas.drawBitmap bmp2 new Matrix null canvas.drawBitmap bmp1 new Matrix null I got it working by doing this cs..
OutOfMemory error while joining large images Bitmap overlayMark String first String second Bitmap bmp1 bmp2 bmp1 BitmapFactory.decodeFile first bmp2 BitmapFactory.decodeFile.. overlayMark String first String second Bitmap bmp1 bmp2 bmp1 BitmapFactory.decodeFile first bmp2 BitmapFactory.decodeFile.. first bmp2 BitmapFactory.decodeFile second if bmp1 null bmp2 null return bmp1 int height bmp1.getHeight if height..
Android handling out of memory exception on image processing time to process the image is it possible to do that the code snippet is like this public static Bitmap overlay Bitmap bmp1 Bitmap bmp2 Bitmap bmOverlay Bitmap.createBitmap bmp1.getWidth bmp1.getHeight bmp1.getConfig Canvas canvas new Canvas bmOverlay.. code snippet is like this public static Bitmap overlay Bitmap bmp1 Bitmap bmp2 Bitmap bmOverlay Bitmap.createBitmap bmp1.getWidth bmp1.getHeight bmp1.getConfig Canvas canvas new Canvas bmOverlay canvas.drawBitmap bmp1 new Matrix null canvas.drawBitmap.. is like this public static Bitmap overlay Bitmap bmp1 Bitmap bmp2 Bitmap bmOverlay Bitmap.createBitmap bmp1.getWidth bmp1.getHeight bmp1.getConfig Canvas canvas new Canvas bmOverlay canvas.drawBitmap bmp1 new Matrix null canvas.drawBitmap bmp2..
how to compress image for imageview in android BitmapFactory.Options options.inTempStorage new byte 24 1024 options.inJustDecodeBounds false options.inSampleSize 32 bmp1 BitmapFactory.decodeFile filepath1 options Bitmap b1 ThumbnailUtils.extractThumbnail bmp1 30 30 iv1.setImageBitmap b if.. options.inSampleSize 32 bmp1 BitmapFactory.decodeFile filepath1 options Bitmap b1 ThumbnailUtils.extractThumbnail bmp1 30 30 iv1.setImageBitmap b if bmp1 null bmp1.recycle bmp1 BitmapFactory.decodeFile filepath1 options Bitmap b2 ThumbnailUtils.extractThumbnail.. filepath1 options Bitmap b1 ThumbnailUtils.extractThumbnail bmp1 30 30 iv1.setImageBitmap b if bmp1 null bmp1.recycle bmp1 BitmapFactory.decodeFile filepath1 options Bitmap b2 ThumbnailUtils.extractThumbnail bmp1 30 30..
Make certain area of bitmap transparent on touch touched radius thus exposing the bottom image. This is how I overlay the 2 images Bitmap bmOverlay Bitmap.createBitmap bmp1.getWidth bmp1.getHeight bmp1.getConfig Canvas canvas new Canvas bmOverlay canvas.drawBitmap bmp1 new Matrix null canvas.drawBitmap.. thus exposing the bottom image. This is how I overlay the 2 images Bitmap bmOverlay Bitmap.createBitmap bmp1.getWidth bmp1.getHeight bmp1.getConfig Canvas canvas new Canvas bmOverlay canvas.drawBitmap bmp1 new Matrix null canvas.drawBitmap bmp2.. the bottom image. This is how I overlay the 2 images Bitmap bmOverlay Bitmap.createBitmap bmp1.getWidth bmp1.getHeight bmp1.getConfig Canvas canvas new Canvas bmOverlay canvas.drawBitmap bmp1 new Matrix null canvas.drawBitmap bmp2 new Matrix null..
Android merge two images canvas into an image. How should i do it or if there is any other way to merge two images. My sample code is Bitmap bmp1 BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.duckpic Bitmap bmp2 BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.img.. Canvas cs new Canvas bmp2 canvas.scale float 0.5 float 0.5 canvas.drawBitmap bmp2 new Matrix null canvas.drawBitmap bmp1 new Matrix null I got it working by doing this cs Bitmap.createBitmap c.getWidth c.getHeight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888..
OutOfMemory error while joining large images an OutOfMemory error my images are around 1MB each. private Bitmap overlayMark String first String second Bitmap bmp1 bmp2 bmp1 BitmapFactory.decodeFile first bmp2 BitmapFactory.decodeFile second if bmp1 null bmp2 null return bmp1 int height.. error my images are around 1MB each. private Bitmap overlayMark String first String second Bitmap bmp1 bmp2 bmp1 BitmapFactory.decodeFile first bmp2 BitmapFactory.decodeFile second if bmp1 null bmp2 null return bmp1 int height bmp1.getHeight.. first String second Bitmap bmp1 bmp2 bmp1 BitmapFactory.decodeFile first bmp2 BitmapFactory.decodeFile second if bmp1 null bmp2 null return bmp1 int height bmp1.getHeight if height bmp2.getHeight height bmp2.getHeight Bitmap bmOverlay Bitmap.createBitmap..