android Programming Glossary: asynctaskloader
AsyncTaskLoader onLoadFinished with a pending task and config change onLoadFinished with a pending task and config change I'm trying.. a pending task and config change I'm trying to use an AsyncTaskLoader to load data in the background to populate a detail view in.. String loader static final class ResultLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader String private static final Random random new Random private..
Android 3.0 - what are the advantages of using LoaderManager instances exactly? fancy LoaderManager which handles data loading using the AsyncTaskLoader the CursorLoader and other custom Loader instances. But reading..
AsyncTaskLoader vs AsyncTask vs AsyncTask Since Honeycomb and the v4 Compatibility Library.. and the v4 Compatibility Library it is possible to use AsyncTaskLoader . From what I understand the AsyncTaskLoader can survive through.. to use AsyncTaskLoader . From what I understand the AsyncTaskLoader can survive through config changes like screen flips. Is it..
LoaderCallbacks.onLoadFinished not called if orientation change happens during AsyncTaskLoader run not called if orientation change happens during AsyncTaskLoader run Using android support v4.jar and FragmentActivity no fragments.. and FragmentActivity no fragments at this point I have an AsyncTaskLoader which I start loading and then change the orientation while..
Usage CursorLoader without ContentProvider android.database.Cursor import Used to write apps that run on platforms prior to Android 3.0... class public abstract class SimpleCursorLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader Cursor private Cursor mCursor public SimpleCursorLoader Context.. mCursor.close mCursor null It only needs the AsyncTaskLoader class. Either the one in Android 3.0 or higher or the one that..
What are the benefits of CursorLoaders? on a background thread for you courtesy of being build on AsyncTaskLoader so large data queries do not block the UI. This is something..
How to handle AsyncTask onPostExecute when paused to avoid IllegalStateException exactly what you need. More specifically you should use AsyncTaskLoader to do the job. So now instead of running an AsyncTask you launch..
AsyncTaskLoader onLoadFinished with a pending task and config change onLoadFinished with a pending task and config change I'm trying to use an AsyncTaskLoader to load data in the background.. onLoadFinished with a pending task and config change I'm trying to use an AsyncTaskLoader to load data in the background to populate a detail view in response to a list item being chosen. I've gotten it mostly.. data @Override public void onLoaderReset Loader String loader static final class ResultLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader String private static final Random random new Random private final Integer number private String result ResultLoader Context..
Android 3.0 - what are the advantages of using LoaderManager instances exactly? of using LoaderManager instances exactly With 3.0 we got the fancy LoaderManager which handles data loading using the AsyncTaskLoader the CursorLoader and other custom Loader instances. But reading through the docs for these I just couldn't get the point..
AsyncTaskLoader vs AsyncTask vs AsyncTask Since Honeycomb and the v4 Compatibility Library it is possible to use AsyncTaskLoader . From what I understand.. vs AsyncTask Since Honeycomb and the v4 Compatibility Library it is possible to use AsyncTaskLoader . From what I understand the AsyncTaskLoader can survive through config changes like screen flips. Is it recommended to.. Since Honeycomb and the v4 Compatibility Library it is possible to use AsyncTaskLoader . From what I understand the AsyncTaskLoader can survive through config changes like screen flips. Is it recommended to use AsyncTaskLoader instead of AsyncTask Does..
LoaderCallbacks.onLoadFinished not called if orientation change happens during AsyncTaskLoader run not called if orientation change happens during AsyncTaskLoader run Using android support v4.jar and FragmentActivity no fragments at this point I have an AsyncTaskLoader which I start.. during AsyncTaskLoader run Using android support v4.jar and FragmentActivity no fragments at this point I have an AsyncTaskLoader which I start loading and then change the orientation while the background thread is still running. In my logs I see the..
Usage CursorLoader without ContentProvider a content provider import android.content.Context import android.database.Cursor import Used to write apps that run on platforms prior to Android 3.0. When running on Android 3.0 or above this implementation.. for a class overview. This was based on the CursorLoader class public abstract class SimpleCursorLoader extends AsyncTaskLoader Cursor private Cursor mCursor public SimpleCursorLoader Context context super context Runs on a worker thread @Override.. the loader is stopped onStopLoading if mCursor null mCursor.isClosed mCursor.close mCursor null It only needs the AsyncTaskLoader class. Either the one in Android 3.0 or higher or the one that comes with the compatibility package. I also wrote a ListLoader..
What are the benefits of CursorLoaders? in your app over Activity.managedQuery The query is handled on a background thread for you courtesy of being build on AsyncTaskLoader so large data queries do not block the UI. This is something the docs recommended you do for yourself when using a plain..
How to handle AsyncTask onPostExecute when paused to avoid IllegalStateException task with the activity lifecycle I believe that Loaders are exactly what you need. More specifically you should use AsyncTaskLoader to do the job. So now instead of running an AsyncTask you launch your loader then wait for response in a listener. If the..