android Programming Glossary: attaching
Fragment onCreateView and onActivityCreated called twice mFragment mTag else Log.d TAG onTabSelected attaching fragment mTag ft.attach mFragment public void onTabUnselected.. 06 11 11 31 45.340 D FragmentTabs 10726 onTabSelected attaching fragment mysimple 06 11 11 31 45.348 D FragmentTabs 10726 FragmentTabs.onCreate..
How to Show Circular Text using TextView in Android textview but can some buddy give me proper code.I am also attaching image which type of look i want. android android layout textview..
Initialize MapFragment programmatically with Maps API v2 shown correctly so far so good. The problem is that after attaching the MapFragment I need to get a reference to GoogleMap to place..
Search item in edittext from listview showing wrong result much weird to me.I am not pasting complete code here only attaching the required code. Here is my code where i enabled the search..
Android TranslateAnimation resets after animation the animation to For example if initially you were attaching the animation listener to the animation like this mAnimation.setAnimationListener..
Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android catch Exception e msg connect Error attaching i o streams to socket. msg e.getMessage return false return..
Android - not able to attach a file in email i am successful able to save the file in SD card and attaching the file from SD card this is working fine. But if SD card is..
SpeechRecognizer causes ANR… I need help with Android speech API off by a widget button and has no activity. Update I tried attaching the SDK sources to the project so I could get a more precise..
android animation is not finished in onAnimationEnd the animation to For example if initially you were attaching the animation listener to the animation like this mAnimation.setAnimationListener..
Best way to attach Android Source to Eclipse Android Source to Eclipse I've previously had success attaching the Android Source to Eclipse by following the instructions..
Fragment duplication on Fragment Transaction I solved this by using a placeholder in my Layout and then attaching my Fragment to it at runtime. Like you if I instantiated my..
Inflate a view / layout into another layout? it say at 1st position you can inflate your layout without attaching it to the parent use false as last arg and adding it manually..
Trying to attach a file from SD Card to email DumbDumper.jpg Looks like the email provider is attaching a 0 length file. When I check the filesystem the file is there..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] in. You build scenes with 3D models and define behavior by attaching scripts to objects. You can script in JavaScript C# or Boo...
Why does it take so long for Android's MediaPlayer to prepare some live streams for playback? dispatched from a native process as well. Have you tried attaching an OnBufferingUpdateListener to the MediaPlayer to get finer..
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager ViewPager to keep all current pages and consequently not attaching your new page. Thus to make fragment replacement work getItemPosition..
android attaching multiple adapters to one adapter attaching multiple adapters to one adapter I have been using the SeparatedListAdapter..
Android Support Library (v4). Getting the source and attaching it to the library/jar in Eclipse Support Library v4 . Getting the source and attaching it to the library jar in Eclipse Having the source code attached..
Attaching file in email file in email I am sending email by attaching file with the email in the following code. I am unable to get..
Fragment onCreateView and onActivityCreated called twice Log.d TAG onTabSelected adding fragment mTag ft.add mFragment mTag else Log.d TAG onTabSelected attaching fragment mTag ft.attach mFragment public void onTabUnselected Tab tab FragmentTransaction ft if mFragment null Log.d TAG.. D FragmentTabs 10726 constructor detaching fragment mysimple 06 11 11 31 45.340 D FragmentTabs 10726 onTabSelected attaching fragment mysimple 06 11 11 31 45.348 D FragmentTabs 10726 FragmentTabs.onCreate tab 0 06 11 11 31 45.348 D FragmentTabs..
How to Show Circular Text using TextView in Android in my android application.I know it is done with custome textview but can some buddy give me proper code.I am also attaching image which type of look i want. android android layout textview share improve this question you can try this tested..
Initialize MapFragment programmatically with Maps API v2 presses that button and adding it to the proper place. It is shown correctly so far so good. The problem is that after attaching the MapFragment I need to get a reference to GoogleMap to place a Marker but the getMap method returns null as the fragment's..
Search item in edittext from listview showing wrong result with other listitems but not that i am clicking is so much weird to me.I am not pasting complete code here only attaching the required code. Here is my code where i enabled the search functionality to edittext on listview. edtSearch.addTextChangedListener..
Android TranslateAnimation resets after animation for the animation events in the view to which you were applying the animation to For example if initially you were attaching the animation listener to the animation like this mAnimation.setAnimationListener new AnimationListener @Override public..
Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android
Android - not able to attach a file in email a file in email that is private to the application although i am successful able to save the file in SD card and attaching the file from SD card this is working fine. But if SD card is not available and saving the file to the internal storage..
SpeechRecognizer causes ANR… I need help with Android speech API running this code in a service. The entire app is turned on off by a widget button and has no activity. Update I tried attaching the SDK sources to the project so I could get a more precise idea of where the failure was occurring but from the looks..
android animation is not finished in onAnimationEnd for the animation events in the view to which you were applying the animation to For example if initially you were attaching the animation listener to the animation like this mAnimation.setAnimationListener new AnimationListener @Override public..
Best way to attach Android Source to Eclipse way to attach Android Source to Eclipse I've previously had success attaching the Android Source to Eclipse by following the instructions here http 2009 12 android sources and..
Fragment duplication on Fragment Transaction android fragments share improve this question I solved this by using a placeholder in my Layout and then attaching my Fragment to it at runtime. Like you if I instantiated my Fragment within my xml layout then the contents would remain..
Inflate a view / layout into another layout? as the last child of the parent layout. If you want to add it say at 1st position you can inflate your layout without attaching it to the parent use false as last arg and adding it manually specifying the index mainLayout.addView menuLayout 0 share..
Trying to attach a file from SD Card to email null null D Gmail 2507 URI FOUND file sdcard DumbDumpers DumbDumper.jpg Looks like the email provider is attaching a 0 length file. When I check the filesystem the file is there and correct. The code which creates the image file is well..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] really unlike any other development environment I've worked in. You build scenes with 3D models and define behavior by attaching scripts to objects. You can script in JavaScript C# or Boo. If you want to write a 3D physics based game that will run on..
Why does it take so long for Android's MediaPlayer to prepare some live streams for playback? native methods and it appears that buffer related events are dispatched from a native process as well. Have you tried attaching an OnBufferingUpdateListener to the MediaPlayer to get finer grained updates about the buffer state It might be interesting..
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager this function always returns POSITION_UNCHANGED which causes ViewPager to keep all current pages and consequently not attaching your new page. Thus to make fragment replacement work getItemPosition needs to be overridden in your adapter and must return..
android attaching multiple adapters to one adapter attaching multiple adapters to one adapter I have been using the SeparatedListAdapter which is very well known and works perfectly..
Android Support Library (v4). Getting the source and attaching it to the library/jar in Eclipse Support Library v4 . Getting the source and attaching it to the library jar in Eclipse Having the source code attached to external libraries is awesome. Where to find the source..
Attaching file in email file in email I am sending email by attaching file with the email in the following code. I am unable to get the right email in my inbox in the return Intent intent new..
Can you use the merge tag with fragments? when you inflate a layout file which has the merge tag as its root you must attach it to a valid parent ViewGroup . Attaching it to the container in the onCreateView is incorrect as the View returned by that method will be added by the framework...
run-as Package 'a.b.c' is unknown - Galaxy S4 Jellybean or Android 4.3 relevant ndk gdb changes in python remote_gdbserver ' data data ' env 'APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER' ' lib gdbserver' print Attaching to pid pid # Android 4.2 requires the user 0 option. Earlier versions cannot have it results env.Execute env 'ADB' 'shell'..
Attaching Java Source to Android projects in Eclipse Java Source to Android projects in Eclipse How can I attach Java source to an Android project I'm able to browse java source..
Best way to attach Android Source to Eclipse source for Eclair but nothing since. There are also some StackOverflow posts from 2008 older than both the above Attaching Java Source to Android projects in Eclipse I wondered if anyone knew of anything more recent that was known to work reliably..
Problem Attaching internal file to GMail in my android app Attaching internal file to GMail in my android app My app writes data to text files on sd card and internal memory . Later the app..
Attaching file in email file in email I am sending email by attaching file with the email in the following code. I am unable to get the right email..