android Programming Glossary: assume
Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically off of a list of strings ViewPager pager get my ViewPager assume this actually has stuff in it final ArrayList String titles..
Close/hide the Android Soft Keyboard on the Button I want to hide the virtual keyboard. I assume that there's a simple one or two liner to make this happen...
“Parse Error : There is a problem parsing the package” while installing Android application between the two versions are The version number I'm assume that this did not participate in breaking anything The code..
Eclipse error: R cannot be resolved to a variable [duplicate] android eclipse share improve this question I assume you have updated ADT with version 22 and file is not..
How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list? share improve this question I hope I can help here. I assume that you have custom layout for listView items and this layout..
Android SplashScreen splash screen some sort of Dialog such as ProgressDialog I assume in the same thread as all the work being done. This will keep..
How to close Android application? pressed by setting a flag to true in a helper class that assumes that the HOME key has been pressed then changing the flag to.. app was just launched. If the app was just launched then assume that the HOME key will be pressed next unless a navigation event.. user or the app is navigating away from this activity so assume that the HOME key will be pressed next unless a navigation event..
How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android? if listener null listener.onSoftKeyboardShown diff 128 assume all soft keyboards are at least 128 pixels high super.onMeasure..
Secure HTTP Post in Android int status response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode we assume that the response body contains the error message try ret EntityUtils.toString..
Detect application heap size in Android have the following largeHeap values maxMemory 268435456 I assume that is the returned value corresponding to the 256 MB reported.. corresponding to the 256 MB reported getMemoryClass 64 I assume that is the returned value corresponding to the 64 MB reported.. to API level 5 Android 2.0 and so as she advises you can assume that the physical hardware of any device running an earlier..
Sending images using Http Post django http share improve this question I'm going to assume that you know the path and filename of the image that you want..
Android Launch an application from another application launch an installed package from my Android application. I assume that it is possible using intents but I didn't find a way of..
Technology to write iPhone, BlackBerry and Android phone at the same time? [closed] the development environments for BB and Android but I assume they both support Java apps. I know that the iPhone would require..
Android MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions in your stack trace don't map to the file you link to so I assume there's a different version that you're actually using. I'm..
How to get Resource Name from Resource id layout_height wrap_content android text Dnt want this text Assume that some function in activity returns me this id id of radioButton..
Android - Having Provider authority in the app project to supply the authority to the ContentProvider Assume that the only real calls e.g. to query insert are valid and..
How can I detect which layout is selected by Android in my application? which layout is selected by Android in my application Assume I have an activity with three different layouts in different..
Unable to close all activities on android eclipse to close all activities on android eclipse Assume i have four classes.Each class is having a button to do screen..
touch through translucent app of the current page to view the next page. Touch scenarios Assume your first page is a wax page translucent page similar to your..
About android launchmode “singleTask” an example User launch the App1 android starts a new task. Assume the App1 creates activities in follow order ActivityA ActivityB..
Android: How to tell if 'Mobile Network Data' is enabled or disabled (even when connected by WiFi) of Android as well boolean mobileDataEnabled false Assume disabled ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager context.getSystemService..
How to close Android application? inflater.inflate menu Assume that the HOME key will be pressed next unless a navigation event..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer index int prevSection section int nextSection section 1 Assume the next section is unique if section nSections 1 nextIndex..
How to detect USER INACTIVITY in android interact with the app for a long time say 6 7 mins... Assume the screen is ON all the time... I want to detect kind of USER..
BitmapFactory.decodeResource returns a mutable Bitmap in Android 2.2 and an immutable Bitmap in Android 1.6 Config type imgIn.getConfig Copy the byte to the file Assume source bitmap loaded using options.inPreferredConfig Config.ARGB_8888..
Creating an Android JUnit Test project in Eclipse control you don't need to sync two projects each time. Assume we want to create a test suite for the MyAndroidApp project..
Fragments onResume from back stack For a lack of a better solution I got this working for me Assume I have 1 activity MyActivity and few fragments that replaces..
Getting resources of another Application resources of another Application Assume I've got 2 Application A and B. I want to access resources drawables..
How to support Arabic text in Android? in code but its showing boxes instead of Arabic text. Assume that t array values are Arabic text from server. string t Textview..
Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically Here's an example for a pager creating fragments off of a list of strings ViewPager pager get my ViewPager assume this actually has stuff in it final ArrayList String titles new ArrayList String FragmentManager fm getSupportFragmentManager..
Close/hide the Android Soft Keyboard Button in my layout. After writing in the edit field and clicking on the Button I want to hide the virtual keyboard. I assume that there's a simple one or two liner to make this happen. Where can I find an example of it android keyboard android..
“Parse Error : There is a problem parsing the package” while installing Android application it worked fine. The only difference in the steps you outlined between the two versions are The version number I'm assume that this did not participate in breaking anything The code The name of the .apk file Try renaming the ARDemo1.apk file..
Eclipse error: R cannot be resolved to a variable [duplicate] gives same error after cleaning. Any ideas would be appreciated. android eclipse share improve this question I assume you have updated ADT with version 22 and file is not getting generated. If this is the case then here is the solution..
How to fire onListItemClick in Listactivity with buttons in list? can I make this work android android widget android listview share improve this question I hope I can help here. I assume that you have custom layout for listView items and this layout consists of button and some other views like TextView ImageView..
Android SplashScreen The problem is most likely that you are running the splash screen some sort of Dialog such as ProgressDialog I assume in the same thread as all the work being done. This will keep the view of the splash screen from being updated which can..
How to close Android application? application. However you can determine with the HOME key is pressed by setting a flag to true in a helper class that assumes that the HOME key has been pressed then changing the flag to false when an event occurs that shows the HOME key was not.. Activity public void onStart super.onStart Check if the app was just launched. If the app was just launched then assume that the HOME key will be pressed next unless a navigation event by the user or the app occurs. Otherwise the user or the.. key was pressed then the app will be killed. Otherwise the user or the app is navigating away from this activity so assume that the HOME key will be pressed next unless a navigation event by the user or the app occurs. UIHelper.checkHomeKeyPressed..
How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android? .getHeight int diff screenHeight statusBarHeight height if listener null listener.onSoftKeyboardShown diff 128 assume all soft keyboards are at least 128 pixels high super.onMeasure widthMeasureSpec heightMeasureSpec Then in your Activity..
Secure HTTP Post in Android httpGet catch Exception e Log.e Your App Name Here e.getMessage int status response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode we assume that the response body contains the error message try ret EntityUtils.toString response.getEntity catch IOException e ..
Detect application heap size in Android Honeycomb but thanks to the comment by cmcromance below we have the following largeHeap values maxMemory 268435456 I assume that is the returned value corresponding to the 256 MB reported getMemoryClass 64 I assume that is the returned value corresponding.. maxMemory 268435456 I assume that is the returned value corresponding to the 256 MB reported getMemoryClass 64 I assume that is the returned value corresponding to the 64 MB reported for a Galaxy S3 running Jelly Bean. if anyone has other largeheap.. by Diane Hackborn hackbod above is only available back to API level 5 Android 2.0 and so as she advises you can assume that the physical hardware of any device running an earlier version of the OS is designed to optimally support apps occupying..
Sending images using Http Post sent to the server after scaling it to required size. android django http share improve this question I'm going to assume that you know the path and filename of the image that you want to upload. Add this string to your NameValuePair using image..
Android Launch an application from another application Launch an application from another application I want to launch an installed package from my Android application. I assume that it is possible using intents but I didn't find a way of doing it. Does anyone have a link where to find the information..
Technology to write iPhone, BlackBerry and Android phone at the same time? [closed] that runs on iPhone BlackBerry and Android I'm ignorant about the development environments for BB and Android but I assume they both support Java apps. I know that the iPhone would require an ObjectiveC portion as well as a whole new UI . Has..
Android MediaPlayer works fine in Custom audio Streaming application up to Android 2.1 but not in higher versions is acting differently in this case. The line numbers in your stack trace don't map to the file you link to so I assume there's a different version that you're actually using. I'm going to guess that that NullPointerException is being reported..
How to get Resource Name from Resource id id @ id radio1 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android text Dnt want this text Assume that some function in activity returns me this id id of radioButton . Now i want to get this text radio1 from this id ...
Android - Having Provider authority in the app project Level 11 have the custom Application class use call on ContentResolver to supply the authority to the ContentProvider Assume that the only real calls e.g. to query insert are valid and just lazy initialize your authority based on what comes in on..
How can I detect which layout is selected by Android in my application? can I detect which layout is selected by Android in my application Assume I have an activity with three different layouts in different resource folders. For example layout land my_act.xml layout..
Unable to close all activities on android eclipse to close all activities on android eclipse Assume i have four classes.Each class is having a button to do screen switching from one page to another page well its working..
touch through translucent app set the visibility to GONE this is equivalent to tearing of the current page to view the next page. Touch scenarios Assume your first page is a wax page translucent page similar to your translucent view so you can see the underlying page When..
About android launchmode “singleTask” still confusing about the singleTask launchmode . Lets take an example User launch the App1 android starts a new task. Assume the App1 creates activities in follow order ActivityA ActivityB ActivityC That's how does task1 look like. Then user click..
Android: How to tell if 'Mobile Network Data' is enabled or disabled (even when connected by WiFi) and later. Actually this code also works on earlier versions of Android as well boolean mobileDataEnabled false Assume disabled ConnectivityManager cm ConnectivityManager context.getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE try Class cmClass..
How to close Android application? onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu MenuInflater inflater getMenuInflater inflater.inflate menu Assume that the HOME key will be pressed next unless a navigation event by the user or the app occurs. UIHelper.homeKeyPressed..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer the user moves the thumb. int nextIndex count int prevIndex index int prevSection section int nextSection section 1 Assume the next section is unique if section nSections 1 nextIndex baseAdapter.getPositionForSection section 1 Find the previous..
How to detect USER INACTIVITY in android behavior even when the app is in the foreground but user doesn't interact with the app for a long time say 6 7 mins... Assume the screen is ON all the time... I want to detect kind of USER INACTIVITY No interaction with app even though the app is..
BitmapFactory.decodeResource returns a mutable Bitmap in Android 2.2 and an immutable Bitmap in Android 1.6 bitmap. int width imgIn.getWidth int height imgIn.getHeight Config type imgIn.getConfig Copy the byte to the file Assume source bitmap loaded using options.inPreferredConfig Config.ARGB_8888 FileChannel channel randomAccessFile.getChannel MappedByteBuffer..
Creating an Android JUnit Test project in Eclipse it in the same directory as its more convenient for revision control you don't need to sync two projects each time. Assume we want to create a test suite for the MyAndroidApp project Goto File.. New.. Other.. Android...Android Test Project Set..
Fragments onResume from back stack android 3.0 back stack share improve this question For a lack of a better solution I got this working for me Assume I have 1 activity MyActivity and few fragments that replaces each other only one is visible at a time . In MyActivity add..
Getting resources of another Application resources of another Application Assume I've got 2 Application A and B. I want to access resources drawables images strings of an B application from A application...
How to support Arabic text in Android? text from server successfully. Retrieved text I want display in code but its showing boxes instead of Arabic text. Assume that t array values are Arabic text from server. string t Textview tv Textview findviewByid tv.setText t 0 android..