android Programming Glossary: assumption
Augmented reality - Image size transform purely scientific but for making augmented reality certain assumptions can make processing a lot easier. Step 2 The Benefit Of A Viewport.. of the viewport Step 3 Some Math Let us make another assumption to simplify the process. Lets assume that instead of viewing.. mean that it is huge No but it would look huge if the only assumption of its size was from the total pixel count. Along the same lines..
Lib not found error in tesseract [closed] specific library path. Without seeing your code just only assumption is your code trying to load shared library and the..
When will Android have a public Calendar API? for 1.6 very unlikely for 2.0 and it is probably a safe assumption that it is not public because it is likely to change in the..
How to get the absolute coordinates of a view to be able to draw a box to select multiple pieces. My assumption is that the easiest way to do that is to getRawX and getRawY..
Calling finish() After Starting a New Activity 'Message Queue' method of doing things in Android and my assumption is that calling startActivity and then finish from my first..
Change the background color of the options menu for Android 2.3 because the hack made an undocumented assumption that one could call LayoutInflater.getView directly without.. instance. New code in Android 2.3 broke this assumption and led to a NullPointerException. My slightly refined hack.. My slightly refined hack below does not rely on this assumption. Furthermore the hacks also rely on using an internal undocumented..
android custom url scheme..? that and I bet will resolve correctly. I only made this assumption because you included the browsable category which is usually..
How to keep the OAuth consumer secret safe, and how to react when it's compromised? are the consequences of this Compromised Consumer Secret assumptions Am I correct in stating that a compromised consumer secret.. to gain access to my resources. End user impact In the assumption that a hacker has setup an application site using my consumer.. have two problems. with apologies to Jamie Zawinski Your assumptions are largely right. Right down to the point where you start..
Safely wipe file content to do with the medium. Shred et al depend on the assumption that overwriting a block in a file happens in place. On any.. with limited write cycles e.g. flash this is an unsafe assumption because the on board controller reassigns logical block addresses..
Android: Sax parsing returns null values and retrieve values in tags of same name improve this question This code makes the incorrect assumption that the characters method will be called only once between..
Activity restarts on Force Close Android to decide it was best to relaunch my app on the assumption the user would want that. android activity crash kill activity..
Download to internal memory possible? unlikely that DownloadManager will be able to do this. My assumption is that DownloadManager does not run in your process but in..
How do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images? value of dp to be used in this calculation Or is there any assumption about the value of dp I am confused. android dpi share improve..
Android Mapview: Merging overlapping markers into a new marker Maybe it sounds a bit primitive but No n^2 algorithms No assumption about ordering of the input No need to additionally process..
getting exception “IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState” caused by some or the other event from the application assumption I am not using Fragments still there is a reference of FragmentManager...
Sending text messages programmatically in android but the code doesn't wait long enough. I reached this assumption because if I step into the program using eclipse and manually..
Augmented reality - Image size transform to the right. Please note that none of this is measured or purely scientific but for making augmented reality certain assumptions can make processing a lot easier. Step 2 The Benefit Of A Viewport Now based on the previous definition of the viewport.. of the view. In this case the size of the view is the arclength of the viewport Step 3 Some Math Let us make another assumption to simplify the process. Lets assume that instead of viewing the real arc we view the hypotenuse of the viewport. When looking.. a size 5 soccer ball which was 2500px by 2500px. Does that mean that it is huge No but it would look huge if the only assumption of its size was from the total pixel count. Along the same lines I could have a 100px by 100px picture of earth but I would..
Lib not found error in tesseract [closed] problem is shared library file can not found on specific library path. Without seeing your code just only assumption is your code trying to load shared library and the library is not available at that path. Also the code you are..
When will Android have a public Calendar API? post on the dev group regarding calendar access Definitely not for 1.6 very unlikely for 2.0 and it is probably a safe assumption that it is not public because it is likely to change in the future http group android developers browse_thread..
How to get the absolute coordinates of a view is for a 'put the picture back in order' game. I want the user to be able to draw a box to select multiple pieces. My assumption is that the easiest way to do that is to getRawX and getRawY from the MotionEvent and then compare those values against..
Calling finish() After Starting a New Activity NextActivity.class finish ... I'm still taking in the whole 'Message Queue' method of doing things in Android and my assumption is that calling startActivity and then finish from my first Activity's onCreate will log each respective message in the..
Change the background color of the options menu The suggested hack worked for Android 2.2 and failed for Android 2.3 because the hack made an undocumented assumption that one could call LayoutInflater.getView directly without currently being inside a call to LayoutInflater.inflate on the.. being inside a call to LayoutInflater.inflate on the same LayoutInflater instance. New code in Android 2.3 broke this assumption and led to a NullPointerException. My slightly refined hack below does not rely on this assumption. Furthermore the hacks.. 2.3 broke this assumption and led to a NullPointerException. My slightly refined hack below does not rely on this assumption. Furthermore the hacks also rely on using an internal undocumented class name
android custom url scheme..? cedemo android host com.cedemo.scan intent filter activity Try that and I bet will resolve correctly. I only made this assumption because you included the browsable category which is usually used by the Browser which does not know of any of your custom..
How to keep the OAuth consumer secret safe, and how to react when it's compromised? been compromised and a hacker has gotten a hold of it what are the consequences of this Compromised Consumer Secret assumptions Am I correct in stating that a compromised consumer secret as such has no effect on the user's security or any data stored.. with the consumer secret can now sign requests on my behalf to gain access to my resources. End user impact In the assumption that a hacker has setup an application site using my consumer secret one of my users was tricked into authorizing access.. a problem think œI know I'll add my own proxy server Now they have two problems. with apologies to Jamie Zawinski Your assumptions are largely right. Right down to the point where you start thinking about your own server whether it keeps the secret and..
Safely wipe file content This vulnerability has nothing to do with the OS and everything to do with the medium. Shred et al depend on the assumption that overwriting a block in a file happens in place. On any medium with limited write cycles e.g. flash this is an unsafe.. overwriting a block in a file happens in place. On any medium with limited write cycles e.g. flash this is an unsafe assumption because the on board controller reassigns logical block addresses to new blocks of physical memory on writes as a way to..
Android: Sax parsing returns null values and retrieve values in tags of same name and android dev many thanks in advance android xml sax share improve this question This code makes the incorrect assumption that the characters method will be called only once between the startElement and endElement calls for a tag. Instead of..
Activity restarts on Force Close true in my Manifest. While I don't need the state this caused Android to decide it was best to relaunch my app on the assumption the user would want that. android activity crash kill activity stack share improve this question Here is some useful..
Download to internal memory possible? memory TIA android share improve this question It is unlikely that DownloadManager will be able to do this. My assumption is that DownloadManager does not run in your process but in another process controlled by the system. Internal storage locations..
How do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images? . But my problem is that if I know dpi where do I get the value of dp to be used in this calculation Or is there any assumption about the value of dp I am confused. android dpi share improve this question Dp are Density independant pixels and..
Android Mapview: Merging overlapping markers into a new marker clever grouping you might also check the neighbouring cells. Maybe it sounds a bit primitive but No n^2 algorithms No assumption about ordering of the input No need to additionally process markers which are not going to be shown The code for the grid..
getting exception “IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState” as its not happening in application code but its getting caused by some or the other event from the application assumption I am not using Fragments still there is a reference of FragmentManager. If any body can throw some light on some hidden..
Sending text messages programmatically in android because there is a delay between sending each individual message but the code doesn't wait long enough. I reached this assumption because if I step into the program using eclipse and manually go through the app everything always works just fine. My other..