android Programming Glossary: ati
Unable to send ATZ command to ELM 327 after establishing connection with ELM327 in android ATST10 r dataRetriever.put Time Out readDataFromOBD btSocketConnected sendDataToOBD btSocketConnected ATI r dataRetriever.put Device Description readDataFromOBD btSocketConnected sendDataToOBD btSocketConnected ATDP r dataRetriever.put..
Why can't HTC Droid running OTA 2.1 communicate with RFCOMM? data appears to work but no data ever arrives in the input buffer. The device I'm connecting to uses AT commands. ATI should respond with a device ID. That works fine when I run the app on my Moto Droid but on the HTC droid no data is ever.. i o streams to socket. msg e.getMessage return false resetErrorCounters setConnected true return true Then I send ATI r and expect something like CAN OBD II but I get nothing. mBTInputStream.available it seems is ALWAYS zero even when data..
Android OpenGL Texture Compression opaque textures. PVRTC PowerVR texture compression . Supported by devices with PowerVR GPUs Nexus S Kindle fire... . ATITC ATI texture compression .Used in devices with Adreno GPU from Qualcomm Nexus One... . S3TC S3 texture compression . This.. textures. PVRTC PowerVR texture compression . Supported by devices with PowerVR GPUs Nexus S Kindle fire... . ATITC ATI texture compression .Used in devices with Adreno GPU from Qualcomm Nexus One... . S3TC S3 texture compression . This texture.. and load them according the device. How to use Compress your png files You can use a tool like ETC Pack PVRTexTool ATI Compressonator Nvidia Texure Tools according to the type of texture and add to your project assets. Determine which extensions..