android Programming Glossary: astro
Check if the SDCard is present, boolean is always true the boolean will also be true.. And if I launches the Astro File Manager after unmounting and removing the sdcard I can..
Nexus 4 not showing files via MTP i can see the file on the phone itself with Astro File Manager but Windows doesn't see it... adb shell on the..
Saving files on external storage on Nexus 7 and retrieving from PC storage in their code. After running this code using Astro File manager on the device I see a Sensor_Data.csv file in four.. work is storage emulated 0 Sensor_Data.csv even though Astro sees it in all four and LogCat shows that it is being saved.. Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS again I can see it in Astro in the same four locations but when I go through Windows Explorer..
Launching Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent not working on saved image file me to select a viewer. I have 3 viewers installed. The Astro image viewer the default media gallery i have a milstone on.. . Now when i launch the 3 viewers the following happen Astro image viewer The activity launches but i see nothing but a black.. as it should. When i try to simply open the file using the Astro file manager browse to it and simply click i get the same option..
Android: Getting a file Uri from a content Uri? 710 However using the popular file manager application Astro I get the following file sdcard media audio ringtones GetupGetOut.mp3..
Can't see a file in Windows written by an android app on sd-card unless I “Force Close” the app happens now is that if I go to Android file browser like Astro I can see the file but if I mount the SD card on Windows I can't..
Check if the SDCard is present, boolean is always true and removes the SDCard then kill the app and launching it again the boolean will also be true.. And if I launches the Astro File Manager after unmounting and removing the sdcard I can still access the mnt sdcard path why How can I manage to accomplish..
Nexus 4 not showing files via MTP customerQueryRequest myFile catch Exception e e.printStackTrace i can see the file on the phone itself with Astro File Manager but Windows doesn't see it... adb shell on the directory shows ls l drwxrwxr x root sdcard_rw 1970 01 16 20..
Saving files on external storage on Nexus 7 and retrieving from PC order to be compatible with most apps which make use of external storage in their code. After running this code using Astro File manager on the device I see a Sensor_Data.csv file in four locations sdcard storage sdcard0 storage emulated 0 and.. 243 Kb s 1495 bytes in 0.006s So the only location that doesn't work is storage emulated 0 Sensor_Data.csv even though Astro sees it in all four and LogCat shows that it is being saved to storage emulated 0 Also just tried saving to root Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory.. saving to root Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS again I can see it in Astro in the same four locations but when I go through Windows Explorer and navigate to the downloads folder its not there. android..
Launching Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent not working on saved image file The file gets created. The intent launches a dialog asking me to select a viewer. I have 3 viewers installed. The Astro image viewer the default media gallery i have a milstone on 2.1 but on the milestone the 2.1 update did not include the.. the 3d gallery from the nexus one i found the apk in the wild . Now when i launch the 3 viewers the following happen Astro image viewer The activity launches but i see nothing but a black screen. Media Gallery i get an exception dialog shown The.. with a force close option. 3D gallery Everything works as it should. When i try to simply open the file using the Astro file manager browse to it and simply click i get the same option dialog but this time things are different Astro image viewer..
Android: Getting a file Uri from a content Uri? uri which looks like this content media external audio media 710 However using the popular file manager application Astro I get the following file sdcard media audio ringtones GetupGetOut.mp3 The latter is much more accessible for me to work..
Can't see a file in Windows written by an android app on sd-card unless I “Force Close” the app hit the back button on Android to close the application. What happens now is that if I go to Android file browser like Astro I can see the file but if I mount the SD card on Windows I can't see the file Now if I go to Settings Applications Manage..