android Programming Glossary: asynctask
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] you get an exception please use directions function in an AsyncTask to avoid network processing on the UI thread. share improve..
How to check internet access on Android? InetAddress never timeouts access on Android InetAddress never timeouts I got a AsyncTask that is supposed to check the network access to a host name... have a clue public class HostAvailabilityTask extends AsyncTask String Void Boolean private Main main public HostAvailabilityTask..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog you to decide which method is better for your app. 1. Use AsyncTask and show the download progress in a dialog This method will.. DialogInterface dialog downloadTask.cancel true The AsyncTask will look like this usually subclasses of AsyncTask are declared.. The AsyncTask will look like this usually subclasses of AsyncTask are declared inside the activity class. that way you can easily..
Make an HTTP request with android want it to run on separate thread I'd recommend extending AsyncTask class RequestTask extends AsyncTask String String String @Override.. recommend extending AsyncTask class RequestTask extends AsyncTask String String String @Override protected String doInBackground..
Background task, progress dialog, orientation change - is there any 100% working solution? some data from internet in background thread I use AsyncTask and display a progress dialog while downlaoding. Orientation.. Orientation changes Activity is restarted and then my AsyncTask is completed I want to dismiss the progess dialog and start.. android share improve this question Step #1 Make your AsyncTask a static inner class or an entirely separate class just not..
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? multiple AsyncTasks at the same time &mdash not possible I'm trying to run two.. the same time &mdash not possible I'm trying to run two AsyncTasks at the same time. Platform is Android 1.5 HTC Hero. However.. AndroidJunk extends Activity class PrinterTask extends AsyncTask String Void Void protected Void doInBackground String ... x..
AsyncTask Android example Android example I was reading about AsyncTask and I tried a.. Android example I was reading about AsyncTask and I tried a simple program. But it does not seem to work... com.test import import android.os.AsyncTask import android.os.Bundle import android.provider.Settings.System..
What Android tools and methods work best to find memory/resource leaks?
How do I return a boolean from AsyncTask? result progressDialog.dismiss java android android asynctask share improve this question public interface MyInterface..
Inner class can access but not update values - AsyncTask that thread returns java android multithreading android asynctask share improve this question How can I ensure that the values..
Ideal way to cancel an executing AsyncTask is the ideal way to handle such a case android android asynctask share improve this question Just discovered that AlertDialogs..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog file in the first place. java android download android asynctask share improve this question There are many ways to download..
Is AsyncTask really conceptually flawed or am I just missing something? for your input. android concurrency handler android asynctask share improve this question How about something like this..
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? an HTC Hero running Android 2.1. Hmmm ... android android asynctask share improve this question AsyncTask uses a thread pool..
progressDialog in AsyncTask add AsyncTask to this Thank you Houssem android android asynctask progressdialog share improve this question this class performs..
NetworkOnMainThreadException that elapsed now android networking asynchronous android asynctask networkonmainthread share improve this question With honeycomb.. says. For this reason you must use handler or asynctask. There is no another way to do it. here you can find 2 examples..
Android - android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException on its main thread. You should call sendfeedback method on asynctask then only above code will work. As webserver is taking lot of.. To avoid it you should call it on another thread. Hence asynctask is better. http android 2009 05 painless..
AsyncTask Android example Replace LinearLayout Thanks for the help. android android asynctask share improve this question Ok you are trying to access the..
android asynctask sending callbacks to ui asynctask sending callbacks to ui I have the following asynctask class.. asynctask sending callbacks to ui I have the following asynctask class which is not inside the activity. In the activity I'm.. inside the activity. In the activity I'm initializing the asynctask and I want the asynctask to report callbacks back to my activity...
How to completly kill/remove/delete/stop an AsyncTask in Android again an async task by clicking the download button a new asyncTask starts... Each time i click download.. then cancel then again.. download.. then cancel then again download a separate asyncTask starts. Why myAsynTask.canclen true not cancelling my task I..
How to get the result of OnPostExecute() to main activity because AsyncTask is a separate class? main Activity. public class MainActivity extends Activity AasyncTask asyncTask new AasyncTask @Override public void onCreate Bundle.. public class MainActivity extends Activity AasyncTask asyncTask new AasyncTask @Override public void onCreate Bundle aBundle.. MainActivity extends Activity AasyncTask asyncTask new AasyncTask @Override public void onCreate Bundle aBundle super.onCreate..
Return value from AsyncTask class onPostExecute method new YourTask this here is the initalization code for your asyncTask And your AsyncTask public YourTask extends AsyncTask Object..
Draw driving route between 2 GeoPoints on GoogleMap SupportMapFragment mode GetDirectionsAsyncTask asyncTask new GetDirectionsAsyncTask this asyncTask.execute map Finally.. asyncTask new GetDirectionsAsyncTask this asyncTask.execute map Finally run this method to create the Polyline findDirections..
Progressbar togther with asyncTask togther with asyncTask I want to use a progressbar on my screen isntead of progressDialog...
Using Cursor with ListView adapter for a large amount of data all the data as fast as possible. i have done this with asyncTask here is the code private class PrepareAdapter extends AsyncTask..
Android - Cancel AsyncTask Forcefully AsyncTask in my one of activity performBackgroundTask asyncTask new performBackgroundTask asyncTask.execute Now i need to implement.. performBackgroundTask asyncTask new performBackgroundTask asyncTask.execute Now i need to implement the Cancel button functionality..
HonyComb and DefaultHttpClient issue by executing your request in a separate thread or an asyncTask. Please read this blog post. You can find information about..
Android HTML ImageGetter as AsyncTask new URLDrawable get the actual source ImageGetterAsyncTask asyncTask new ImageGetterAsyncTask urlDrawable asyncTask.execute source.. asyncTask new ImageGetterAsyncTask urlDrawable asyncTask.execute source return reference to URLDrawable where I will..
Need a simple tutorial for android/webservice work? task for these purposes public class FetchList extends asyncTask Void Void Byte doinbackground this was explained in first..
Display fragment viewpager within a fragment to set the adapter for viewPager. It works for me. The asyncTask is to make the original fragment complete it's transition. and..
Android ImageGetter images overlapping text new URLDrawable get the actual source ImageGetterAsyncTask asyncTask new ImageGetterAsyncTask urlDrawable asyncTask.execute source.. asyncTask new ImageGetterAsyncTask urlDrawable asyncTask.execute source return reference to URLDrawable where I will..
android how to create my own Activity and extend it ? to some flag value also in SubActivity i want to execute asyncTask that is defined in BaseActivity. is this possible if yes is..
ProgressDialog not shown when AsyncTask.get() called [duplicate] And here is myActivity which is calls AsyncTask myAsync asyncTask new myAsync Loading... this asyncTask.execute Any string Other.. AsyncTask myAsync asyncTask new myAsync Loading... this asyncTask.execute Any string Other string asyncTask.get If I comment out.. Loading... this asyncTask.execute Any string Other string asyncTask.get If I comment out this line ProgressDialog works After execute..
“No enclosing instance of type” error while calling method from another class in Android new MainActivity MainActivity.parseYouTubeAndYahoo asyncTask parseYouTubeAndYahoo However.... You really shouldn't..
Android AsyncTask Progress bar [duplicate] bar duplicate Possible Duplicate Progressbar togther with asyncTask I am having a expandableListView in a project . If somebody..
return value from Async task in android Void result do stuff how to return a variable here The asyncTask is started from activity myTask.execute something like this..
How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api? this question In the onCreate method I am calling this Asynctask private class getAlbumsData extends AsyncTask Void Void Void.. View.GONE The loadMoreAlbums Asynctask is run from a onScrollListener setup in the onCreate lv.setOnScrollListener..
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method class where AsyncTask is written and i used cancel true on Asynctask object in that method. When i call this method from fragments..
BaseAdapter class wont setAdapter inside Asynctask - Android class wont setAdapter inside Asynctask Android I have asynctask that gathers usernames comments and..
Android : Loading an image from the Web with Asynctask Loading an image from the Web with Asynctask How do I replace the following lines of code with an Asynctask.. How do I replace the following lines of code with an Asynctask How do you get back the Bitmap from the Asynctask Thank you... with an Asynctask How do you get back the Bitmap from the Asynctask Thank you. ImageView mChart ImageView findViewById
Fetch data from server and refresh UI when data is fetched?
Need Help in Downloading in Background Images in Android? R.layout.main new FirstTask .execute calling Asynctask here Async Task code private class FirstTask extends AsyncTask..
android how to work with asynctasks progressdialog how to work with asynctasks progressdialog Asynctask have 4 override methods onPreExecute doInBackground onProgressUpdate..
IntentService, Service, or AsyncTask with Activity and Service by using IBinder interface. Asynctask are just a specialized threads so that you can update your UI..
How to execute web request in its own thread? improve this question I'd suggest you take a look at ASyncTask class available since Android 1.5 . It simplifies the process..
PendingIntent works correctly for the first notification but incorrectly for the rest a function also in UploadManager that is running in an ASyncTask. Edit 1 I forgot to mention that I am passing String response..
How to use separate thread to perform http requests that is able to return this data to the UI thread. Will ASyncTask be able to accomplish this or is there some other way public..
android image upload else for an error. I also suggest to do this in a ASyncTask to prevent blocking the user during the uploading. On the webserver..
how to stop ASyncTask thread in android to stop ASyncTask thread in android can anybody have any idea how to stop ASyncTask.. thread in android can anybody have any idea how to stop ASyncTask thread in android . Actually i have a loop which creates threads..
Show a progress bar when an Activity is loading Window.FEATURE_INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS then start an ASyncTask which will be responsible for updating your UI once data has..
Return data from AsyncTask Android value and Change in a list. The problem arises in the ASyncTask class as postExecute method doesn't allow it's return type to.. i CURRENT VALUE and CHANGE which should be returned from ASyncTask class rcmp i valuearr 0 rchg i valuearr 1 list1 new ArrayList..
Android SDK AsyncTask doInBackground not running (subclass) but I changed my code like this and problem is gone ASyncTask Void Void Void my_task new ASyncTask Void Void Void ... if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT.. and problem is gone ASyncTask Void Void Void my_task new ASyncTask Void Void Void ... if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate]
How to check internet access on Android? InetAddress never timeouts to check internet access on Android InetAddress never timeouts I got a AsyncTask that is supposed to check the network access to a host name. But the doInBackground is never timed out. Anyone have a clue.. a host name. But the doInBackground is never timed out. Anyone have a clue public class HostAvailabilityTask extends AsyncTask String Void Boolean private Main main public HostAvailabilityTask Main main this.main main protected Boolean doInBackground..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog files. Following I will post most common ways it is up to you to decide which method is better for your app. 1. Use AsyncTask and show the download progress in a dialog This method will allow you to execute some background processes and update the.. DialogInterface.OnCancelListener @Override public void onCancel DialogInterface dialog downloadTask.cancel true The AsyncTask will look like this usually subclasses of AsyncTask are declared inside the activity class. that way you can easily modify.. void onCancel DialogInterface dialog downloadTask.cancel true The AsyncTask will look like this usually subclasses of AsyncTask are declared inside the activity class. that way you can easily modify the UI thread from here private class DownloadTask..
Make an HTTP request with android throw new IOException statusLine.getReasonPhrase If you want it to run on separate thread I'd recommend extending AsyncTask class RequestTask extends AsyncTask String String String @Override protected String doInBackground String... uri HttpClient.. If you want it to run on separate thread I'd recommend extending AsyncTask class RequestTask extends AsyncTask String String String @Override protected String doInBackground String... uri HttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient..
Background task, progress dialog, orientation change - is there any 100% working solution? orientation change is there any 100 working solution I download some data from internet in background thread I use AsyncTask and display a progress dialog while downlaoding. Orientation changes Activity is restarted and then my AsyncTask is completed.. I use AsyncTask and display a progress dialog while downlaoding. Orientation changes Activity is restarted and then my AsyncTask is completed I want to dismiss the progess dialog and start a new Activity. But calling dismissDialog sometimes throws an.. Did someone from Google provide some official solution android share improve this question Step #1 Make your AsyncTask a static inner class or an entirely separate class just not a regular inner class. Step #2 Have the AsyncTask hold onto..
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? multiple AsyncTasks at the same time &mdash not possible I'm trying to run two AsyncTasks at the same time. Platform is Android 1.5 HTC Hero... multiple AsyncTasks at the same time &mdash not possible I'm trying to run two AsyncTasks at the same time. Platform is Android 1.5 HTC Hero. However only the first gets executed. Here's a simple snippet to describe.. Here's a simple snippet to describe my problem public class AndroidJunk extends Activity class PrinterTask extends AsyncTask String Void Void protected Void doInBackground String ... x while true System.out.println x 0 try Thread.sleep 1000 catch..
AsyncTask Android example Android example I was reading about AsyncTask and I tried a simple program. But it does not seem to work. I am new to android.. Android example I was reading about AsyncTask and I tried a simple program. But it does not seem to work. I am new to android programming if possible can you please help.. programming if possible can you please help me out. package com.test import import android.os.AsyncTask import android.os.Bundle import android.provider.Settings.System import android.view.View import android.widget.Button import..
What Android tools and methods work best to find memory/resource leaks?
How do I return a boolean from AsyncTask? protected void onPostExecute Void result super.onPostExecute result progressDialog.dismiss java android android asynctask share improve this question public interface MyInterface public void myMethod boolean result public class AsyncConnectTask..
Inner class can access but not update values - AsyncTask that any values updated in the new thread will be lost once that thread returns java android multithreading android asynctask share improve this question How can I ensure that the values remain updated They will be updated since they are member..
Ideal way to cancel an executing AsyncTask run when the user cancels decides against the operation. What is the ideal way to handle such a case android android asynctask share improve this question Just discovered that AlertDialogs 's boolean cancel ... I've been using everywhere actually..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog how to display the current progress and how to download the file in the first place. java android download android asynctask share improve this question There are many ways to download files. Following I will post most common ways it is up to..
Is AsyncTask really conceptually flawed or am I just missing something? working with it How did you solve these problem Thanks for your input. android concurrency handler android asynctask share improve this question How about something like this warning not tested class MyActivity extends Activity Worker..
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? problem descr. accordingly. I don't have this problem with an HTC Hero running Android 2.1. Hmmm ... android android asynctask share improve this question AsyncTask uses a thread pool pattern for running the stuff from doInBackground . The issue..
progressDialog in AsyncTask t Log.e ImageLoader t.getMessage t Can you please help me add AsyncTask to this Thank you Houssem android android asynctask progressdialog share improve this question this class performs all the work shows dialog before the work and dismiss..
NetworkOnMainThreadException in production What about a grace period or something Or is that elapsed now android networking asynchronous android asynctask networkonmainthread share improve this question With honeycomb you can not perform a networking operation on its main.. not perform a networking operation on its main thread as documentation says. For this reason you must use handler or asynctask. There is no another way to do it. here you can find 2 examples written in turkish about networking operation. maybe they..
Android - android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException an application attempts to perform a networking operation on its main thread. You should call sendfeedback method on asynctask then only above code will work. As webserver is taking lot of time to response main thread becomes unresponsive. To avoid.. lot of time to response main thread becomes unresponsive. To avoid it you should call it on another thread. Hence asynctask is better. http android 2009 05 painless threading.html here is link that illustrates how to use..
AsyncTask Android example android layout_height wrap_content android text Replace LinearLayout Thanks for the help. android android asynctask share improve this question Ok you are trying to access the GUI via another thread. This in the main is not good practice...
android asynctask sending callbacks to ui asynctask sending callbacks to ui I have the following asynctask class which is not inside the activity. In the activity I'm initializing.. asynctask sending callbacks to ui I have the following asynctask class which is not inside the activity. In the activity I'm initializing the asynctask and I want the asynctask to report.. to ui I have the following asynctask class which is not inside the activity. In the activity I'm initializing the asynctask and I want the asynctask to report callbacks back to my activity. Is it possible Or does the asynctask must be in the same..
How to completly kill/remove/delete/stop an AsyncTask in Android to status showing me that each time i cancal and start again an async task by clicking the download button a new asyncTask starts... Each time i click download.. then cancel then again download a separate asyncTask starts. Why myAsynTask.canclen.. the download button a new asyncTask starts... Each time i click download.. then cancel then again download a separate asyncTask starts. Why myAsynTask.canclen true not cancelling my task I dont want it anymore on the background. I just want to completly..
How to get the result of OnPostExecute() to main activity because AsyncTask is a separate class? the result to my main Activity Here is the sample codes. My main Activity. public class MainActivity extends Activity AasyncTask asyncTask new AasyncTask @Override public void onCreate Bundle aBundle super.onCreate aBundle Calling the AsyncTask class.. to my main Activity Here is the sample codes. My main Activity. public class MainActivity extends Activity AasyncTask asyncTask new AasyncTask @Override public void onCreate Bundle aBundle super.onCreate aBundle Calling the AsyncTask class to start.. Here is the sample codes. My main Activity. public class MainActivity extends Activity AasyncTask asyncTask new AasyncTask @Override public void onCreate Bundle aBundle super.onCreate aBundle Calling the AsyncTask class to start to execute. asyncTask.execute..
Return value from AsyncTask class onPostExecute method implements OnTaskCompleted your Activity YourTask task new YourTask this here is the initalization code for your asyncTask And your AsyncTask public YourTask extends AsyncTask Object Object Object change Object to required type private OnTaskCompleted..
Draw driving route between 2 GeoPoints on GoogleMap SupportMapFragment String.valueOf toPositionDoubleLong map.put GetDirectionsAsyncTask.DIRECTIONS_MODE mode GetDirectionsAsyncTask asyncTask new GetDirectionsAsyncTask this asyncTask.execute map Finally run this method to create the Polyline findDirections AppObj.getInstance.. map.put GetDirectionsAsyncTask.DIRECTIONS_MODE mode GetDirectionsAsyncTask asyncTask new GetDirectionsAsyncTask this asyncTask.execute map Finally run this method to create the Polyline findDirections AppObj.getInstance .currentUserLocation.getLatitude..
Progressbar togther with asyncTask togther with asyncTask I want to use a progressbar on my screen isntead of progressDialog. I have inserted a progressBar on my XML view file and..
Using Cursor with ListView adapter for a large amount of data about 8.000 rows. so i am looking for a way to query and show all the data as fast as possible. i have done this with asyncTask here is the code private class PrepareAdapter extends AsyncTask Void Void CustomCursorAdapter @Override protected void onPreExecute..
Android - Cancel AsyncTask Forcefully Cancel AsyncTask Forcefully I have implemented AsyncTask in my one of activity performBackgroundTask asyncTask new performBackgroundTask asyncTask.execute Now i need to implement the Cancel button functionality so i have to stop the.. I have implemented AsyncTask in my one of activity performBackgroundTask asyncTask new performBackgroundTask asyncTask.execute Now i need to implement the Cancel button functionality so i have to stop the execution of the running task. I don't..
HonyComb and DefaultHttpClient lets you know this is a bad idea and you can resolve this issue by executing your request in a separate thread or an asyncTask. Please read this blog post. You can find information about doing async multi threaded apps all over SO and Google. share..
Android HTML ImageGetter as AsyncTask Drawable getDrawable String source URLDrawable urlDrawable new URLDrawable get the actual source ImageGetterAsyncTask asyncTask new ImageGetterAsyncTask urlDrawable asyncTask.execute source return reference to URLDrawable where I will change with.. urlDrawable new URLDrawable get the actual source ImageGetterAsyncTask asyncTask new ImageGetterAsyncTask urlDrawable asyncTask.execute source return reference to URLDrawable where I will change with actual image from the src tag return urlDrawable..
Need a simple tutorial for android/webservice work? fl new FetchList fl.execute Always better to use async task for these purposes public class FetchList extends asyncTask Void Void Byte doinbackground this was explained in first step Response res new Response url String response res.getResponse..
Display fragment viewpager within a fragment android lifecycle share improve this question use AsyncTask to set the adapter for viewPager. It works for me. The asyncTask is to make the original fragment complete it's transition. and then we proceed with viewPager fragments basically to avoid..
Android ImageGetter images overlapping text Drawable getDrawable String source URLDrawable urlDrawable new URLDrawable get the actual source ImageGetterAsyncTask asyncTask new ImageGetterAsyncTask urlDrawable asyncTask.execute source return reference to URLDrawable where I will change with actual.. urlDrawable new URLDrawable get the actual source ImageGetterAsyncTask asyncTask new ImageGetterAsyncTask urlDrawable asyncTask.execute source return reference to URLDrawable where I will change with actual image from the src tag return urlDrawable..
android how to create my own Activity and extend it ? need to define a different layout for SubActivity according to some flag value also in SubActivity i want to execute asyncTask that is defined in BaseActivity. is this possible if yes is there any tutorial that may help thank you in advance android..
ProgressDialog not shown when AsyncTask.get() called [duplicate] List result if progress.isShowing progress.dismiss And here is myActivity which is calls AsyncTask myAsync asyncTask new myAsync Loading... this asyncTask.execute Any string Other string asyncTask.get If I comment out this line ProgressDialog.. progress.dismiss And here is myActivity which is calls AsyncTask myAsync asyncTask new myAsync Loading... this asyncTask.execute Any string Other string asyncTask.get If I comment out this line ProgressDialog works After execute when I tried.. which is calls AsyncTask myAsync asyncTask new myAsync Loading... this asyncTask.execute Any string Other string asyncTask.get If I comment out this line ProgressDialog works After execute when I tried to log the result from doInBackground and..
“No enclosing instance of type” error while calling method from another class in Android instantiate the inner class. So you'll need MainActivity myActivity new MainActivity MainActivity.parseYouTubeAndYahoo asyncTask parseYouTubeAndYahoo However.... You really shouldn't be instantiating non static inner classes of your Activities..
Android AsyncTask Progress bar [duplicate] AsyncTask Progress bar duplicate Possible Duplicate Progressbar togther with asyncTask I am having a expandableListView in a project . If somebody clicks on the group then data must be load and loading time..
return value from Async task in android do stuff return null @Override protected void onPostExecute Void result do stuff how to return a variable here The asyncTask is started from activity myTask.execute something like this myvalue myTask.getvalue java android return android asynctask..
How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api? Malformed access token android facebook share improve this question In the onCreate method I am calling this Asynctask private class getAlbumsData extends AsyncTask Void Void Void LinearLayout linlaHeaderProgress LinearLayout findViewById.. THE BOTTOM PROGRESS BAR SPINNER AFTER LOADING MORE ALBUMS linlaProgressBar.setVisibility View.GONE The loadMoreAlbums Asynctask is run from a onScrollListener setup in the onCreate lv.setOnScrollListener new OnScrollListener @Override public void onScrollStateChanged..
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method fragment is destroyed. To do that i created a method in the class where AsyncTask is written and i used cancel true on Asynctask object in that method. When i call this method from fragments onDestroy the background process is still running. Plz tell..
BaseAdapter class wont setAdapter inside Asynctask - Android class wont setAdapter inside Asynctask Android I have asynctask that gathers usernames comments and numbers. It places them into strings and is then suppose to..
Android : Loading an image from the Web with Asynctask Loading an image from the Web with Asynctask How do I replace the following lines of code with an Asynctask How do you get back the Bitmap from the Asynctask Thank.. Loading an image from the Web with Asynctask How do I replace the following lines of code with an Asynctask How do you get back the Bitmap from the Asynctask Thank you. ImageView mChart ImageView findViewById String URL.. with Asynctask How do I replace the following lines of code with an Asynctask How do you get back the Bitmap from the Asynctask Thank you. ImageView mChart ImageView findViewById String URL http www...anything ... mChart.setImageBitmap download_Image..
Fetch data from server and refresh UI when data is fetched?
Need Help in Downloading in Background Images in Android? savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main new FirstTask .execute calling Asynctask here Async Task code private class FirstTask extends AsyncTask Void Void Void private final ProgressDialog dialog new ProgressDialog..
android how to work with asynctasks progressdialog how to work with asynctasks progressdialog Asynctask have 4 override methods onPreExecute doInBackground onProgressUpdate onPostExecute except onProgressUpdate all are working...
IntentService, Service, or AsyncTask and only you need to do multithreading. You do can communicate with Activity and Service by using IBinder interface. Asynctask are just a specialized threads so that you can update your UI easily. But for your case IntentService seems to be best option...
How to execute web request in its own thread? any other better option. java android multithreading share improve this question I'd suggest you take a look at ASyncTask class available since Android 1.5 . It simplifies the process of creating a background Thread that synchronizes with the..
PendingIntent works correctly for the first notification but incorrectly for the rest Function displayNotification is called multiple times from a function also in UploadManager that is running in an ASyncTask. Edit 1 I forgot to mention that I am passing String response into Intent intent as an extra. protected void displayNotification..
How to use separate thread to perform http requests the XML that the HTTP Request returns I need to have a process that is able to return this data to the UI thread. Will ASyncTask be able to accomplish this or is there some other way public static InputStream makeRequest String httpRequest In a separate..
android image upload PHP Script which returns a 1 for a successful upload and something else for an error. I also suggest to do this in a ASyncTask to prevent blocking the user during the uploading. On the webserver side you've got a file in the name uploadedfile . Hope..
how to stop ASyncTask thread in android to stop ASyncTask thread in android can anybody have any idea how to stop ASyncTask thread in android . Actually i have a loop which creates.. to stop ASyncTask thread in android can anybody have any idea how to stop ASyncTask thread in android . Actually i have a loop which creates threads and executes them. and when this loop will end i want to..
Show a progress bar when an Activity is loading
Return data from AsyncTask Android their current value and Change and display Company name current value and Change in a list. The problem arises in the ASyncTask class as postExecute method doesn't allow it's return type to be any other than void . Am I doing anything wrong Any help.. .execute new String http stockquote.aspx id rsym i CURRENT VALUE and CHANGE which should be returned from ASyncTask class rcmp i valuearr 0 rchg i valuearr 1 list1 new ArrayList HashMap String String HashMap String String addList1 for..
Android SDK AsyncTask doInBackground not running (subclass) I had a similar problem as you still unclear why it is not working but I changed my code like this and problem is gone ASyncTask Void Void Void my_task new ASyncTask Void Void Void ... if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB my_task.executeOnExecutor.. unclear why it is not working but I changed my code like this and problem is gone ASyncTask Void Void Void my_task new ASyncTask Void Void Void ... if Build.VERSION.SDK_INT Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB my_task.executeOnExecutor AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR..