android Programming Glossary: actionbar
Error importing HoloEverywhere . This library use in the themes.xml the library ActionBar Sherlock. I have imported to my workspace ActionBar Sherlock.. ActionBar Sherlock. I have imported to my workspace ActionBar Sherlock and I have added it to HoloEverywhere. Next I have.. Follow the steps below taken from blog here to add ActionBarSherlock Download the .zip .tgz and extract it Go to eclipse..
How did Google manage to do this? Slide ActionBar in Android application did Google manage to do this Slide ActionBar in Android application I really want to implement this the.. a way to do this. Even without implementing your own ActionBar. Just have a look at the hierachyviewer Located in the tools.. as a child. This LinearLayout contains both the ActionBar and the other content. So you can simply apply some FrameLayout.LayoutParams..
Android Alarm Clock UI and Preferences inside a PreferenceScreen xml tag Also the ActionBar has a vertical pipe I am not sure how this was created but is..
Change title bar text in Android titlebar share improve this question Update Latest ActionBar Title pattern FYI ActionBar is introduced in API Level 11. ActionBar.. this question Update Latest ActionBar Title pattern FYI ActionBar is introduced in API Level 11. ActionBar is a window feature.. Title pattern FYI ActionBar is introduced in API Level 11. ActionBar is a window feature at the top of the activity that may display..
ActionBar text color text color how can I change the text color of the ActionBar.. text color how can I change the text color of the ActionBar I've inherited the Holo Light Theme I'm able to change the background.. Holo Light Theme I'm able to change the background of the ActionBar but I don't find out what is the attribute to tweak to change..
How to Set a Custom Font in the ActionBar Title? to Set a Custom Font in the ActionBar Title How if possible could I set a custom font in a ActionBar.. Title How if possible could I set a custom font in a ActionBar title text only not the tab text with a font in my assets folder.. a single activity which has this code in onCreate this.getActionBar .setDisplayShowCustomEnabled true this.getActionBar .setDisplayShowTitleEnabled..
How to force use of overflow menu on devices with menu button like to have all of the menu items that don't fit into the ActionBar go into the overflow menu the one that is reached from the Action.. button based interaction simply because the layout of the ActionBar can't fit them on the bar. On the emulator I can set the Hardware.. a physical menu button don't have an overflow menu in the ActionBar. This avoids ambiguity for the user essentially having two buttons..
ActionBarSherlock - How to set the padding of each actionbar's icon? How to set the padding of each actionbar's icon How can I make the icons of the actionbar using ActionBarSherlock.. of each actionbar's icon How can I make the icons of the actionbar using ActionBarSherlock closer or further away from each other.. or android paddingRight If I just add the icons on the actionbar they are further away compare to the screenshot of Soundhound..
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget I'm trying to change the drawable that sits in the Android actionbar searchview widget. Currently it looks like this but I need to.. right direction to changing this android styles android actionbar searchview background drawable share improve this question..
How did Google manage to do this? Slide ActionBar in Android application their own. android android layout android widget android actionbar android side navigation share improve this question In fact..
Navigation Drawer (Google+ vs. YouTube) Prixing Evernote Spotify android android layout android actionbar navigation drawer share improve this question Edit #3 The..
Force overflow menu in ActionBarSherlock absForceOverflow parameter set to true . android android actionbar actionbarsherlock android holo everywhere share improve this.. parameter set to true . android android actionbar actionbarsherlock android holo everywhere share improve this question.. a list of download as per their release history here http download.html I personally still use the ABS version..
Using ActionBarSherlock With the New SupportMapFragment support myself here is how they are supported. package import import import import import import import com.actionbarsherlock.view.Menu..
ActionBarSherlock stacked action bar styling issue which overrides these attributes android android actionbar actionbarsherlock android styles theming share improve this.. overrides these attributes android android actionbar actionbarsherlock android styles theming share improve this question..
ActionBar text color of those dropdown menu List android android 3.0 android actionbar share improve this question Ok I've found a better way...
Difference between ActionBarSherlock and ActionBar Compatibility supported in Action Bar Compatibility java android actionbarsherlock android actionbar android actionbar compat share improve.. Bar Compatibility java android actionbarsherlock android actionbar android actionbar compat share improve this question ActionBarSherlock.. java android actionbarsherlock android actionbar android actionbar compat share improve this question ActionBarSherlock gives..
How do I change the background color of the ActionBar of an ActionBarActivity using XML? of an ActionBarActivity using XML android android actionbar android theme android styles share improve this question ..
How to add a Dropdown item on the action bar a custom view android android layout android 3.0 android actionbar android spinner share improve this question First option..
How can I force the Action Bar to be at the bottom in ICS? Action Bar to be at the bottom. Any ideas android android actionbar android 4.0 share improve this question I've tried adding.. encoding utf 8 manifest package xmlns android http apk res android application.. this .inflate R.layout.conversation_list_actionbar null actionBar.setDisplayOptions ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_CUSTOM..
Android Split Action Bar with Action Items on the top and bottom? go to the bottom part of the split only android android actionbar android menu share improve this question This is currently..
How to Set a Custom Font in the ActionBar Title? to use the android logo option. android fonts android actionbar share improve this question I agree that this isn't completely.. .setText this.getTitle assign the view to the actionbar this.getActionBar .setCustomView v And my layout xml R.layout.titleview..
How to force use of overflow menu on devices with menu button but can't fine one. Can anyone help me android android actionbar share improve this question EDIT Modified to answer for..
getActionBar returns null R.layout.main experiment with the ActionBar ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.hide Device is a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1.. with the ActionBar ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.hide Device is a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 running Android 3.2.. R.layout.main experiment with the ActionBar ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.hide Code from here share improve this..
Switching fragments within tab private void setupTabs Bundle savedInstanceState ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar actionBar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS.. savedInstanceState ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar actionBar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS Tab tab actionBar.newTab.. ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS Tab tab actionBar.newTab .setText STATIONS .setTabListener new TabListener StationsFragment..
Adding an action bar to Theme.Black.NoTitleBar Android savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.inbox ActionBar actionBar getActionBar If I take out those last two lines.. R.layout.inbox ActionBar actionBar getActionBar If I take out those last two lines then my app runs. I.. Add this line setContentView R.layout.inbox ActionBar actionBar getActionBar Update You should also switch to..
replicate ActionBar Tab(s) with custom view improve this question enabling embedded tabs pre ICS if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarImpl enableEmbeddedTabs actionBarSherlock.. instanceof ActionBarImpl enableEmbeddedTabs actionBarSherlock ICS and forward else if actionBarSherlock instanceof.. actionBarSherlock ICS and forward else if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarWrapper try Field actionBarField..
Getting the error “Java.lang.IllegalStateException Activity has been destroyed” when using tabs with ViewPager setContentView R.layout.activity_main ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar ActionBar.Tab tab1 actionBar.newTab .setText.. ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar ActionBar.Tab tab1 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab1 ActionBar.Tab tab3 actionBar.newTab .setText.. tab1 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab1 ActionBar.Tab tab3 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab3 ActionBar.Tab tab2 actionBar.newTab .setText..
Android Actionbar SearchView as Autocomplete? setContentView R.layout.activity_main ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled true actionBar.setDisplayShowCustomEnabled.. R.layout.activity_main ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled true actionBar.setDisplayShowCustomEnabled.. getActionBar actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled true actionBar.setDisplayShowCustomEnabled true actionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled..
ActionBar - custom view with centered ImageView, Action Items on sides and hide the normal Home icon and title final ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar actionBar.setHomeButtonEnabled true actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled.. and title final ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar actionBar.setHomeButtonEnabled true actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled.. getSupportActionBar actionBar.setHomeButtonEnabled true actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled false actionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled..
How to get onClickListener() event on custom actionbar setContentView R.layout.activity_main ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false actionBar.setDisplayUseLogoEnabled.. R.layout.activity_main ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false actionBar.setDisplayUseLogoEnabled.. getActionBar actionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false actionBar.setDisplayUseLogoEnabled false actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled..
Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue this.getString R.string.title_achievement final ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS.. final ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS mSectionsPagerAdapter.. @Override public void onPageSelected int position actionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem position for int i 0 i titles.length..
Change title bar text in Android generated method stub actionBar getSupportActionBar actionBar.setHomeButtonEnabled true actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled.. actionBar getSupportActionBar actionBar.setHomeButtonEnabled true actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled.. getSupportActionBar actionBar.setHomeButtonEnabled true actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled false actionBar.setDisplayShowHomeEnabled..
Custom Translucent Android ActionBar orientation Activity Setup action bar ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_STANDARD.. Activity Setup action bar ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_STANDARD View customActionBarView.. .inflate R.layout.player_custom_action_bar null actionBar.setCustomView customActionBarView new ActionBar.LayoutParams..
How can I detect a click on the ActionBar title? the Android source but I am not able to find an ID for the actionBar TextView title. Is there a proper way to handle such clicks..
How can I force the Action Bar to be at the bottom in ICS? following setup code private void setupActionBar ActionBar actionBar getActionBar ViewGroup v ViewGroup LayoutInflater.from this.. this .inflate R.layout.conversation_list_actionbar null actionBar.setDisplayOptions ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_CUSTOM ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_CUSTOM.. ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_CUSTOM actionBar.setCustomView v new ActionBar.LayoutParams ActionBar.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT..
Put a progressBar on ActionBar I am trying to put an indeterminate ProgressBar on the actionBar. I was using an actionView to put the progressBar like Google..
How to Place ActionBar Items in Main ActionBar and Bottom Bar LinearLayout Paste this in your activity ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setCustomView R.layout.actionbar_top.. this in your activity ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setCustomView R.layout.actionbar_top load your layout actionBar.setDisplayOptions.. R.layout.actionbar_top load your layout actionBar.setDisplayOptions ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_HOME ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_CUSTOM..
getActionBar returns null this question It seems you need to request having an Actionbar titlebar either via a Theme or via below code. @Override protected..
Contextual Actionbar styles Actionbar styles I'm looking for style information on the Contextual..
Cannot Resolve @style/Theme.Sherlock Resolve @style Theme.Sherlock I'm trying to make use of Actionbar Sherlock 4 targeting sdk 15 and min sdk 8. After following the..
android - need some clarifications of fragments vs activities and views back to version 1.6. You get the latest features like the Actionbar with tabs overflow split action bar viewpager etc. Bonus 2 The..
How to align actionbar title center in android? android textSize 25dp LinearLayout Now you should have a Actionbar wih just a Title. If you want to set a custom background set..
Android Actionbar navigation spinner text color Actionbar navigation spinner text color I am able to change the background..
how to force overflow menu in Actionbar using Actionbarsherlock on < 4.0 devices [duplicate] to force overflow menu in Actionbar using Actionbarsherlock on 4.0 devices duplicate Possible Duplicate.. to force overflow menu in Actionbar using Actionbarsherlock on 4.0 devices duplicate Possible Duplicate ActionBarSherlock.. HoloEverywhere Forcing Overflow I am using ActionbarSherLock library to display Actionbar on pre Gingerbread devices....
Transparent Actionbar: custom tabcolor Actionbar custom tabcolor I want to create an ActionBar with tabs that..
Actionbar styled overflow menu items styled overflow menu items I need to make fully custom overflow..
Change Actionbar height on Android JellyBean Actionbar height on Android JellyBean I've been recently developing an..
Android Actionbar SearchView as Autocomplete? Actionbar SearchView as Autocomplete I am using a SearchView in the Action..
ActionBar - custom view with centered ImageView, Action Items on sides to center a custom logo using an ImageView in the Actionbar for the Home activity. I'm using ABS for this project. This.. false android src @drawable ic_launcher LinearLayout Hide Actionbar Icon final ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setCustomView..
Highlight custom listview item when long click TODO Auto generated method stub return false Inflate Actionbar Menu for Passwords Multiple Selection @Override public boolean..
How to change the background color of Action Bar's Option Menu in Android 4.2? question There is an easy way to change the colors in Actionbar Use ActionBar Generator and copy paste all file in your res..
Show tab bar and listIn Actionbar at same time. (Android Honeycomb) tab bar and listIn Actionbar at same time. Android Honeycomb There is a situation in which.. at same time in Action bar. Documentation says 'we can put Actionbar in to list navigation mode or tabs navigation mode'. Is there..
FragmentTransaction .attach and .detach for Actionbar tabs .attach and .detach for Actionbar tabs I'm trying to get the code here to work. It compiles fine...
Android Actionbar Tabs and Keyboard Focus Actionbar Tabs and Keyboard Focus Problem I have a very simple activity..
Error importing HoloEverywhere am doing an app and I am implementing a library called HoloEverywhere . This library use in the themes.xml the library ActionBar Sherlock. I have imported to my workspace ActionBar Sherlock and I have added it to HoloEverywhere. Next I have added HoloEverywhere.. HoloEverywhere . This library use in the themes.xml the library ActionBar Sherlock. I have imported to my workspace ActionBar Sherlock and I have added it to HoloEverywhere. Next I have added HoloEverywhere to my project but when I try to use it.. android holo everywhere share improve this question Follow the steps below taken from blog here to add ActionBarSherlock Download the .zip .tgz and extract it Go to eclipse and choose File New Android Project Select Create project from..
How did Google manage to do this? Slide ActionBar in Android application did Google manage to do this Slide ActionBar in Android application I really want to implement this the side navigation in an app of my own does anyone know how Google.. side navigation share improve this question In fact there's a way to do this. Even without implementing your own ActionBar. Just have a look at the hierachyviewer Located in the tools directory There's the DecorView and a LinearLayout as a child... in the tools directory There's the DecorView and a LinearLayout as a child. This LinearLayout contains both the ActionBar and the other content. So you can simply apply some FrameLayout.LayoutParams to this LinearLayout and get some space on..
Android Alarm Clock UI like an EditText view. Can you have a combination of Views and Preferences inside a PreferenceScreen xml tag Also the ActionBar has a vertical pipe I am not sure how this was created but is the Done view an ImageButton I am not completely convinced..
Change title bar text in Android that page's title bar. android titlebar android titlebar custom titlebar share improve this question Update Latest ActionBar Title pattern FYI ActionBar is introduced in API Level 11. ActionBar is a window feature at the top of the activity that.. titlebar android titlebar custom titlebar share improve this question Update Latest ActionBar Title pattern FYI ActionBar is introduced in API Level 11. ActionBar is a window feature at the top of the activity that may display the activity title.. share improve this question Update Latest ActionBar Title pattern FYI ActionBar is introduced in API Level 11. ActionBar is a window feature at the top of the activity that may display the activity title navigation modes and other interactive..
ActionBar text color text color how can I change the text color of the ActionBar I've inherited the Holo Light Theme I'm able to change the.. text color how can I change the text color of the ActionBar I've inherited the Holo Light Theme I'm able to change the background of the ActionBar but I don't find out what is the.. I change the text color of the ActionBar I've inherited the Holo Light Theme I'm able to change the background of the ActionBar but I don't find out what is the attribute to tweak to change the text color. Ok I'm able to change the text color with..
How to Set a Custom Font in the ActionBar Title? to Set a Custom Font in the ActionBar Title How if possible could I set a custom font in a ActionBar title text only not the tab text with a font in my assets.. to Set a Custom Font in the ActionBar Title How if possible could I set a custom font in a ActionBar title text only not the tab text with a font in my assets folder I don't want to use the android logo option. android fonts.. the native title disabled. All of my activities inherit from a single activity which has this code in onCreate this.getActionBar .setDisplayShowCustomEnabled true this.getActionBar .setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false LayoutInflater inflator LayoutInflater..
How to force use of overflow menu on devices with menu button force use of overflow menu on devices with menu button I'd like to have all of the menu items that don't fit into the ActionBar go into the overflow menu the one that is reached from the Action Bar not the menu button even on devices that do have a.. the user to jump from a touch screen interaction to a button based interaction simply because the layout of the ActionBar can't fit them on the bar. On the emulator I can set the Hardware Back Home Keys value to no and get this effect. I've searched.. of the screen. You'll note in the screenshots phones with a physical menu button don't have an overflow menu in the ActionBar. This avoids ambiguity for the user essentially having two buttons available to open the exact same menu. To address the..
ActionBarSherlock - How to set the padding of each actionbar's icon? How to set the padding of each actionbar's icon How can I make the icons of the actionbar using ActionBarSherlock closer or further away from each other Something.. How to set the padding of each actionbar's icon How can I make the icons of the actionbar using ActionBarSherlock closer or further away from each other Something like android layout_marginLeft or android paddingRight.. away from each other Something like android layout_marginLeft or android paddingRight If I just add the icons on the actionbar they are further away compare to the screenshot of Soundhound below my themes.xml style name Theme.AstraTheme_Purple parent..
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget the background drawable of the searchview widget I'm trying to change the drawable that sits in the Android actionbar searchview widget. Currently it looks like this but I need to change the blue background drawable to a red colour. I've.. but nothing seems to work. Can somebody point me in the right direction to changing this android styles android actionbar searchview background drawable share improve this question Intro Unfortunately there's no way to set SearchView text..
How did Google manage to do this? Slide ActionBar in Android application the current window aside and put in a fly in navigation of their own. android android layout android widget android actionbar android side navigation share improve this question In fact there's a way to do this. Even without implementing your..
Navigation Drawer (Google+ vs. YouTube) what a beautiful slide menu looks and feels like download Prixing Evernote Spotify android android layout android actionbar navigation drawer share improve this question Edit #3 The Navigation Drawer pattern is officially described in the Android..
Force overflow menu in ActionBarSherlock is the theme that i was trying to inherit from and add the absForceOverflow parameter set to true . android android actionbar actionbarsherlock android holo everywhere share improve this question If you are using Version 4.2.0 then .ForceOverflow.. that i was trying to inherit from and add the absForceOverflow parameter set to true . android android actionbar actionbarsherlock android holo everywhere share improve this question If you are using Version 4.2.0 then .ForceOverflow themes.. will need to download an earlier version of ABS. You can get a list of download as per their release history here http download.html I personally still use the ABS version 4.1.0 since I do not currently want to make ancillary changes..
Using ActionBarSherlock With the New SupportMapFragment and the same for all of them. Do you think I could add support myself here is how they are supported. package import import import package import import import import import com.actionbarsherlock.view.Menu.. import import import com.actionbarsherlock.view.Menu import com.actionbarsherlock.view.MenuInflater..
ActionBarSherlock stacked action bar styling issue this didn't remove the dividers either. Is there another attribute which overrides these attributes android android actionbar actionbarsherlock android styles theming share improve this question You have to change the android actionBarDivider.. remove the dividers either. Is there another attribute which overrides these attributes android android actionbar actionbarsherlock android styles theming share improve this question You have to change the android actionBarDivider attribute..
ActionBar text color on the ActionBar buttons. Any idea how to change the color of those dropdown menu List android android 3.0 android actionbar share improve this question Ok I've found a better way. I'm now able to only change the color of the title you can also..
Difference between ActionBarSherlock and ActionBar Compatibility coding same Example Does app icon to navigate up or ActionBar.Tab supported in Action Bar Compatibility java android actionbarsherlock android actionbar android actionbar compat share improve this question ActionBarSherlock gives your application.. app icon to navigate up or ActionBar.Tab supported in Action Bar Compatibility java android actionbarsherlock android actionbar android actionbar compat share improve this question ActionBarSherlock gives your application an action bar regardless.. up or ActionBar.Tab supported in Action Bar Compatibility java android actionbarsherlock android actionbar android actionbar compat share improve this question ActionBarSherlock gives your application an action bar regardless of what version..
How do I change the background color of the ActionBar of an ActionBarActivity using XML? trivial. How do I change the background color of the ActionBar of an ActionBarActivity using XML android android actionbar android theme android styles share improve this question As per documentation You can control the behaviors and visibility..
How to add a Dropdown item on the action bar Is it possible to do it without using a custom view android android layout android 3.0 android actionbar android spinner share improve this question First option menu options.xml item android icon @drawable ic_menu_sort android..
How can I force the Action Bar to be at the bottom in ICS? on the top so it must be possible to somehow force the Action Bar to be at the bottom. Any ideas android android actionbar android 4.0 share improve this question I've tried adding the line in the application manifest as described in the docs.. in this sample project . Here is the manifest xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest package xmlns android http apk res android application android hardwareAccelerated true android icon @drawable.. ActionBar actionBar getActionBar ViewGroup v ViewGroup LayoutInflater.from this .inflate R.layout.conversation_list_actionbar null actionBar.setDisplayOptions ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_CUSTOM ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_CUSTOM actionBar.setCustomView v new..
Android Split Action Bar with Action Items on the top and bottom? bottom Or is it all or nothing whereby all the action items go to the bottom part of the split only android android actionbar android menu share improve this question This is currently not possible. See the response directly from Android developers..
How to Set a Custom Font in the ActionBar Title? not the tab text with a font in my assets folder I don't want to use the android logo option. android fonts android actionbar share improve this question I agree that this isn't completely supported but here's what I did. You can use a custom.. xml so all I need to do is set title TextView v.findViewById .setText this.getTitle assign the view to the actionbar this.getActionBar .setCustomView v And my layout xml R.layout.titleview in the code above looks like this xml version 1.0..
How to force use of overflow menu on devices with menu button to do this in code for an actual device that has a menu button but can't fine one. Can anyone help me android android actionbar share improve this question EDIT Modified to answer for the situation of physical menu button. This is actually prevented..
getActionBar returns null Also my activity is not a child activity. setContentView R.layout.main experiment with the ActionBar ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.hide Device is a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 running Android 3.2 Thanks in advance for any ideas or suggestions.. is not a child activity. setContentView R.layout.main experiment with the ActionBar ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.hide Device is a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 running Android 3.2 Thanks in advance for any ideas or suggestions android share..
Switching fragments within tab inflater.inflate menu return true private void setupTabs Bundle savedInstanceState ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar actionBar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS Tab tab actionBar.newTab .setText STATIONS.. menu return true private void setupTabs Bundle savedInstanceState ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar actionBar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS Tab tab actionBar.newTab .setText STATIONS .setTabListener new TabListener.. ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar actionBar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS Tab tab actionBar.newTab .setText STATIONS .setTabListener new TabListener StationsFragment this stations StationsFragment.class actionBar.addTab..
Adding an action bar to Theme.Black.NoTitleBar Android TODO Auto generated method stub super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.inbox ActionBar actionBar getActionBar If I take out those last two lines then my app runs. I know that the holo theme include the.. generated method stub super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.inbox ActionBar actionBar getActionBar If I take out those last two lines then my app runs. I know that the holo theme include the actionbar automatically.. getWindow .requestFeature Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR Add this line setContentView R.layout.inbox ActionBar actionBar getActionBar Update You should also switch to just Theme.Black without the NoTitleBar part as that prevents..
replicate ActionBar Tab(s) with custom view android android actionbar actionbarsherlock share improve this question enabling embedded tabs pre ICS if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarImpl enableEmbeddedTabs actionBarSherlock ICS and forward else if actionBarSherlock instanceof.. this question enabling embedded tabs pre ICS if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarImpl enableEmbeddedTabs actionBarSherlock ICS and forward else if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarWrapper try Field actionBarField actionBarSherlock.getClass.. pre ICS if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarImpl enableEmbeddedTabs actionBarSherlock ICS and forward else if actionBarSherlock instanceof ActionBarWrapper try Field actionBarField actionBarSherlock.getClass .getDeclaredField mActionBar actionBarField.setAccessible..
Getting the error “Java.lang.IllegalStateException Activity has been destroyed” when using tabs with ViewPager onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar ActionBar.Tab tab1 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab1 ActionBar.Tab tab3 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab3.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar ActionBar.Tab tab1 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab1 ActionBar.Tab tab3 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab3 ActionBar.Tab tab2 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab2.. ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar ActionBar.Tab tab1 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab1 ActionBar.Tab tab3 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab3 ActionBar.Tab tab2 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab2 ActionBar.Tab tab4 actionBar.newTab .setText Tab4..
Android Actionbar SearchView as Autocomplete? onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled true actionBar.setDisplayShowCustomEnabled true actionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled true actionBar.setDisplayShowCustomEnabled true actionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false actionBar.setIcon.. setContentView R.layout.activity_main ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled true actionBar.setDisplayShowCustomEnabled true actionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false actionBar.setIcon R.drawable.ic_action_search..
ActionBar - custom view with centered ImageView, Action Items on sides null Show the custom action bar view and hide the normal Home icon and title final ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar actionBar.setHomeButtonEnabled true actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled false actionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled.. Show the custom action bar view and hide the normal Home icon and title final ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar actionBar.setHomeButtonEnabled true actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled false actionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false actionBar.setIcon.. hide the normal Home icon and title final ActionBar actionBar getSupportActionBar actionBar.setHomeButtonEnabled true actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled false actionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false actionBar.setIcon R.drawable.ic_ab_som actionBar.setCustomView..
How to get onClickListener() event on custom actionbar onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false actionBar.setDisplayUseLogoEnabled false actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false actionBar.setDisplayUseLogoEnabled false actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled false actionBar.setDisplayShowCustomEnabled.. setContentView R.layout.activity_main ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false actionBar.setDisplayUseLogoEnabled false actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled false actionBar.setDisplayShowCustomEnabled true View..
Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue R.string.title_map this.getString R.string.title_favorite this.getString R.string.title_achievement final ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS mSectionsPagerAdapter new SectionsPagerAdapter .. R.string.title_favorite this.getString R.string.title_achievement final ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS mSectionsPagerAdapter new SectionsPagerAdapter getSupportFragmentManager.. .setOnPageChangeListener new ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener @Override public void onPageSelected int position actionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem position for int i 0 i titles.length i actionBar.addTab actionBar.newTab .setText titles i..
Change title bar text in Android @Override public void setActionBar String heading TODO Auto generated method stub actionBar getSupportActionBar actionBar.setHomeButtonEnabled true actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled false actionBar.setDisplayShowHomeEnabled.. String heading TODO Auto generated method stub actionBar getSupportActionBar actionBar.setHomeButtonEnabled true actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled false actionBar.setDisplayShowHomeEnabled false actionBar.setBackgroundDrawable.. method stub actionBar getSupportActionBar actionBar.setHomeButtonEnabled true actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled false actionBar.setDisplayShowHomeEnabled false actionBar.setBackgroundDrawable new ColorDrawable..
Custom Translucent Android ActionBar android launchMode singleTop android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation Activity Setup action bar ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_STANDARD View customActionBarView getLayoutInflater .inflate.. singleTop android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation Activity Setup action bar ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_STANDARD View customActionBarView getLayoutInflater .inflate R.layout.player_custom_action_bar.. View customActionBarView getLayoutInflater .inflate R.layout.player_custom_action_bar null actionBar.setCustomView customActionBarView new ActionBar.LayoutParams ActionBar.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT R.dimen.action_bar_height..
How can I detect a click on the ActionBar title? title to execute some actions. I have been looking in the Android source but I am not able to find an ID for the actionBar TextView title. Is there a proper way to handle such clicks android onclick textview title android actionbar share improve..
How can I force the Action Bar to be at the bottom in ICS? the top and bottom using splitActionBarWhenNarrow and the following setup code private void setupActionBar ActionBar actionBar getActionBar ViewGroup v ViewGroup LayoutInflater.from this .inflate R.layout.conversation_list_actionbar null actionBar.setDisplayOptions.. getActionBar ViewGroup v ViewGroup LayoutInflater.from this .inflate R.layout.conversation_list_actionbar null actionBar.setDisplayOptions ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_CUSTOM ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_CUSTOM actionBar.setCustomView v new ActionBar.LayoutParams.. null actionBar.setDisplayOptions ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_CUSTOM ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_CUSTOM actionBar.setCustomView v new ActionBar.LayoutParams ActionBar.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT ActionBar.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL..
Put a progressBar on ActionBar a progressBar on ActionBar I am trying to put an indeterminate ProgressBar on the actionBar. I was using an actionView to put the progressBar like Google app for example. item android id @ id menu_progress android..
How to Place ActionBar Items in Main ActionBar and Bottom Bar src @android drawable ic_menu_compass android onClick FakeMenu LinearLayout Paste this in your activity ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setCustomView R.layout.actionbar_top load your layout actionBar.setDisplayOptions ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_HOME.. ic_menu_compass android onClick FakeMenu LinearLayout Paste this in your activity ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setCustomView R.layout.actionbar_top load your layout actionBar.setDisplayOptions ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_HOME ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_CUSTOM.. in your activity ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setCustomView R.layout.actionbar_top load your layout actionBar.setDisplayOptions ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_HOME ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_CUSTOM show it That's all share improve this answer..
getActionBar returns null advance for any ideas or suggestions android share improve this question It seems you need to request having an Actionbar titlebar either via a Theme or via below code. @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate..
Contextual Actionbar styles Actionbar styles I'm looking for style information on the Contextual Action bar CAB . I just need to change the colour of the text..
Cannot Resolve @style/Theme.Sherlock Resolve @style Theme.Sherlock I'm trying to make use of Actionbar Sherlock 4 targeting sdk 15 and min sdk 8. After following the directions provided on the Usage website and the great videos..
android - need some clarifications of fragments vs activities and views to create ICS looking apps that look the same all the way back to version 1.6. You get the latest features like the Actionbar with tabs overflow split action bar viewpager etc. Bonus 2 The best way to communicate between fragments are intents. When..
How to align actionbar title center in android? my Title android textColor #ffffff android id @ id mytext android textSize 25dp LinearLayout Now you should have a Actionbar wih just a Title. If you want to set a custom background set it in the Layout above but then don't forget to set android..
Android Actionbar navigation spinner text color Actionbar navigation spinner text color I am able to change the background of the navigation spinner style name MyTheme parent android..
how to force overflow menu in Actionbar using Actionbarsherlock on < 4.0 devices [duplicate] to force overflow menu in Actionbar using Actionbarsherlock on 4.0 devices duplicate Possible Duplicate ActionBarSherlock HoloEverywhere Forcing Overflow I.. to force overflow menu in Actionbar using Actionbarsherlock on 4.0 devices duplicate Possible Duplicate ActionBarSherlock HoloEverywhere Forcing Overflow I am using ActionbarSherLock.. on 4.0 devices duplicate Possible Duplicate ActionBarSherlock HoloEverywhere Forcing Overflow I am using ActionbarSherLock library to display Actionbar on pre Gingerbread devices.. I want Overflow menu on actionbar.. I have searched a..
Transparent Actionbar: custom tabcolor Actionbar custom tabcolor I want to create an ActionBar with tabs that are transparent with #3b000000 . Something like this but with..
Actionbar styled overflow menu items styled overflow menu items I need to make fully custom overflow menu items different background colors as minimum as showed..
Change Actionbar height on Android JellyBean Actionbar height on Android JellyBean I've been recently developing an Android app in which i need to have a custom layout and dimension..
Android Actionbar SearchView as Autocomplete? Actionbar SearchView as Autocomplete I am using a SearchView in the Action bar. I want to use autocomplete feature on the search..
ActionBar - custom view with centered ImageView, Action Items on sides with centered ImageView Action Items on sides I have a requirement to center a custom logo using an ImageView in the Actionbar for the Home activity. I'm using ABS for this project. This is very similar to a another question posted on S.O. ActionBar.. false android focusable false android longClickable false android src @drawable ic_launcher LinearLayout Hide Actionbar Icon final ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setCustomView R.layout.actionbar_custom_view_home actionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled..
Highlight custom listview item when long click boolean onActionItemClicked ActionMode arg0 MenuItem arg1 TODO Auto generated method stub return false Inflate Actionbar Menu for Passwords Multiple Selection @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode ActionMode arg0 Menu menu getActivity..
How to change the background color of Action Bar's Option Menu in Android 4.2? android 4.2 android theme android menu share improve this question There is an easy way to change the colors in Actionbar Use ActionBar Generator and copy paste all file in your res folder and change your theme in Android.manifest file. share..
Show tab bar and listIn Actionbar at same time. (Android Honeycomb) tab bar and listIn Actionbar at same time. Android Honeycomb There is a situation in which I want to use Tab bar as well as List navigation Both at.. which I want to use Tab bar as well as List navigation Both at same time in Action bar. Documentation says 'we can put Actionbar in to list navigation mode or tabs navigation mode'. Is there any way to use both at same time. Any pointers help. Thank..
FragmentTransaction .attach and .detach for Actionbar tabs .attach and .detach for Actionbar tabs I'm trying to get the code here to work. It compiles fine. It will run. And it will load tab 1 of 3 . However when..
Android Actionbar Tabs and Keyboard Focus Actionbar Tabs and Keyboard Focus Problem I have a very simple activity with two tabs and I'm trying to handle keyboard input in..