android Programming Glossary: accountmanager.get
How to find Gmail account associated with Android Market? of user and how to filter gmail account. AccountManager am AccountManager.get context Account accounts am.getAccounts ArrayList String googleAccounts..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK Up and Uploading First get an auth token AccountManager am AccountManager.get activity am.getAuthToken am.getAccounts 0 ouath2 DriveScopes.DRIVE.. alreadyTriedAgain true AccountManager am AccountManager.get activity am.invalidateAuthToken am.getAccounts 0 .type null.. 3025 switch resultCode case RESULT_OK AccountManager am AccountManager.get activity am.getAuthToken Same as the other two times... it..
Javamail api in android using XOauth token from the acount manager like this AccountManager am AccountManager.get this Account me ... You need to get a google account on the..
AuthToken from AccountManager in Android Client No Longer Working their account username and password AccountManager mgr AccountManager.get this Account accts mgr.getAccountsByType Account..
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address Method A. Use AccountManager API level 5 You can use AccountManager.getAccounts or AccountManager.getAccountsByType to get a list of.. API level 5 You can use AccountManager.getAccounts or AccountManager.getAccountsByType to get a list of all account names on the device... Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS API level 8 Account accounts AccountManager.get context .getAccounts for Account account accounts if emailPattern.matcher..
Get owner's email address [closed] getEmail Context context AccountManager accountManager AccountManager.get context Account account getAccount accountManager if account..
How can I get the google username on Android? email. public String getUsername AccountManager manager AccountManager.get this Account accounts manager.getAccountsByType List..
OpenID for android apps that require SignIn is use something like AuthenticatorDescription types mAccountManager.getAuthenticatorTypes for AuthenticatorDescription type types Log.d.. Then do something like AccountManager mAccountManager AccountManager.get context Account mAccounts AccountManager.get context .getAccountsByType.. AccountManager.get context Account mAccounts AccountManager.get context .getAccountsByType Choose which account to..
New contacts created using ContactsContract do not appear in Contacts app To get the available accounts accounts Account accounts AccountManager.get act .getAccounts for Account acc accounts Log.d TAG account..
Android login in my app with google credentials googleAccounts new ArrayList String Account accounts AccountManager.get this .getAccounts for Account account accounts if account.type.equals..
How to retrieve an Facebook-AuthToken from the accounts saved on Android by using the following piece of code. AccountManager am AccountManager.get this Account accounts am.getAccountsByType com.facebook.auth.login..
Twitter Authentication through Android's AccountManager classes answer. It goes in place of oauth below. AccountManager am AccountManager.get this Account accts am.getAccountsByType TWITTER_ACCOUNT_TYPE..
Possible to get “Owner” contact info in Android? an example of how to use it final AccountManager manager AccountManager.get this final Account accounts manager.getAccountsByType
How to know when sync is finished? public void onStatusChanged int which AccountManager am AccountManager.get TodosActivity.this Account a am.getAccountsByType Const.ACCOUNT_TYPE..
Android - Get UserData using AccountManager / First and Last name of the phone owner tied to Google account so far I got this AccountManager am AccountManager.get this Account accounts am.getAccounts for Account account accounts..
Add account automatically String password password AccountManager accountManager AccountManager.get context accountManager.addAccountExplicitly account password..
Google Calendar API OAuth2 Troubles on Android Honeycomb using the following code AccountManager accountManager AccountManager.get this.getBaseContext Account accounts accountManager.getAccountsByType..
How to find Gmail account associated with Android Market? how to find accounts which will include gmail email ids of user and how to filter gmail account. AccountManager am AccountManager.get context Account accounts am.getAccounts ArrayList String googleAccounts new ArrayList String for Account ac accounts String..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK in a few minutes if i figure it out... THE ANDROID CODE Set Up and Uploading First get an auth token AccountManager am AccountManager.get activity am.getAuthToken am.getAccounts 0 ouath2 DriveScopes.DRIVE new Bundle true new OnTokenAcquired null Next OnTokenAcquired.. make 10 bad requests I found. catch IOException e if alreadyTriedAgain alreadyTriedAgain true AccountManager am AccountManager.get activity am.invalidateAuthToken am.getAccounts 0 .type null Requires the permissions MANAGE_ACCOUNTS USE_CREDENTIALS in.. int requestCode int resultCode Intent data if requestCode 3025 switch resultCode case RESULT_OK AccountManager am AccountManager.get activity am.getAuthToken Same as the other two times... it should work this time though because now the user is actually..
Javamail api in android using XOauth command directly like in the Xoauth example above. I get the token from the acount manager like this AccountManager am AccountManager.get this Account me ... You need to get a google account on the device it changes if you have more than one am.getAuthToken..
AuthToken from AccountManager in Android Client No Longer Working authentication so that the user does not have to manually enter their account username and password AccountManager mgr AccountManager.get this Account accts mgr.getAccountsByType Account acct accts 0 AccountManagerFuture Bundle accountManagerFuture..
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address address or other personal information bad things can happen. Method A. Use AccountManager API level 5 You can use AccountManager.getAccounts or AccountManager.getAccountsByType to get a list of all account names on the device. Fortunately for certain account.. information bad things can happen. Method A. Use AccountManager API level 5 You can use AccountManager.getAccounts or AccountManager.getAccountsByType to get a list of all account names on the device. Fortunately for certain account types including are email addresses. Example snippet below. Pattern emailPattern Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS API level 8 Account accounts AccountManager.get context .getAccounts for Account account accounts if emailPattern.matcher .matches String possibleEmail
Get owner's email address [closed] the current user. public class UserEmailFetcher static String getEmail Context context AccountManager accountManager AccountManager.get context Account account getAccount accountManager if account null return null else return private static Account..
How can I get the google username on Android? the code i used that will also strip out the username from the email. public String getUsername AccountManager manager AccountManager.get this Account accounts manager.getAccountsByType List String possibleEmails new LinkedList String for Account..
OpenID for android apps that require SignIn to use AccountManager To find out what type the google account is use something like AuthenticatorDescription types mAccountManager.getAuthenticatorTypes for AuthenticatorDescription type types Log.d account types type.type Then do something like AccountManager.. type types Log.d account types type.type Then do something like AccountManager mAccountManager AccountManager.get context Account mAccounts AccountManager.get context .getAccountsByType Choose which account to use if there.. types type.type Then do something like AccountManager mAccountManager AccountManager.get context Account mAccounts AccountManager.get context .getAccountsByType Choose which account to use if there are multiple google accounts registered save..
New contacts created using ContactsContract do not appear in Contacts app available and attach the new contact to one of those groups. To get the available accounts accounts Account accounts AccountManager.get act .getAccounts for Account acc accounts Log.d TAG account name type acc.type To get the list of groups group..
Android login in my app with google credentials share improve this question Is this what you want List String googleAccounts new ArrayList String Account accounts AccountManager.get this .getAccounts for Account account accounts if account.type.equals googleAccounts.add You can..
How to retrieve an Facebook-AuthToken from the accounts saved on Android the AuthToken for Facebook saved by Facebook for Android by using the following piece of code. AccountManager am AccountManager.get this Account accounts am.getAccountsByType com.facebook.auth.login if accounts.length 0 for int j 0 j accounts.length j..
Twitter Authentication through Android's AccountManager classes all over the place and can't seem to find the correct answer. It goes in place of oauth below. AccountManager am AccountManager.get this Account accts am.getAccountsByType TWITTER_ACCOUNT_TYPE if accts.length 0 Account acct accts 0 am.getAuthToken acct..
Possible to get “Owner” contact info in Android? to get owner's data is through the account manager. Here's an example of how to use it final AccountManager manager AccountManager.get this final Account accounts manager.getAccountsByType final int size accounts.length String names new String..
How to know when sync is finished? syncStatusObserver new SyncStatusObserver @Override public void onStatusChanged int which AccountManager am AccountManager.get TodosActivity.this Account a am.getAccountsByType Const.ACCOUNT_TYPE 0 Log.d Const.TAG Sync status changed which if ContentResolver.isSyncActive..
Android - Get UserData using AccountManager / First and Last name of the phone owner and last name of device's owner. I want to use default info tied to Google account so far I got this AccountManager am AccountManager.get this Account accounts am.getAccounts for Account account accounts if account.type.compareTo 0 String possibleEmail..
Add account automatically
Google Calendar API OAuth2 Troubles on Android Honeycomb APIs Console on the account. 3 I am able to access this account using the following code AccountManager accountManager AccountManager.get this.getBaseContext Account accounts accountManager.getAccountsByType Account acc accounts 0 The device only..