android Programming Glossary: accountname
android youtube upload video with static username and password not used @Override public void fetchAuthToken String accountName Activity activity AuthorizationListener String listener Log.d.. LOG_TAG Getting YOUTUBE_AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE authToken for accountName try String token getCLAuthToken accountName listener.onSuccess.. authToken for accountName try String token getCLAuthToken accountName listener.onSuccess token catch Exception e listener.onError..
Google Drive SDK Exception static final int CHOOSE_ACCOUNT 0 private static String accountName private static int REQUEST_TOKEN 0 private Button btn_drive.. String s if s null Wait for the extra intent else accountName s getDriveFiles progressDlg.dismiss task.execute account.. .setAccessToken accountName HttpRequestFactory rf ht.createRequestFactory credential Drive.Builder..
Android Google+ integration - repeated UserRecoverableAuthException return true public void loginCallback String accountName mSelectedAccount accountName authorizeCallback public void logout.. void loginCallback String accountName mSelectedAccount accountName authorizeCallback public void logout Log.w LOG_TAG Logging out.....
Inserting contacts in Android 2.2 accountType values.put RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME accountName Uri rawContactUri getContentResolver .insert RawContacts.CONTENT_URI..
Android C2DM Push Notification String key intent.getExtras .getString collapse_key Log.e accountName accountName Log.e message message Intent startActivity new.. intent.getExtras .getString collapse_key Log.e accountName accountName Log.e message message Intent startActivity new Intent startActivity.setClass..
android youtube upload video with static username and password Activity activity AuthorizationListener String listener not used @Override public void fetchAuthToken String accountName Activity activity AuthorizationListener String listener Log.d LOG_TAG Getting YOUTUBE_AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE authToken for accountName.. Activity activity AuthorizationListener String listener Log.d LOG_TAG Getting YOUTUBE_AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE authToken for accountName try String token getCLAuthToken accountName listener.onSuccess token catch Exception e listener.onError e @Override public.. listener Log.d LOG_TAG Getting YOUTUBE_AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE authToken for accountName try String token getCLAuthToken accountName listener.onSuccess token catch Exception e listener.onError e @Override public String getAuthToken String accountName..
Google Drive SDK Exception public class MainActivity extends Activity private static final int CHOOSE_ACCOUNT 0 private static String accountName private static int REQUEST_TOKEN 0 private Button btn_drive private Context ctx this private Activity a this public void.. getAccessToken params 0 @Override protected void onPostExecute String s if s null Wait for the extra intent else accountName s getDriveFiles progressDlg.dismiss task.execute account Fetches the token from a particular Google account chosen.. with the API response Credential credential new Credential BearerToken.authorizationHeaderAccessMethod .setAccessToken accountName HttpRequestFactory rf ht.createRequestFactory credential Drive.Builder b new Drive.Builder ht jf null b.setJsonHttpRequestInitializer..
Android Google+ integration - repeated UserRecoverableAuthException intent BaseActivity.REQUEST_GPLUS_SELECT return true public void loginCallback String accountName mSelectedAccount accountName authorizeCallback public void logout Log.w LOG_TAG Logging out... mSelectedAccount null public.. intent BaseActivity.REQUEST_GPLUS_SELECT return true public void loginCallback String accountName mSelectedAccount accountName authorizeCallback public void logout Log.w LOG_TAG Logging out... mSelectedAccount null public void authorizeCallback Log.w..
Inserting contacts in Android 2.2 values new ContentValues values.put RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE accountType values.put RawContacts.ACCOUNT_NAME accountName Uri rawContactUri getContentResolver .insert RawContacts.CONTENT_URI values long rawContactId ContentUris.parseId rawContactUri..
Android C2DM Push Notification intent String message intent.getExtras .getString payload String key intent.getExtras .getString collapse_key Log.e accountName accountName Log.e message message Intent startActivity new Intent startActivity.setClass context NotificationAlert.class.. message intent.getExtras .getString payload String key intent.getExtras .getString collapse_key Log.e accountName accountName Log.e message message Intent startActivity new Intent startActivity.setClass context NotificationAlert.class startActivity.setAction..