android Programming Glossary: accuracy
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch out to be a bit erratic. Note that the code records the accuracy of the sensors via the method onAccuracyChanged Sensor sensor.. sensors via the method onAccuracyChanged Sensor sensor int accuracy so if the azimuth seems unstable another thing to check is how.. code if there are instability problems when the sensor accuracy is reasonable then they could be tackled by looking at the instabilities..
Android: I want to shake it cut filter public void onAccuracyChanged Sensor sensor int accuracy @Override protected void onResume super.onResume mSensorManager.registerListener..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? X it will be available. Don't particularly care about accuracy or frequency of update. Just grabbing one location is sufficient..
How to measure GPS signal strength on Android? this question Are you sure you mean signal strength vs. accuracy What good is the signal strength Since the GPS position is determined..
Do iPhone / Android browsers support CSS @media handheld? this is from memory so I can't be entirely sure of its accuracy chose to disregard the use of handheld or mobile stylesheets..
What is the real world accuracy of phone accelerometers when used for positioning? is the real world accuracy of phone accelerometers when used for positioning I am working..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android sometimes the GPS is better. By better I mean speed vs. accuracy ratio. I'm willing to sacrifice a few meters in accuracy if.. accuracy ratio. I'm willing to sacrifice a few meters in accuracy if I can get the location almost instant and without turning.. as possible and the location should have X 50 100 meters accuracy. The goal is to later be able to plot the user's path during..
How to use Accelerometer to measure distance for Android Application Development movements of iphone with no GPS What is the real world accuracy of phone accelerometers when used for positioning how to calculate..
Android accelerometer accuracy (Inertial navigation) accelerometer accuracy Inertial navigation I was looking into implementing an Inertial.. phone which I realise is hard given the accelerometer accuracy and constant fluctuation of readings. To start with I set the..
Dealing with different aspect ratios in libgdx but I wasn't successful to maintain them with pin point accuracy. For example if I had implemented touchDown on a texture resizing..
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch be improved e.g. by using a low pass filter if the inputs turn out to be a bit erratic. Note that the code records the accuracy of the sensors via the method onAccuracyChanged Sensor sensor int accuracy so if the azimuth seems unstable another thing.. bit erratic. Note that the code records the accuracy of the sensors via the method onAccuracyChanged Sensor sensor int accuracy so if the azimuth seems unstable another thing to check is how accurate each sensor is. In any case with all the calculations.. any case with all the calculations explicitly visible in this code if there are instability problems when the sensor accuracy is reasonable then they could be tackled by looking at the instabilities in the inputs or in the direction vectors m_NormGravityVector..
Android: I want to shake it mAccelLast mAccel mAccel 0.9f delta perform low cut filter public void onAccuracyChanged Sensor sensor int accuracy @Override protected void onResume super.onResume mSensorManager.registerListener mSensorListener mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? the user's location so that by the time I need it in Activity X it will be available. Don't particularly care about accuracy or frequency of update. Just grabbing one location is sufficient as long as it's not way off. Maybe if I want to be fancy..
How to measure GPS signal strength on Android? GPS signal strength android location share improve this question Are you sure you mean signal strength vs. accuracy What good is the signal strength Since the GPS position is determined via many satellites you don't have one signal strength...
Do iPhone / Android browsers support CSS @media handheld? of max device width of 480px . Apple for the iPhone though this is from memory so I can't be entirely sure of its accuracy chose to disregard the use of handheld or mobile stylesheets since it and other iOS devices were capable of rendering css..
What is the real world accuracy of phone accelerometers when used for positioning? is the real world accuracy of phone accelerometers when used for positioning I am working on an application where I would like to track the position..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android two providers network and GPS. Sometimes network is better and sometimes the GPS is better. By better I mean speed vs. accuracy ratio. I'm willing to sacrifice a few meters in accuracy if I can get the location almost instant and without turning on.. and sometimes the GPS is better. By better I mean speed vs. accuracy ratio. I'm willing to sacrifice a few meters in accuracy if I can get the location almost instant and without turning on the GPS. Secondly if you request updates for location changes.. send it to a server. The app should conserve as much battery as possible and the location should have X 50 100 meters accuracy. The goal is to later be able to plot the user's path during the day on a map so I need sufficient accuracy for that. Misc..
How to use Accelerometer to measure distance for Android Application Development I highly recommend this video. Similar questions track small movements of iphone with no GPS What is the real world accuracy of phone accelerometers when used for positioning how to calculate phone's movement in the vertical direction from rest..
Android accelerometer accuracy (Inertial navigation) accelerometer accuracy Inertial navigation I was looking into implementing an Inertial Navigation System for an Android phone which I realise.. into implementing an Inertial Navigation System for an Android phone which I realise is hard given the accelerometer accuracy and constant fluctuation of readings. To start with I set the phone on a flat surface and sampled 1000 accelerometer readings..
Dealing with different aspect ratios in libgdx with the screen resize I reduced this amount to a great extent but I wasn't successful to maintain them with pin point accuracy. For example if I had implemented touchDown on a texture resizing the screen would shift the touchListener on the texture..
android get location from best provider available Context.LOCATION_SERVICE locationListener new MyLocationListener Criteria criteria new Criteria criteria.setAccuracy Criteria.ACCURACY_FINE String provider lm.getBestProvider criteria true Location mostRecentLocation lm.getLastKnownLocation.. public void onLocationChanged Location loc if loc null latid loc.getLatitude longid loc.getLongitude if loc.hasAccuracy true accuracyd loc.getAccuracy String providershown loc.getProvider accuracy.setText Location Acquired. Accuracy Double.toString.. Location loc if loc null latid loc.getLatitude longid loc.getLongitude if loc.hasAccuracy true accuracyd loc.getAccuracy String providershown loc.getProvider accuracy.setText Location Acquired. Accuracy Double.toString accuracyd m nProvider..
Improve GPS Accuracy Android GPS Accuracy Android Hi im working on an app that use gps My testing devices are Nexus One and Htc Mytouch 3g Slide So does anyone know..
NETWORK_PROVIDER Location Accuracy Issue in Android Location Accuracy Issue in Android I have implemented Location Based Services using Network Location Provider it doesn't providing me the..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android LocationQuality getLocationQuality Location location if location null return LocationQuality.BAD if location.hasAccuracy return LocationQuality.BAD long currentTime System.currentTimeMillis if currentTime location.getTime MAX_AGE location.getAccuracy.. LocationQuality.BAD long currentTime System.currentTimeMillis if currentTime location.getTime MAX_AGE location.getAccuracy GOOD_ACCURACY return LocationQuality.GOOD if location.getAccuracy ACCEPTED_ACCURACY return LocationQuality.ACCEPTED return.. if currentTime location.getTime MAX_AGE location.getAccuracy GOOD_ACCURACY return LocationQuality.GOOD if location.getAccuracy ACCEPTED_ACCURACY return LocationQuality.ACCEPTED return LocationQuality.BAD private synchronized void updateBestLocation..
Accuracy of MediaPlayer.seekTo(int msecs) of MediaPlayer.seekTo int msecs Why is MediaPlayer.seekTo int msec so inaccurate It's sometimes 30 seconds early with mp3's..
Using gps get the distance a person has walked String latitude Latitude location.getLatitude String altitiude Altitiude location.getAltitude String accuracy Accuracy location.getAccuracy String time Time location.getTime editTextShowLocation.setText londitude n latitude n altitiude n.. Latitude location.getLatitude String altitiude Altitiude location.getAltitude String accuracy Accuracy location.getAccuracy String time Time location.getTime editTextShowLocation.setText londitude n latitude n altitiude n accuracy n time progress.setVisibility..