android Programming Glossary: achive
How to make view resizable on touch event should be rectangle it can be any arbitary shape how to achive this now i have done the 4 corners movable on touch event but..
Android gridview keep item selected selected once the the onClickListener is called.How can i achive this I'v already tried v.setSelected true but it doesnt seem..
Number picker dialog [closed] know where can I find a tutorial or example on how to achive this kind of number picker dialog on android I googled everything..
Detect touch event on a view when dragged over from other view improve this question You can use the code bellow to achive your request Method to test view bounds used in code beloow..
How to unlock screen programmatically? lock phone screen please check below simple tutorail to achive this one Lock Phone Screen Programmtically also here is the..
Android - restore last viewed Activity state this one I think I have a pretty good idea on how to achive I think the problem is not start stop where I pretty much get..
How to programatically answer/end a call in Android 4.1? After all the Googling I could find two different ways to achive this both of which do not work with recent versions of Android..
Parse JSON to cofigure android application to make specific adjustment in the app. I'm trying to achive is to read this json and store all the values into local variables..
How to start a dialog (like alarm dimiss /snooze) that can be clicked without unlocking the screen can dismiss snooze it whithout unlocking screen .I want to achive the same behaviour.I want start a dialog which should be on..
Service call backs to activity in android service methods in activity and using call backs we can achive wat I wan to do. But I am not able to understa the call back..
Laying out Views in RelativeLayout programmatically Views in RelativeLayout programmatically I'm trying to achive the following programmatically rather than declaratively via..
ListView row marker ala GMail grey vertical divider between the two lists. How does one achive something like this A bonus would be also the alternating width..
Android - Share browser url to app to Google Mail to Google Mail SMS and Peep. What I want to achive is to add my app into that list providing functionality to forward.. App regardless on which webpage I am currently. How do I achive that android share improve this question You do this with..
Animated sequence of views and transition animation What can you advice me how to achive that maybe there is an open source project that can help me..
How to make view resizable on touch event its corner.. not necessory the view after dragging the corner should be rectangle it can be any arbitary shape how to achive this now i have done the 4 corners movable on touch event but the shape is not changing package com.assignment.DragDrop..
Android gridview keep item selected a GridView with multiple items but the items must be kept selected once the the onClickListener is called.How can i achive this I'v already tried v.setSelected true but it doesnt seem to work. gridview.setOnItemClickListener new OnItemClickListener..
Number picker dialog [closed] picker dialog closed Does anyone know where can I find a tutorial or example on how to achive this kind of number picker dialog on android I googled everything but only managed to find examples where you have to create..
Detect touch event on a view when dragged over from other view over the B. android android view ontouchlistener share improve this question You can use the code bellow to achive your request Method to test view bounds used in code beloow Rect outRect new Rect int location new int 2 private boolean..
How to unlock screen programmatically? this question You need to get Admin permission and you can lock phone screen please check below simple tutorail to achive this one Lock Phone Screen Programmtically also here is the code example.. public class LockScreenActivity..
Android - restore last viewed Activity activity is resumed I want to restore it to the last viewed state this one I think I have a pretty good idea on how to achive I think the problem is not start stop where I pretty much get what I need but onCreate if app was terminated. In that case..
How to programatically answer/end a call in Android 4.1? answer an incoming call do some work and then end the call. After all the Googling I could find two different ways to achive this both of which do not work with recent versions of Android specifically after 4.1 Jelly Bean. I. Access
Parse JSON to cofigure android application application In my android app I have to use JSON from server to make specific adjustment in the app. I'm trying to achive is to read this json and store all the values into local variables to perform actions inside the app. JSON From server ..
How to start a dialog (like alarm dimiss /snooze) that can be clicked without unlocking the screen .For example when a alarm is raised eg wake up alarm i can dismiss snooze it whithout unlocking screen .I want to achive the same behaviour.I want start a dialog which should be on top on locked screen. I can click button on dialog without unlocking..
Service call backs to activity in android result back to the activity client . I know how to invoke the service methods in activity and using call backs we can achive wat I wan to do. But I am not able to understa the call back mechanism and code example provided in Api demos remoteservice..
Laying out Views in RelativeLayout programmatically out Views in RelativeLayout programmatically I'm trying to achive the following programmatically rather than declaratively via XML RelativeLayout... TextView ... android id @ id label1 TextView..
ListView row marker ala GMail where a color marker is on the left of the ListView. See the grey vertical divider between the two lists. How does one achive something like this A bonus would be also the alternating width but I guess that is only a smaller layout change. I know..
Android - Share browser url to app Desire to a BlueTooth Target to Facebook to Friend Stream to Google Mail to Google Mail SMS and Peep. What I want to achive is to add my app into that list providing functionality to forward the current URL from the Browser to the App regardless.. to forward the current URL from the Browser to the App regardless on which webpage I am currently. How do I achive that android share improve this question You do this with intent filter with the action SEND . This filter will take..
Animated sequence of views and move to next prev child view animating them probably scale and transition animation What can you advice me how to achive that maybe there is an open source project that can help me android animation share improve this question Finally I..