

python Programming Glossary: vim's

Vim's Omnicompletion with Python just doesn't work


Omnicompletion with Python just doesn't work I've searched.. both on Stack Overflow and elsewhere. Alas Please help. Vim's omnicompletion just doesn't work . I have Vim 7.2 compiled with.. have a tags file generated with exhuberant ctags . It's in Vim's ctags path. I can test it by typing ^ on a symbol and I'm then..

Trouble using Vim's syn-include and syn-region to embed syntax highlighting


using Vim's syn include and syn region to embed syntax highlighting I am.. python as expected. Fourth step follow the instructions in Vim's help syn include to include python highlighting and apply it..

Python autocompletion on object instances in VIM


share improve this question Even though it does not use Vim's omnicompletion plugin by using rope ropemode and ropevim it..

Vim autocomplete for Python


up Omni completion ^O^N^P Pattern not found I have tried Vim's Omnicompletion with Python just doesn't work . But this is not..

Problem with Vim omnicomplete and system Python


was found Am I missing something Can I somehow rebuild Vim's Python keyword database python vim omnicomplete share improve..