

python Programming Glossary: versa

Choosing Java vs Python on Google App Engine


a multi language shop that's a pretty large positive. Vice versa if you loathe Javascript but must execute some code in the user's..

Python List Comprehension Vs. Map


reason to prefer using map over list comprehension or vice versa Is one generally more effecient or generally considered more..

Network bridge using Scapy and Python (SOLVED)


iface 'eth0' for a packet that I sniffed on eth1 and vice versa. I verified the packets at both the interfaces and found them..

Reverse Geocoding Without Web Access


to be based on the latitude and then the longitude or vice versa . Define polygons for each of the states and do some sort of..

Character reading from file in Python


conversion that does this kind of ANSI to unicode and vice versa conversion python unicode encoding ascii share improve this..

Is `import module` better coding style than `from module import function`?


easier to do something you're better off not doing. Vice versa F is what enables coordinated switching of coupled functions..

operator overloading in python [duplicate]


with different semantics and __setattr__ . Vice versa in Python plain assignment is not an operator so you cannot..

SQLite, python, unicode, and non-utf data


is a mapping between Unicode and something else and vice versa. A Unicode character doesn't have an encoding implicit or otherwise... in that range your data is corrupt. There is no universal solution it depends on how it became corrupted. The characters..

Compiled vs. Interpreted Languages


in an interpreted language in a compiled language and vice versa they are both Turing complete. Both however have advantages..

Global Variable from a different file Python


names defined in file1 available to code in file2 and vice versa. This is known as a cyclical dependency and is a terrible idea..

What are the differences between Perl, Python, AWK and sed? [closed]


of anything that Perl can do that Python can't nor vice versa. The choice between the two would depend on other factors. I..

View onto a numpy array?


and any updates made to y will be reflected in x and vice versa. Edit I commonly work with 10GB 3D arrays of uint8's so I worry.. you have an array of floats and view them as ints or vice versa numpy will interpret the underlying bits of the array as ints...

Generator Expressions vs. List Comprehension


expressions vs. list comprehensions in Python and vice versa # Generator expression x 2 for x in range 256 # List comprehension..

Java -> Python?


of the Python language that Java doesn't have and vice versa java python share improve this question List comprehensions...

Best way to integrate Python and JavaScript?


classes in JavaScript and use them from Python or vice versa . If so what's the best way I'm interested not only if this..

Changing image hue with Python PIL


There is Python code to convert RGB to HSV and vice versa in the colorsys module in the standard library . My first attempt..

Convert Binary to ASCII and vice versa (Python)


Binary to ASCII and vice versa Python Using this code to take a string and convert it to binary..

How do I generate circular thumbnails with PIL?


is now inverted. The white was replace with black and vis versa. I'm converting into 'P' with an 'adaptive' palette. Otherwise..