

python Programming Glossary: verification

Dump stacktraces of all active Threads


but i cannot reproduce it in the test environemt for verification. I managed to register a signal handler which can be triggered..

CSRF verification failed. Request aborted


verification failed. Request aborted I try to build a very simple website.. when I click the submit button I get the 403 error CSRF verification failed. Request aborted. I have included csrf_token in index.html...

Validate SSL certificates with Python


its certificate in this way python https ssl certificate verification share improve this question I have added a distribution..

Recommended Python cryptographic module?


be using the library for digital signature signing and verification and potentially for key creation although I won't cry if I have..

Verifying peer in SSL using python


here to eliminate some of the illusions. Certificate verification is about checking a signature on the certificate metadata i.e... in advance. And don't forget that you establish all this verification procedure to remove the requirement to have this pre shared.. have this pre shared knowledge. With regular certificate verification you cannot completely remove the requirement to have some pre..

csrf error in django


Django Book together. However I still get an error CSRF verification failed. Request aborted. when submitting my registration form...

Django - CSRF verification failed


CSRF verification failed I'm getting a CSRF verification failed message when.. CSRF verification failed I'm getting a CSRF verification failed message when trying to make a simple form from a tutorial... from a tutorial. I did a little research into what CSRF verification actually is and to my knowledge in order to use it you need..

Best way to run remote commands thru ssh in Twisted?


asks for a connection knowing. It does no host key verification at all _CommandTransport.verifyHostKey is where you would implement..

How to make Facebook Login possible in Django app ?


setting a primary Password forgotten flow E mail address verification flow Supported Providers Dropbox OAuth Facebook both OAuth2..

Are urllib2 and httplib thread safe?


thread safe. You can look at the module's source code for verification. When browsing the source code to determine whether a module..

Python: How to pass arguments to the __code__ of a function?


cross platform IPC


it. You really want to look at something that will perform verification and parsing for you. I recommend looking at Google's Protocol..