

python Programming Glossary: versioning

Upgrade python without breaking yum


2.7 . If you do all your Python work from a virtualenv the versioning is handled for you so make sure you install and use virtualenv..

Database Version Control for MySQL


a simple schema dump as the primary way to handle database versioning is made apparent. I make a modification to the schema and apply..

SqlAlchemy add new Field to class and create corresponding column in table


Best way to import version-specific python modules


less but when you test for the capability instead of the versioning you're always more robust. That's how I make Testoob support..

How can I rewrite python __version__ with git?


module from SVN repo or as a zip package to have the same versioning scheme I do not care that is some illegible hash . Edit My particular..

Python windows File Version attribute


I asked a similar question but that was about svn related versioning info. Now I am wondering how to query windows File version attribute..

Simple, hassle-free, zero-boilerplate serialization in Scala/Java similar to Python's Pickle?


but doesn't care about cross language accessibility versioning etc. and allows for optional customization. What I'm aware of..

Case insensitive unique model fields in Django?
