

python Programming Glossary: verifies

Validate SSL certificates with Python


a bunch of sites on our corporate intranet over HTTPS and verifies that their SSL certificates are valid that they are not expired..

What does -> mean in Python function definitions?


types it would then be easy to write a decorator that verifies the annotations or coerces the arguments to the right type...

Overriding the default type() metaclass before Python runs


In order to do that one of the features is a feature that verifies that any object that is being used which isn't the test runner..

Extract the SHA1 hash from a torrent file


this question I wrote a piece of python code that verifies the hashes of downloaded files against what's in a .torrent..

Why “is” keyword has different behavior when there is dot in the string?


identity equality share improve this question is verifies object identity and any implementation of Python when it meets..

Signing and verifying data using pycrypto (RSA)


to Friend. # Friend knows how to compute hash. # Friend verifies the message came from you this way assert pubkey.verify hash..

SQLAlchemy classes across files


framework which describes the problem and more importantly verifies that this is an actual issue and not only just my confused self..