

python Programming Glossary: verticalalignment

Matplotlib, adding text with more than one line. Adding text that can follow the curve


'using axis coords' transform ax.transAxes The parameters verticalalignment and horizontalalignment can also help you tremendously. Suppose.. right' transform ax.transAxes horizontalalignment 'right' verticalalignment 'top' pylab.text 0. 0. 'bottom left' transform ax.transAxes.. left' transform ax.transAxes horizontalalignment 'left' verticalalignment 'bottom' To automatically calculate an angle to the text depending..

How do I plot multiple X or Y axes in matplotlib?


right y pad textcoords 'data' annotation_clip False verticalalignment 'top' horizontalalignment 'center' linespacing 2.0 arrowprops.. xytext 0 labeloffset textcoords 'offset points' verticalalignment 'top' horizontalalignment 'center' if __name__ '__main__' main..

How to plot confusion matrix with string axis rather than integer in python


str conf_arr x y xy y x horizontalalignment 'center' verticalalignment 'center' cb fig.colorbar res alphabet 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'..