

python Programming Glossary: view_func

Django: How to access URL regex parameters inside a middleware class?


at the function's definition def process_view self request view_func view_args view_kwargs ... view_args is a list of positional.. it from there something like def process_view self request view_func view_args view_kwargs company view_kwargs.get 'company' None..

django request.POST contains <could not parse>


views decorators csrf.py line 39 in wrapped_view resp view_func args kwargs File usr lib python2.4 site packages django views.. views decorators csrf.py line 52 in wrapped_view return view_func args kwargs File public gdp trunk src ukl lis process utils..

Django: How can I check the last activity time of user if user didn't log out?


object def process_view self request view_func view_args view_kwargs assert hasattr request 'user' 'The UpdateLastActivityMiddleware..

Django: display time it took to load a page on every page


class StatsMiddleware object def process_view self request view_func view_args view_kwargs ''' In your base template put this div.. len connection.queries # time the view start time response view_func request view_args view_kwargs total_time time start # compute..

Best way to make Django's login_required the default


def process_view self request view_func view_args view_kwargs # No need to process URLs if user already.. if url.match request.path return login_required view_func request view_args view_kwargs # Explicitly return None for all..

Django authentication and Ajax - URLs that require login


from functools import wraps def ajax_login_required view_func @wraps view_func def wrapper request args kwargs if request.user.is_authenticated.. import wraps def ajax_login_required view_func @wraps view_func def wrapper request args kwargs if request.user.is_authenticated.. args kwargs if request.user.is_authenticated return view_func request args kwargs json simplejson.dumps 'not_authenticated'..

Copying and Writing EXIF information from one image to another using pyexiv2


django contrib auth decorators.py in _wrapped_view return view_func request args kwargs ... home swaroop public_html xyz xyz apps..

ValueError: Too many values to unpack Django


django utils decorators.py in _wrapped_view 93. response view_func request args kwargs File usr local lib python2.7 dist packages.. dist packages django views decorators cache.py in _wrapped_view_func 79. response view_func request args kwargs File usr local lib.. decorators cache.py in _wrapped_view_func 79. response view_func request args kwargs File usr local lib python2.7 dist packages..