

python Programming Glossary: violation

Which classes cannot be subclassed?


there's a limited pre determined number of instances. Any violation of this invariant in a subclass will be inconsistent with the..

Why print statement is not pythonic? [closed]


Python displayed and this change to the language removes a violation of this tenet that had to remain for many years due to an early..

Python Requests requests.exceptions.SSLError: [Errno 8] _ssl.c:504: EOF occurred in violation of protocol


Errno 8 _ssl.c 504 EOF occurred in violation of protocol I'm on Ubuntu 12.10 with OpenSSL 1.0.1c python.. Errno 8 _ssl.c 504 EOF occurred in violation of protocol Attempting the connection with openssl returns the..

Call Python from C++


the function is called again otherwise there is an access violation at pModule PyImport_Import pName . There are a lot of tutorials..

CGAL.Triangulations_2.Vertex,point() causes python to die?


exception at 0x00000002 in python.exe 0xC0000005 Access violation reading location 0x00000002. If there is a handler for this..

Python: sort function breaks in the presence of nan


any details. EDIT I now agree that this isn't in violation of the IEEE standard. However it's a bug from any common sense..

Improve speed of reading and converting from binary file with python


WAY faster . What I would like to know If there is some violation of good practice bad arranged loops repetitive operations that..

Python kill hanging function


For example def sleep time.sleep 60 time sleep limit 30 violation sys.exit 1 Very basic and horrid looking example I know but..

Case insensitive unique model fields in Django?


that's already there in lower case you get a unique key violation error. For fast equality searches use a query like this SELECT..