

python Programming Glossary: views.py

how to combine django plus gevent the basics?


bitbucket.org denis gevent src tip examples webchat chat views.py http blog.gevent.org 2009 10 10 simpler long polling with django..

Unable to serve static files like css, js in django python


____home_page.html ____settings.py ____urls.py ____views.py ____wsgi.py Some of my settings.py file settings are below.. 'document_root' settings.STATIC_ROOT 'show_indexes' True views.py from django.shortcuts import render_to_response def home_page..

how to add <div> tag instead of <li>


type_selection.id _type_checkbox.initial initial_val views.py def types method types TypeSelectionForm type_id return render..

how to use matplotlib in django?


Django It looks like it remembers some drawings... Source views.py let urls.py link to it from pylab import figure axes pie title..

Python Django Global Variables [closed]


be parsed only once per server startup by contrast to the views.py which seems to be parsed eache time a request is made . Does..

How to import modules in Google App Engine?


project myapp app.yaml index.yaml main.py short_url.py views.py And in views.py or wherever you can then import like so import.. app.yaml index.yaml main.py short_url.py views.py And in views.py or wherever you can then import like so import short_url For.. lib __init__.py short_url.py app.yaml index.yaml main.py views.py from lib import short_url Edit #2 Apologies I should have mentioned..

How do I filter ForeignKey choices in a Django ModelForm?


class ClientForm ModelForm class Meta model Client And the views.py is also basic from django.shortcuts import render_to_response..

How do I get user IP address in django?


Value 'REMOTE_ADDR' Exception Location mysite homepage views.py in home line 9 Python Executable usr bin python Python Version..

Project structure for Google App Engine


directly by App Engine myapp .py app specific python code views.py models.py tests.py __init__.py and more templates .html templates.. main wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler .run application myapp views.py import os import datetime import logging import time from google.appengine.api..

Django: “projects” vs “apps”


__init__.py touch myproduct models.py touch myproduct views.py and so on. Would it help if I said views.py doesn't have to.. myproduct views.py and so on. Would it help if I said views.py doesn't have to be called views.py Provided you can name on.. Would it help if I said views.py doesn't have to be called views.py Provided you can name on the python path a function usually..

django-paypal setup


#0 has length 1 2 is required Traceback File ... accounts views.py in buy_my_item 655. return ppp request File ... paypal pro views.py.. in buy_my_item 655. return ppp request File ... paypal pro views.py in __call__ 115. return self.validate_payment_form File ..... return self.validate_payment_form File ... paypal pro views.py in validate_payment_form 133. success form.process self.request..

How can i compare password with retypepassword during registering/creating account without having a field 'retyppassword' in models.py?


'password' PasswordInput 'passwordrepeat' PasswordInput views.py def register request flag True possible '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'..

How do I include image files in Django templates?


structure is like this dubliners book includes models.py views.py etc. dubliners templates book I have a JPG file that needs to..