

python Programming Glossary: verbs

Google app engine ReferenceProperty relationships


can satisfy it from cache . For modifications use HTTP verbs such as POST most popular essentially because all browsers implement..

Convert words between verb/noun/adjective forms


print adjectivate 'write' # 'written' i mostly care about verbs nouns for a note taking program i want to write. i.e. i can.. thing. similar questions ... Converting adjectives and adverbs to their noun forms this answer only stems down to the root..

Loop “Forgets” to Remove Some Items


def remove_vowels text # function names should start with verbs return ''.join ch for ch in text if ch.lower not in 'aeiou'..

Which is best in Python: urllib2, PycURL or mechanize?


most needed things like cookies does not support all HTTP verbs only GET and POST no TRACE etc. Full featured mechanize can..

custom tagging with nltk


tasks. The basic idea is to split a statement into verbs and noun phrases that those verbs should apply to. I'm working.. split a statement into verbs and noun phrases that those verbs should apply to. I'm working with nltk but not getting the results.. the first word select move and copy were intended as verbs. I know I can create custom taggers and grammars to work around..

Django vs other Python web frameworks?


automated. The admin interface uses RESTful urls and HTTP verbs which means it would be easy to connect to programatically using.. Providing you the ability to use standardized HTTP verbs simply by extending our RestController. Combine Sprox with CrudRestController..

Recommendations of Python REST (web services) framework? [closed]


class based views and MethodDispatcher respectively . HTTP verbs are very important in REST and unless you're very careful about..

Some NLP stuff to do with grammar, tagging, stemming, and word sense disambiguation in Python


odd unlikely. From there it could use either of these verbs. If it picks 'to have' the result could be sensibly inflected..