

python Programming Glossary: verify

How to do PGP in Python (generate keys, encrypt/decrypt)


from a partner company Encrypt and decrypt data Sign and verify signatures The module I've got is not ideal to show right now.. some more unit tests I don't have any unit tests for sign verify for example and release it either under the original PyCrypto..

Validate SSL certificates with Python


for these sites so we have the public key of the CA to verify the certificates against. Python by default just accepts and.. that will let me connect to a site over HTTPS and verify its certificate in this way python https ssl certificate verification..

Python: is using “..%(var)s..” % locals() a good practice?


that are going to be used here in different settings verify all of them. So in practice you don't know what local names..

Why is numpy's einsum faster than numpy's built in functions?


numpy 1.6.1 compiled with gcc without mkl was also used to verify the timings. Please note the timings scale nearly linearly with..

Solving embarassingly parallel problems using Python multiprocessing


self.numprocs for i val in iter self.outq.get STOP # verify rows are in order if not save in buffer if i cur buffer i..

Why does Python print unicode characters when the default encoding is ASCII?


here just ignore it. Then start the python shell again and verify that it does indeed revert to its default ascii encoding. python.. environment. Let's then start Python from the shell and verify that sys.stdout.encoding is set to the shell environment's encoding..

How do I force Django to ignore any caches and reload data?


even though I'm building new QuerySets every time. To verify this I did this from a Python shell MyModel.objects.count 885..

How can I speed up fetching pages with urllib2 in python?


time in 17 runs. Unfortunately I don't have twisted to verify Aaron's code . 0.75 s 0.38 s 0.59 s 0.38 s 0.62 s 1.50 s 0.49..

How can I check if two segments intersect?


Parallel segments A point Xa Ya standing on both line must verify both formulas f1 and f2 Ya A1 Xa b1 Ya A2 Xa b2 A1 Xa b1 A2..

How to write the Fibonacci Sequence in Python


just have to cycle trough the numbers and check if they verify the given conditions. Suppose now you wrote a f n that returns..

How do you verify an RSA SHA1 signature in Python?


do you verify an RSA SHA1 signature in Python I've got a string a signature.. got a string a signature and a public key and I want to verify the signature on the string. The key looks like this BEGIN PUBLIC.. If you know PHP I'm trying to do the following openssl_verify data signature public_key OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1 Also if I'm confused..

Getting started with secure AWS CloudFront streaming with Python


from cloudfront but not from s3 You should now be able to verify stream.example.com.s3.amazonaws.com video.mp4 should give AccessDenied..

Getting realtime output using subprocess


write a wrapper script for a command line program svnadmin verify that will display a nice progress indicator for the operation... from subprocess import Popen PIPE STDOUT p Popen 'svnadmin verify var svn repos config' stdout PIPE stderr STDOUT shell True for..

Can't add a User to the Database


field and even if the form contains password not equal to Verifypassword ValidationError doesnot appear ....thank u forms.py.. render_value False password1 forms.CharField label u'Verify Password' widget forms.PasswordInput render_value False mobile.. for password1 if form.password1.errors class error endif Verify Password label p p form.password1 p div div class register_div..

Unit Testing File Modifications


the file passing it the path to the file in tmp. 3 Verify that the file in tmp was changed correctly pass fail unit test..

How to Mock an HTTP request in a unit testing scenario in Python


css_urls self.css.get_css_uri_list sample_html base_url # Verify the output expected_urls http example.com styles full_url_style.css.. mock framework without a real HTTP request being sent. # Verify # We expect our get_content method to have called our http library... core.HttpRequests content http_client.get_content url # Verify # We expect our get_content method to have called our http library...

gdb-python : Parsing structure's each field and print them with proper value, if exists


and using an address of 0 would probably work in this case Verify that ptype struct net_device ptype struct pci_dev ptype my_struct..

Verify a file exists over ssh


a file exists over ssh I am trying to test if a file exists..

Fitting a line in 3D


mean to get the line in the right place linepts datamean # Verify that everything looks right. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt..

SMTP through Exchange using Integrated Windows Authentication (NTLM) using Python


Request code response smtp.docmd AUTH NTLM ntlm_message # Verify the NTLM Type 2 response Challenge Message if code SMTP_AUTH_CHALLENGE..

What is the difference between encode/decode?


an implicit encoding of s using the default ascii codec. Verify this like so s u'ΓΆ' s.decode Traceback most recent call last..

How do you have shared log files under Windows?


test .marker find c test nul findstr x procCount goto wait Verify log results for l n in 1 1 procCount do nul set p Proc n log..

Thread synchronization, Python


as you do. And simply have them send data every second. Verify that you can get more than one client connecting and sending..