

python Programming Glossary: subdomains

how to extract domain name from URL


would you extract the domain name from a URL excluding any subdomains My initial simplistic attempt was '.'.join urlparse.urlparse..

Authenticating to Active Directory with python-ldap always returns (97, [])


# usr bin perl w use strict use Net LDAP ## Corporate subdomains my @domains americas asia europe # AD connect timeout my timeout..

Pyramid.security questions: Double cookies? Insecure cookies? Expiration?


authentication cookie is to be shared between different subdomains think app1.domain app2.domain your browser won't share cookies.. app2.domain your browser won't share cookies across subdomains without a wildcard cookie. You need to set the secure option..

Regex to match Domain.CCTLD


a regular expression to match Domain.CCTLD I don't want subdomains only the atomic domain . For example docs.google.com doesn't.. EDIT I've realized I also have to deal with multiple subdomains like john.doe.google.co.uk . Need a solution now more than ever..

multiple instances of django on a single domain


question I've been in situations where I couldn't use subdomains and the way to handle this with Django is pretty simple actually...

Extract Google Search Results


could append each result to a list so you can parse it for subdomains. I just got into Python and scraping a few days ago but this..

Routing subdomains in Pyramid


subdomains in Pyramid In Pylons 1.0 I could go into config routing.py..

Multiple domains and subdomains on a single Pyramid instance


domains and subdomains on a single Pyramid instance I'm looking to have multiple domains.. Pyramid instance I'm looking to have multiple domains and subdomains on a single Pyramid instance. However I can't seem to find any..