

python Programming Glossary: sublime

Sublime Text 2 console input


Text 2 console input I use Sublime Text 2 but it won't let.. Text 2 console input I use Sublime Text 2 but it won't let me enter any value when my code asks.. enter anything . Simply USER INPUT isn't working in Sublime Text 2 for me. EDIT FOR EXAMPLE try text input 'Enter something..

Directing Sublime Text 2 Packages to the correct python installation


Sublime Text 2 Packages to the correct python installation I just want.. the correct python installation I just want to direct a Sublime Text 2 Package SublimeREPL to the correct python installation.. I just want to direct a Sublime Text 2 Package SublimeREPL to the correct python installation at the moment it's picking..

How do I change my build configuration so that cmd points to actual location of the python interpreter?


When I try to run python or any language through Sublime Text 2 all it says is Error 2 The system cannot find the file..

Trouble setting Python version in Sublime Text2


setting Python version in Sublime Text2 I'm having trouble setting the build environment in Sublime.. Text2 I'm having trouble setting the build environment in Sublime Text2. I'm using Macports for Python and package installation... From Terminal everything builds runs fine it's only Sublime Text2's build that's grabbing the system version still. Additional..

How to debug sublime plugins during development


anything normally . But sys.stdin does work if you start SublimeText2 from a console On Mac start the application by locating.. by entering the full path in the Terminal Applications Sublime Text 2.app Contents MacOS Sublime Text 2 On Windows start the.. Terminal Applications Sublime Text 2.app Contents MacOS Sublime Text 2 On Windows start the application from the Windows Console..

How do I run Python code from Sublime Text 2?


do I run Python code from Sublime Text 2 I want to set up a complete Python IDE in Sublime Text.. Sublime Text 2 I want to set up a complete Python IDE in Sublime Text 2. I want to know how to run the Python code from within..

Python 3.1 and Sublime Text 2 error


3.1 and Sublime Text 2 error I want to use a SublimeText2 as IDE for developing.. 3.1 and Sublime Text 2 error I want to use a SublimeText2 as IDE for developing applications in Python. I have the..

Sublime Text 2 console input


enter anything to var text EOFError Finished python ruby sublimetext2 share improve this question Sublime text doesn't support.. cooky though as the tab is still editable like a normal sublime tab which is good and bad ... It also allows you to run the.. in ST for 'goto anything' . Type in 'install' click on 'sublime package control install package'. Then select SublimeREPL ...

Directing Sublime Text 2 Packages to the correct python installation


must reside in either SublimeREPL SublimeREPL OSX .sublime settings SublimeREPL.sublime settings Or User SublimeREPL.sublime.. SublimeREPL SublimeREPL OSX .sublime settings SublimeREPL.sublime settings Or User SublimeREPL.sublime settings In fact i added.. settings SublimeREPL.sublime settings Or User SublimeREPL.sublime settings In fact i added the following each of the three JSON..

Using virtualenv with sublime text 2


virtualenv with sublime text 2 I am using sublime text 2 for python development along.. virtualenv with sublime text 2 I am using sublime text 2 for python development along with virtualenv The standard.. for python development along with virtualenv The standard sublime text 2 build system uses the standard python install rather..

Running python interactively from within sublime text 2


python interactively from within sublime text 2 I have looked at all the answers on this forum but I'm.. able to hit cmd B while editing a python file myfile.py in sublime text 2 This should open up a python shell that loads my file.. the interpreter see below 81 Finished in 0.1s I downloaded sublimeREPL but I'm not sure how to set the i option. Any help is appreciated..

How to debug sublime plugins during development


to debug sublime plugins during development I want to debug my plugin with pdb.. I get these errors Traceback most recent call last File . sublime_plugin.py line 362 in run_ File . useIt.py line 14 in run for.. Has anyone an idea Or some other way to debug a sublime plugin python debugging sublimetext2 sublimetext pdb share..

In sublime, why is def run working in one case and not another case, and how can I make it work?


sublime why is def run working in one case and not another case and.. and how can I make it work I have a class blahtestCommand sublime_plugin.ApplicationCommand with a run it fails. Another class.. with a run it fails. Another class I have with sublime_plugin.TextCommmand works. I am a little bit baffled with what..

Trouble using Vim's syn-include and syn-region to embed syntax highlighting


answered my own question a simultaneously embarrassing and sublime accomplishment which I now preserve here for posterity. Basically..

Python 3.1 and Sublime Text 2 error


Any idea what the problem might be python python 3.x sublimetext share improve this question Install sublimeREPL and.. 3.x sublimetext share improve this question Install sublimeREPL and then choose Tools sublimerepl python . Referenceļ¼ a.. this question Install sublimeREPL and then choose Tools sublimerepl python . Referenceļ¼ a href http gimo.me sublime text2 skills..