python Programming Glossary: style
Flattening a shallow list in Python And as @cdleary notes it's probably better style to avoid operator magic by using chain.from_iterable like so..
Old style and new style classes in Python style and new style classes in Python What is the difference between.. style and new style classes in Python What is the difference between old style.. classes in Python What is the difference between old style and new style classes in Python Is there ever a reason to use..
When`starmap` could be preferred over `List Comprehension` preferred over List Comprehension Note If its a matter of Style then it definitely contradicts There should be one and preferably..
Are there any real alternatives to reStructuredText for Python documentation? jumble. I like much more the Google way Google Python Style Guide which counterpart to the above looks like this Args path.. is there an extension for Sphinx that handles Google Style Guide's docstring style python documentation python sphinx..
Cell assignment of a 2-dimensional Matrix in Python, without numpy CamelCase is generally used for class names. See PEP 8 Style Guide for Python Code for more. Edit Since you mentioned that..
Should I use “from package import utils, settings” or “from . import utils, settings” style 2 python share improve this question The Python Style Guide recommends explicitly against relative imports the . style..
Good Style in Python Objects Style in Python Objects Most of my programming prior to Python was..
Python style: multiple-line conditions in IFs those are fairly ugly though. Maybe lose the brackets the Style Guide discourages this though if cond1 'val1' and cond2 'val2'.. and cond3 'val3' and cond4 'val4' do_something Here's the Style Guide which since 2010 recommends using brackets. share improve..
Cosinus drawing import Tk W E from ttk import Label Button Frame Entry Style import math import sys import matplotlib as mp class program.. self.initUI def initUI self self.main.title 'COSINUSEK' Style .configure 'TFrame' background 'black' Style .configure 'TLabel'.. 'COSINUSEK' Style .configure 'TFrame' background 'black' Style .configure 'TLabel' background 'black' foreground 'blue' Style..
Python coding standards/best practices [closed] practices closed In python do you generally use PEP 8 Style Guide for Python Code as your coding standards guidelines Are.. this question In python do you generally use PEP 8 Style Guide for Python Code as your coding standards guidelines Are.. and PEP 257 for docstring conventions Along with Python Style Guides I suggest that you refer the following Code Like a Pythonista..
How to integrate in Eclipse? in Eclipse A little background PEP 8 is the Style Guide for Python Code . It contains the conventions all python..
Google python style guide python style guide Why does the Google Python Style Guide prefer list comprehensions and for loops instead of filter..
Is it ok to use dashes in Python files when trying to import them? improve this question You should check out PEP 8 the Style Guide for Python Code Package and Module Names Modules should..
Correct Style for Python Line breaks Style for Python Line breaks I have some code like this. Should the..
Bubble Sort Homework from 0 to that argument. for i in range length The Python Style Guide recommends that variables be named in lowercase with underscores...
Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV-Python explained in the paper Letter Recognition Using Holland Style Adaptive Classifiers . Although i didn't understand some of..