python Programming Glossary: sublime_plugin
Running python interactively from within sublime text 2 New Plugin which creates a command 'pydev' import sublime sublime_plugin class PydevCommand sublime_plugin.WindowCommand def run self.. 'pydev' import sublime sublime_plugin class PydevCommand sublime_plugin.WindowCommand def run self self.window.run_command 'set_layout'..
In sublime, why is def run working in one case and not another case, and how can I make it work? and how can I make it work I have a class blahtestCommand sublime_plugin.ApplicationCommand with a run it fails. Another class I have.. with a run it fails. Another class I have with sublime_plugin.TextCommmand works. I am a little bit baffled with what the.. would tell somebody that when a class has parameter of sublime_plugin.TextCommand that the def run line should look like this def..