

python Programming Glossary: subkey

Interface for modifying Windows environment variables from Python


def env_keys user True if user root HKEY_CURRENT_USER subkey 'Environment' else root HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subkey r'SYSTEM CurrentControlSet.. subkey 'Environment' else root HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE subkey r'SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Session Manager Environment'.. Control Session Manager Environment' return root subkey def get_env name user True root subkey env_keys user key OpenKey..

Pythonic Way to reverse nested dictionaries


2 flipped defaultdict dict for key val in data.items for subkey subval in val.items flipped subkey key subval pprint.pprint.. val in data.items for subkey subval in val.items flipped subkey key subval pprint.pprint dict flipped Output 'item1' 'Amy' 6..

py2exe com dll problem


# c Program Files MindRetrieve context_menu.dll subkey 'CLSID s InprocServer32' ShellExtension._reg_clsid_ path _winreg.QueryValue.. path _winreg.QueryValue _winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT subkey head tail os.path.split path # quick check if this is in deployed.. # g bin py_repos mindretrieve trunk minds weblib win32 subkey 'CLSID s PythonCOMPath' ShellExtension._reg_clsid_ path _winreg.QueryValue..

Generating python dict keys on the fly


values in such a data structure like this mydict key subkey subkey2 value without having to check that mydict key etc. are.. in such a data structure like this mydict key subkey subkey2 value without having to check that mydict key etc. are actually..