

python Programming Glossary: subdirectories

Directory listing in Python


dirnames filenames in os.walk '.' # print path to all subdirectories first. for subdirname in dirnames print os.path.join dirname..

Calculating a directory size using Python?


directory size share improve this question This grabs subdirectories import os def get_size start_path '.' total_size 0 for dirpath..

How to install MySQLdb package? (ImportError: No module named setuptools)


Django Static Files results in 404


yourself store your static files # in apps' static subdirectories and in STATICFILES_DIRS. # Example home media media.lawrence.com..

setuptools: package data folder location


setup.py I just don't feel comfortable with having so many subdirectories if it's not essential. I fail to find a reason why I have to.. It is also cumbersome to work with so many nested subdirectories IMHO. Or is there any good reason that would justify this restriction..

Django: “projects” vs “apps”


sql scripts etc. django's management extensions rely on subdirectories. So it makes sense to name packages appropriately. In short..

Extract files from zip without keeping the structure using python ZipFile?


that's how ZipFile.extract works without taken care of subdirectories . import os import shutil import zipfile my_dir r D Download..

TemplateDoesNotExist on python app-engine django 1.2 while template rendering relative paths


filepath error_msg Could not find s in any of the views subdirectories. template_name raise TemplateDoesNotExist error_msg load_template_source.is_usable..

How do I copy a directory to a remote machine using Fabric?


tmp' # our local 'testdirectory' it may contain files or subdirectories ... put 'testdirectory' ' home frodo tmp' # frodo@middleearth.com..

python subprocess Popen environment PATH?


search the PATH manually or munge the PATH to include the subdirectories and then just use the command name as in my suggestion below...

Properly importing modules in Python


size Python application with modules files in various subdirectories. I have created modules that append these subdirectories to.. subdirectories. I have created modules that append these subdirectories to sys.path and imports a group of modules using import thisModule.. size Python application with modules files in various subdirectories. Good. Make absolutely sure that each directory include a __init__.py..

Apache not serving django admin static files


yourself store your static files # in apps' static subdirectories and in STATICFILES_DIRS. # Example home media media.lawrence.com..

Getting a list of all subdirectories in the current directory


a list of all subdirectories in the current directory Is there a way to return a list of.. directory Is there a way to return a list of all the subdirectories in the current directory in python I know you can do this with.. share improve this question Do you mean immediate subdirectories or every directory right down the tree Either way you could..