python Programming Glossary: sub.pipe
Communicate multiple times with a process without breaking the pipe? proc sub.Popen psql h darwin d main_db .split stdin sub.PIPE stdout sub.PIPE print proc.communicate select a b result from.. psql h darwin d main_db .split stdin sub.PIPE stdout sub.PIPE print proc.communicate select a b result from experiment_1412..
Python, os.system for command-line call (linux) not returning what it should? import subprocess as sub p sub.Popen 'your command' stdout sub.PIPE stderr sub.PIPE output errors p.communicate print output or.. as sub p sub.Popen 'your command' stdout sub.PIPE stderr sub.PIPE output errors p.communicate print output or import os p os.popen..
Python Tkinter Shell to GUI? import subprocess as sub p sub.Popen '. script' stdout sub.PIPE stderr sub.PIPE output errors p.communicate root Tk text Text.. as sub p sub.Popen '. script' stdout sub.PIPE stderr sub.PIPE output errors p.communicate root Tk text Text root text.pack..