python Programming Glossary: statement
What can you use Python generator functions for? come across generator functions those that have a yield statement in them. I want to know what types of problems that these functions..
Reading binary file in Python # Do stuff with byte. byte 1 Note that the with statement is not available in versions of Python below 2.5. To use it.. v 2.5 you'll need to import it from __future__ import with_statement In 2.6 this is not needed. In Python 3 it's a bit different...
if x or y or z == blah of c d f Any help would be greatly appreciated python if statement share improve this question You misunderstand how boolean..
Differences between isinstance() and type() in python if it was of a certain desired type do it in a try except statement catching all exceptions that could arise if the argument was..
How to flush output of Python print? [duplicate] http reference simple_stmts.html#the print statement http library sys.html http library..
read subprocess stdout line by line worked with Python but I think the problem is with the statement for line in proc.stdout which reads the entire input before..
Python variable scope question there an runtime error thrown at line A because of a later statement on line B 2 Why are variables a and b printed as expected while..
Flattening a shallow list in Python on Stack Overflow I got the desired results with a reduce statement reduce list.__add__ map lambda x list x mi.image_set.all for.. add to or correct these observations. My original reduce statement is redundant and is better written this way reduce list.__add__..
What does `if __name__ == “__main__”:` do? up the special variables it will execute the import statement and load those modules. It will then evaluate the def block.. points to the function object. It will then read the if statement and see that __name__ does equal __main__ so it will execute..
How to improve performance of this code? here is actually if neighbor in closedlist . The in statement is so easy to use you forget that it's linear search and when..
How to print in Python without newline or space? but not a newline Please note that in Python 3 the print statement has been changed into a function so the second example will..
Replacements for switch statement in python? for switch statement in python I want to write a function in python that returns.. index. In other languages I would use a switch or case statement but python does not appear to have a switch statement. What.. case statement but python does not appear to have a switch statement. What are the recommended python solutions in this scenario..
How do I check if a file exists using Python? I check if a file exists using Python without using a try statement python file filesystems share improve this question Just..
Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python? I'm misunderstanding something. tl dr version include the statement cin.sync_with_stdio false or just use fgets instead. C code..