

python Programming Glossary: startpos

Detect whether sequence is a multiple of a subsequence in Python


shifts pos shift shifts pos 1 shift # do the actual search startPos 0 matchLen 0 for c in text while matchLen len pattern or matchLen.. matchLen len pattern or matchLen 0 and pattern matchLen c startPos shifts matchLen matchLen shifts matchLen matchLen 1 if matchLen.. shifts matchLen matchLen 1 if matchLen len pattern yield startPos For your sample this outputs 1 0 1 1 as expected. I compared..

Implementing the Koch Curve?


from math import sin cos radians def grow steps length 200 startPos 0 0 angle 0 try jump float length 3 steps except jump length.. F for i in xrange steps set set.replace F FLFRFLF coords startPos for move in set if move is F coords.append coords 1 0 jump.. angle decode dict L L R R F F def grow steps length 200 startPos 0 0 pathcodes F for i in xrange steps pathcodes pathcodes.replace..