python Programming Glossary: start_server
How to implement a minimal server for AJAX in Python? thread threading.Timer 0.5 _open_browser thread.start def start_server Start the server. server_address PORT server BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.. server.serve_forever if __name__ __main__ open_browser start_server ...and the HTML file I call it 'frontend.html' unfortunately.. thread threading.Timer 0.5 _open_browser thread.start def start_server Start the server. httpd make_server PORT test_app httpd.serve_forever..
Python WebSocket not working use a python webserver import threading import socket def start_server tick 0 sock socket.socket socket.AF_INET socket.SOCK_STREAM.. d tick send_data client out s data if __name__ '__main__' start_server And HTML DOCTYPE html html xmlns http 1999 xhtml.. recent call last File line 43 in module start_server File line 17 in start_server interact csock..