python Programming Glossary: start_response
Get raw POST body in Python Flask regardless of Content-Type header self.application application def __call__ self environ start_response from cStringIO import StringIO length environ.get 'CONTENT_LENGTH'.. app_iter self.application environ self._sr_callback start_response # Return modified response return app_iter def _sr_callback.. modified response return app_iter def _sr_callback self start_response def callback status headers exc_info None # Call upstream start_response..
How to set up Python server side with javascript client side many blocking calls asynchronous def application environ start_response if environ REQUEST_METHOD POST # your JS uses post so if it.. POST # your JS uses post so if it isn't post it isn't you start_response 403 Forbidden Content Type text html charset utf 8 return 403.. Content Type text html charset utf 8 return 403 Forbidden start_response 200 OK Content Type text html charset utf 8 r environ wsgi.input..
WSGI file streaming with a generator a generator I have the following code def application env start_response path process env fh open path 'r' start_response '200 OK' 'Content.. env start_response path process env fh open path 'r' start_response '200 OK' 'Content Type' 'application octet stream' return fbuffer..
How to implement a minimal server for AJAX in Python? FILE 'frontend.html' PORT 8080 def test_app environ start_response if environ 'REQUEST_METHOD' 'POST' try request_body_size int.. error status '200 OK' headers 'Content type' 'text plain' start_response status headers return response_body else response_body open.. type' 'text html' 'Content Length' str len response_body start_response status headers return response_body def open_browser Start a..
Python POST data using mod_wsgi wrong. from pprint import pformat def application environ start_response # show the environment output ' pre ' output.append pformat.. # send results output_len sum len line for line in output start_response '200 OK' 'Content type' 'text html' 'Content Length' str output_len..
Changing the static directory path in webpy prefix self.root_path root_path def __call__ self environ start_response path environ.get 'PATH_INFO' '' path self.normpath path if path.startswith.. path self.prefix return web.httpserver.StaticApp environ start_response else return environ start_response def normpath self.. environ start_response else return environ start_response def normpath self path path2 posixpath.normpath urllib.unquote..