

python Programming Glossary: stay

What is a metaclass in Python?


yes create in memory a class object I said a class object stay with me here with the name Foo by using what is in __metaclass__..

How to keep a Python script output window open?


window appears but instantaneously goes away. I need it to stay there so I can analyze my output. How can I keep it open python..

when to commit data in ZODB


be flushed to a savepoint more easily without having to stay in memory for all H.nodes to be processed. share improve this..

The meaning of a single- and a double-underscore before an object name in Python


and a double leading underscore. Also does that meaning stay the same whether the object in question is a variable a function..

Making a portable (exe) with Python 3.1?


version. I'm reluctant to go to 2.6 because I'd rather stay with the latest version instead of worrying about incompatibilities..

Including non-Python files with setup.py


the same level as the topmost __init__.py . I want it to stay exactly there when the package is installed regardless of operating..

How to manage local vs production settings in Django?


can override what needed in local_settings.py it should stay out of your version control then. But since you mention copying..

Does python have 'private' variables in classes?


you work at it . By the same convention the _ prefix means stay away even if you're not technically prevented from doing so...

How are you planning on handling the migration to Python 3?


term supported version of Ubuntu if they still exist and stay on schedule that will be 10.04. Personally I am guessing that..

Make Tkinter jump to the front


toplevel or tk e.g. root.lift . If you want the window to stay above all other windows use .attributes topmost True on the..

Extending the User model with custom fields in Django


inheritance code in the models API. I would definitely stay away from changing the actual User class in your Django source..

python close file descriptor question


Will the file descriptor automatically close or will it stay in the memory If the file descriptor is not closed what is the..

Python: Pass or Sleep for long running processes?


app. For the main part of the application it just needs to stay active. For a code example like while True pass or while True..

Load module from string in python


that could get modified and I don't trust my own code to stay out of the way of the code I'm trying to import. I created an..

Best method for reading newline delimited files in Python and discarding the newlines?


Python/Matplotlib - Is there a way to make a discontinuous axis?


# the diagonal lines will move accordingly and stay right at the tips # of the spines they are 'breaking' plt.show..

Python @property versus getters and setters


given attribute is an implementation detail that may not stay the same in future versions of the code. It doesn't prevent..

Flask vs webapp2 for Google App Engine


a lost cause to support GAE for the long term best is to stay close to webapp WebOb. It makes support for SDK libraries a..

Checking python module version at runtime


python module version share improve this question I'd stay away from hashing. The version of libxslt being used might contain..

Check to see if python script is running


it will automatically run as soon as it is called and then stay running. How can i check using python if my script is running..