python Programming Glossary: crawler.start
How to run Scrapy from within a Python script if spider self.crawler.queue.append_spider spider self.crawler.start self.crawler.stop queue.put self.items def crawl self spider.. Crawler Settings crawler.configure crawler.crawl spider crawler.start log.start # the script will block here From what..
Scrapy crawl from script always blocks script execution after scraping crawler.spiders.create spider_name crawler.crawl spider crawler.start log.start print It can't be printed out It works.. Crawler Settings crawler.configure crawler.crawl spider crawler.start log.start log.msg 'Running reactor...' # the script..
local variable 'servers' referenced before assignment
Locally run all of the spiders in Scrapy spider_name self.crawler.crawl spider self.crawler.start But once a spider is registered with self.crawler.crawl I get.. crawler.spiders.create spider_name crawler.crawl spider crawler.start log.start settings get_project_settings crawler Crawler settings..
Running Scrapy tasks in Python spider # start engine scrapy twisted crawler.start python scrapy share improve this question Close to Jo禱l's.. crawler.stop at the appropriate time. Later on simply call crawler.start again to resume operations. Edit in retrospect this is not possible.. item def run self self.crawler.crawl self.spider self.crawler.start self.crawler.stop self.results.put self.items # The part below..