

python Programming Glossary: co_names

How should I understand the output of dis.dis?


For LOAD_NAME and LOAD_ATTR the oparg is an index into the co_names property of the code object co.co_names 'heapq' 'nlargest' 'd'.. an index into the co_names property of the code object co.co_names 'heapq' 'nlargest' 'd' For LOAD_CONST it is an index into the..

Python function local name binding from an outer scope


new_locals co_varnames code_obj.co_varnames # Old locals co_names code_obj.co_names # Old globals co_argcount code_obj.co_argcount.. code_obj.co_varnames # Old locals co_names code_obj.co_names # Old globals co_argcount code_obj.co_argcount # Argument count.. to identify names that should be # left in code_obj.co_names. not_removed set opcode.hasname set LOAD_GLOBAL saved_names..