

python Programming Glossary: cpickle

Safety of Python 'eval' For List Deserialization


to the App Engine environment no C modules are allowed and cPickle is not allowed. python google app engine eval share improve..

PYTHONPATH vs. sys.path


when does Python allocate new memory for identical strings?


import defaultdict from copy import copy import cPickle import random import sys states dict AL Alabama AK Alaska AZ.. ids return d ids d pickle len len set map id alist len cPickle.dumps alist 0 # rough est # cf http stackoverflow.com questions..

Hitting Maximum Recursion Depth Using Python's Pickle / cPickle


Maximum Recursion Depth Using Python's Pickle cPickle The background I'm building a trie to represent a dictionary.. roughly 22 minutes . I have tried both pickle.dump and cPickle.dump with both the text and binary protocols. Each time I get..

Pickle or json?


the data with Python and a binary format is fine go with cPickle which gives you really fast Python object serialization. If..

Return a list of imported Python modules used in a script?


sre_compile _collections cStringIO _sre functools random cPickle __builtin__ subprocess cmd gc __main__ operator array select..

Why is marshal so much faster than pickle? [closed]


seems that the marshal module is about 20 30x faster than cPickle. Why is this so What functionality does cPickle offer over marshal.. than cPickle. Why is this so What functionality does cPickle offer over marshal that justifies this Another way of putting..

Python: Pickling a dict with some unpicklable items


You could start with something like this untested import cPickle def persistent_id obj if isinstance obj wxObject return filtered.. 'filtered ' return FilteredObject obj_id 9 else raise cPickle.UnpicklingError 'Invalid persistent id' def dump_filtered obj.. 'Invalid persistent id' def dump_filtered obj file p cPickle.Pickler file p.persistent_id persistent_id p.dump obj def load_filtered..

How do I serialize a Python dictionary into a string, and then back to a dictionary?


If you're just trying to save it you should use pickle or cPickle which is faster if using CPython as you probably are . import.. is faster if using CPython as you probably are . import cPickle cPickle.dumps 'foo' 'bar' dp1 nS'foo' np2 nS'bar' np3 ns. cPickle.loads.. if using CPython as you probably are . import cPickle cPickle.dumps 'foo' 'bar' dp1 nS'foo' np2 nS'bar' np3 ns. cPickle.loads..

How to save an object in Python


First it's almost always preferable to actually use the cPickle module rather than pickle because the former is written in C.. it is easy just change the import statement to this import cPickle as pickle Secondly instead of writing pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL..

Python - anyone have a memoizing decorator that can handle unhashable arguments?


Cookbook that show how to create a memoize decorator using cPickle for function that take mutable argument original version import.. that take mutable argument original version import cPickle class MemoizeMutable def __init__ self fn self.fn fn self.memo.. fn self.fn fn self.memo def __call__ self args kwds import cPickle str cPickle.dumps args 1 cPickle.dumps kwds 1 if not self.memo.has_key..

Python: how do you store a sparse matrix using python?


then how should i do this is my code import nltk import cPickle import numpy from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix from nltk.corpus.. text1 i k L.index text1 i 1 mat h k mat h k 1 matrix cPickle.dump mat f 1 text w for g in brown.categories for w in brown.words.. question that now provides code. You should not call cPickle.dump in your function. Create the sparse matrix and then dump..

How to tell for which object attribute pickle fails?


one simple example were pickle intentionally fails import cPickle as pickle import new class Test object pass def test_func self..

Storing python dictionaries


pickle share improve this question Pickle save import cPickle as pickle with open 'data.p' 'wb' as fp pickle.dump data fp..