python Programming Glossary: credentials
Authenticating against active directory using python + ldap Credentials When I mistype or intentionally use wrong credentials it fails to authenticate. ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS 'info' '80090308.. AcceptSecurityContext error data 52e vece' 'desc' 'Invalid credentials' Or ldap.OPERATIONS_ERROR 'info' '00000000 LdapErr DSID 0C090627..
i *must* store third party credentials in my database. best way? must store third party credentials in my database. best way My app must read an SSL url from a.. from a third party. How do I best store the third party credentials in my own database which protects the third party credentials.. in my own database which protects the third party credentials from being compromised Consider both absolute security and practicality...
Python urllib2 Basic Auth Problem only if it's answered with a 401 retry are the correct credentials sent. If the Foursquare servers don't do totally standard authentication..
Using Python and Mechanize to submit form data and authenticate the second index one form br.select_form nr 1 # User credentials br.form 'user' 'DUMMYUSERNAME' br.form 'passwd' 'DUMMYPASSWORD'.. the second index one form br.select_form nr 1 # User credentials br.form 'user' 'user' br.form 'passwd' 'passwd' # Login br.submit..
opening websites using urllib2 from behind corporate firewall - 11004 getaddrinfo failed the reason for error and any different ways to supply the credentials and make it work python urllib2 firewall share improve this.. opener HTTPBasicAuthHandler is used to provide credentials for the site which you are going to access and not for going..
Django: Redirect to previous page after login request.method 'POST' #create login form... if valid login credentials have been entered return HttpResponseRedirect redirect_to #.....
SQL Alchemy overriding == breaking SQLAlchemy Here is the example model class Credentials Base __tablename__ 'credentials' id Column Integer primary_key..
Authenticating against active directory using python + ldap password username gives me one of two errors Invalid Credentials When I mistype or intentionally use wrong credentials it fails..
summing up values of columns from multiple files
How to avoid 'Failed to retrieve access token: { “error” : “invalid_grant” }' in offline GAE cron tasks? 51.325 validate Got type class 'oauth2client.client.OAuth2Credentials' I 2013 06 10 05 53 51.327 URL being requested https 51.421 validate Got type class 'oauth2client.client.OAuth2Credentials' I 2013 06 10 05 53 51.421 Refreshing access_token I 2013 06.. 51.468 validate Got type class 'oauth2client.client.OAuth2Credentials' I 2013 06 10 05 53 51.471 validate Got type class 'oauth2client.client.OAuth2Credentials'..
Getting started with secure AWS CloudFront streaming with Python Go into your AWS Account page and click on the Security Credentials link. Click on the Key Pairs tab then click Create a New Key..
urllib2 HTTPPasswordMgr not working - Credentials not sent error HTTPPasswordMgr not working Credentials not sent error The following python curl call has the following..