

python Programming Glossary: cpickle.dump

Save NaiveBayes classifier to disk in Scikits learn


with open 'my_dumped_classifier.pkl' 'wb' as fid cPickle.dump gnb fid # load it again with open 'my_dumped_classifier.pkl'..

Hitting Maximum Recursion Depth Using Python's Pickle / cPickle


roughly 22 minutes . I have tried both pickle.dump and cPickle.dump with both the text and binary protocols. Each time I get a stack..

How to pickle yourself?


the fashion below. How can you do this self cPickle.load f cPickle.dump self f 2 python pickle share improve this question This..

Pickled file won't load on Mac/Linux


self.file open self.file_name 'w' cPickle.dump self.save_data self.file self.file.close Here's the open code..

Freezing a dual-mode (GUI and console) application using cx_Freeze


Python “IOError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument” when using cPickle to write large array to network drive


a numpy.zeros 8385007 print Writing i bytes... a.nbytes cPickle.dump a open 'test_a.pkl' 'wb' protocol 2 print Successfully written... b numpy.zeros 8385008 print Writing i bytes... b.nbytes cPickle.dump b open 'test_b.pkl' 'wb' protocol 2 ##Crashes on a network drive.. numpy.zeros 8385008 9 print Writing i bytes... b.nbytes 10 cPickle.dump b open 'test_b.pkl' 'wb' protocol 2 11 print Successfully written...

Python: how do you store a sparse matrix using python?


text1 i k L.index text1 i 1 mat h k mat h k 1 matrix cPickle.dump mat f 1 text w for g in brown.categories for w in brown.words.. question that now provides code. You should not call cPickle.dump in your function. Create the sparse matrix and then dump its..

ImportError: No module named copy_reg pickle


1 On a Windows PC file open test.txt w thing 'a' 1 'b' 2 cPickle.dump thing file 2 Manually insert contents of text.txt into blob..

Python: How do I write a list to file and then pull it back into memory (dict represented as a string convert to dict) later?


called pickle it is very easy to use. import cPickle cPickle.dump obj open 'save.p' 'wb' obj cPickle.load open 'save.p' 'rb' There..